Pm And Spider Mites In 5th Week Of Flower

  • Thread starter Peff
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I found it on Amazon, with 140$ shipping.. lol I think i'll have to pass

Fuckin typical... I bit the bullet an bought a bottle of monterrey garden insect spray a couple years ago before the import ban took effect. Cost me over a hundred bucks for a quart of it lol. But I haven't had thrips since so there is that.


Self-Proclaimed Don Quixote
Doesn’t have to habaneros by the way. You can use hot and i mean really hot peppers of any kind. Its the capsaicin that fucks them up and every pepper has this. Hot peppers. And garlic is toxic for spider mites too. So combination should work fine.


Doesn’t have to habaneros by the way. You can use hot and i mean really hot peppers of any kind. Its the capsaicin that fucks them up and every pepper has this. Hot peppers. And garlic is toxic for spider mites too. So combination should work fine.
Habaneros + garlic? Or Habaneros by themselves? Wondering about the combination youre speaking of


I'd be hesitant to spray garlic juice on my buds in mid flower... But that's me.

Yeah thats why Im asking if its fine in flower lol, especially with 2-3 weeks left, even pepper spray doesnt seem like the best of idea but im pretty new to growing which is why I'm looking for every ways I'm being offered, and thankful for the help lol


Self-Proclaimed Don Quixote
These organic oils will brake down under lights easily. If that was not the case we could do one spray and protect the plant for weeks but most of the organic recipes calls for many many applications.

And you can spare the buds when spraying. Just to be on the safe side as this is a contact kill spray anyway, just spray onto the mites you see. This late into flowering these are the only safe options imo.

And for pm look up uv-c or potassium bicarbonate as said. Completely non toxic.


Habaneros + garlic? Or Habaneros by themselves? Wondering about the combination youre speaking of
Hey man with the shit (bugs and PM) you're dealing with, I'd mix a good concentration of that pepper shit till my eyes were burning, either than or get a sulfur burner and use that. You've got two alternatives that you could use, pick one, good luck, Im betting you won't ever fuck up like this again (learning experience)...

Burned Haze

Green cure is like 15-25 bucks for 8 oz or you could go direct and without a fancy name (potassium bicarbonate) even on Amazon . Just look at the % and then copy application rates and make sure it does not have any other substances in it. Or just get greencure if your not down for all those extra steps/hassle ( It’s 1-2 tablespoons per gal, I would do highest rate and I’ve never seen any issues )

Remember greencure is a IPM ( non-systemic ) mold protection. It can also get you through this harvest, just like h2o2 can ( clean and not dirty)


Green cure is like 15-25 bucks for 8 oz or you could go direct and without a fancy name (potassium bicarbonate) even on Amazon . Just look at the % and then copy application rates and make sure it does not have any other substances in it. Or just get greencure if your not down for all those extra steps/hassle ( It’s 1-2 tablespoons per gal, I would do highest rate and I’ve never seen any issues )

Remember greencure is a IPM ( non-systemic ) mold protection. It can also get you through this harvest, just like h2o2 can ( clean and not dirty)
I like it! Simple and Rite to the Point!!:)


Due to a new room and new setup, things went south recently and I'm having a lot of trouble. Im in my 5th week of flowering, I've been battling mites for 2 weeks and I've spotted PM on my plants today. I'm honestly pretty lost as to what to do, as I'd rather not spray any fungicide nor pesticide this far in flower. What would you guys recommend? ( I'll post pictures in a couple hours if needed, I dont have any atm )

Those are the products I could use right away: Nova, Natria ( both fungicide ) & Bug b gone, Ambush ( pesticide )

Natria only stays for a week while Bug B gone stays for 2 weeks, so they " shouldnt " be there when I harvest but I'd rather still not, + I was told it'd make the hair turn brown.

I also got mites and PM on my outdoor plant. I found the best thing to control while it was still growing was my Neem mixture spray.

I sprayed a mixture of 1gallon warm purified water, 1/2teaspoon of dawn dish soap(original), and 2 tablespoons pure neem oil(only 100% pure neem oil) every 7-10 days.

I tried a washing method on half of the harvest and just dried the other half without washing.

Then when I harvested the flowers I washed them right after I cut them and hung them dry. here is a link to the washing process

The washing process really does make the bud taste and smoke better. I washed half of my harvest and didn't wash the other half and the washed half dried and cured perfectly! the washed half smoked way smoother and it looked way prettier. The unwashed half still dried and cured but it took longer and it smoked rougher(more coughing). I grew outdoors.

Good Luck and it isn't the end of the world. :)


The mites aren’t as hard to get rid off just get as much fresh air vented in and use lots of the above mentioned fixes like rosemary oil safer soap pyrethin but the PM is the problem as the spores spread everywhere and once you get it in a spot it’s almost impossible to get rid of it unless you gut the room remove (as in killl )affected plants and completely wash down walls and disinfect.i had pm from an infected cutting and that was the only way I beat it .


Good luck!

Make sure you take the time to disinfect your room/tent and equipment before you start again or you better figure out a guaranteed treatment.

Ventilation adjustments may be needed to the environment for the future.


This thread blows my mind. Frankly, after the pictures, I'm astonished there are any recommendations here other than startthefuckover. Garlic and peppers? That'll make for some super smooth and great tasting bud... It's not giving up too easy, it's surrendering to reality. You can throw all your cash and all your time at the problem, working it like a full-time non-union job in a Chinese factory, but the result is never going to be worth it (but it will smell like Uncle Guido's breath after Sunday dinner).

Maybe I'll catch flak for this, but the truth shall set you free... This late in flower, anything on your buds is going to end up in your body. That means mites, mildew, and whatever you might add to combat either one. Ever inhale capsaicin? Good times. Not to mention the stress brought on by both the infestation and the treatment.

Dumping a crop at week 5 or 6 can be a difficult and painful decision for some people. Nobody wants to lose that 5 or 6 weeks. For others, it's an easy call, because experience teaches us eventually, that trying to save the crop from that sort of infestation, generally means 8-10 wks lost instead.


This thread blows my mind. Frankly, after the pictures, I'm astonished there are any recommendations here other than startthefuckover. Garlic and peppers? That'll make for some super smooth and great tasting bud... It's not giving up too easy, it's surrendering to reality. You can throw all your cash and all your time at the problem, working it like a full-time non-union job in a Chinese factory, but the result is never going to be worth it (but it will smell like Uncle Guido's breath after Sunday dinner).

Maybe I'll catch flak for this, but the truth shall set you free... This late in flower, anything on your buds is going to end up in your body. That means mites, mildew, and whatever you might add to combat either one. Ever inhale capsaicin? Good times. Not to mention the stress brought on by both the infestation and the treatment.

Dumping a crop at week 5 or 6 can be a difficult and painful decision for some people. Nobody wants to lose that 5 or 6 weeks. For others, it's an easy call, because experience teaches us eventually, that trying to save the crop from that sort of infestation, generally means 8-10 wks lost instead.
That’s why I said to kill the plants and clean the room


This thread blows my mind. Frankly, after the pictures, I'm astonished there are any recommendations here other than startthefuckover. Garlic and peppers? That'll make for some super smooth and great tasting bud... It's not giving up too easy, it's surrendering to reality. You can throw all your cash and all your time at the problem, working it like a full-time non-union job in a Chinese factory, but the result is never going to be worth it (but it will smell like Uncle Guido's breath after Sunday dinner).

Maybe I'll catch flak for this, but the truth shall set you free... This late in flower, anything on your buds is going to end up in your body. That means mites, mildew, and whatever you might add to combat either one. Ever inhale capsaicin? Good times. Not to mention the stress brought on by both the infestation and the treatment.

Dumping a crop at week 5 or 6 can be a difficult and painful decision for some people. Nobody wants to lose that 5 or 6 weeks. For others, it's an easy call, because experience teaches us eventually, that trying to save the crop from that sort of infestation, generally means 8-10 wks lost instead.
Give up to easy, always a way to protect your grow in a natural way, just got to give it a effort


Give up to easy, always a way to protect your grow in a natural way, just got to give it a effort
^^^ this. There is certainly always a way to protect your grow. These battles are not hard to win, but the "fighting" takes place before the infestation occurs. It's measures taken, and decisions made from the beginning that have the greatest impact on any crops success, failure, or degree of either one.

By far, the single most effective step any home-grower can take to prevent a spider mite infestation, is to stop bringing in dirty clones of whatever flavor's en-vogue at the time. They're not living in your basement, waiting for you to bring some Cannabis into their lives. Easy to avoid, as difficult as their reputation suggests to eradicate.
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