Root Aphids, Fungus Gnats, and other fun bugs (ID PICS)

  • Thread starter We Solidarity
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Nice thread We Solidarity. I just posted this on Coir's Mites thread, but I am desperate for answers. Perhaps I can get a little help here identifying some critters in my garden. I have been growing for about a year, so I am fairly green. I haven't had to deal with pests before and I am mighty freaked out about these little creepy crawlers I have been finding. I grow in coco and air pots. About a week ago when I went to remove some dead leaves that had dropped off the plant into the pots I noticed tiny little specs moving all over it. I busted out my 30x handscope and threw the leaves on a small tray. Sprayed the dead leaves with rubbing alcohol to kill the little bastards for a closer look. They moved pretty fast when they were alive so I needed to slow them down. They were very small, so at 30x it was still hard to make out the details. I took some pics anyways and headed up to the local grow store for some advice. I was told they were most likely root aphids, so I went home and cried in a dark room. Not really, but that is what I felt like doing. Instead I sucked it up, threw out some yellow sticky traps, and prepared to wage war. Knowing your enemy is keen in battle, so I decided before I started to make sure I properly identify these creepy crawlers. I dug out my other handscope with 100x magnification and went on a bug hunt. I started with the plant I found them in. I cut open the side of the 3g bag to look at the roots. I couldn't really see any on the roots, but I noticed they were crawling all over the bottom of the bag on the outside. They were really hard to see with the naked eye. I had to get a bright light and put my face inches away to even see them, and then it was only their movement that made me aware of them. I went back into the veg room and looked at the bottom of all the other pots, and sure enough, there they were. On every pot. Crawling around the bottoms, underside, and in the drainage trays. I don't really see them on the plants at all. I haven't notice anything too out of the ordinary with my plants. They look healthy except for a slight leaf curl on some fan leaves, the serrated part of the leaf edge is folded up. Upon closer inspection they appear to be some sort of mite. I will post the best pic I have of them. Please help me identify them so I can take the proper action.
20140918 094044


Nice thread We Solidarity. I just posted this on Coir's Mites thread, but I am desperate for answers. Perhaps I can get a little help here identifying some critters in my garden. I have been growing for about a year, so I am fairly green. I haven't had to deal with pests before and I am mighty freaked out about these little creepy crawlers I have been finding. I grow in coco and air pots. About a week ago when I went to remove some dead leaves that had dropped off the plant into the pots I noticed tiny little specs moving all over it. I busted out my 30x handscope and threw the leaves on a small tray. Sprayed the dead leaves with rubbing alcohol to kill the little bastards for a closer look. They moved pretty fast when they were alive so I needed to slow them down. They were very small, so at 30x it was still hard to make out the details. I took some pics anyways and headed up to the local grow store for some advice. I was told they were most likely root aphids, so I went home and cried in a dark room. Not really, but that is what I felt like doing. Instead I sucked it up, threw out some yellow sticky traps, and prepared to wage war. Knowing your enemy is keen in battle, so I decided before I started to make sure I properly identify these creepy crawlers. I dug out my other handscope with 100x magnification and went on a bug hunt. I started with the plant I found them in. I cut open the side of the 3g bag to look at the roots. I couldn't really see any on the roots, but I noticed they were crawling all over the bottom of the bag on the outside. They were really hard to see with the naked eye. I had to get a bright light and put my face inches away to even see them, and then it was only their movement that made me aware of them. I went back into the veg room and looked at the bottom of all the other pots, and sure enough, there they were. On every pot. Crawling around the bottoms, underside, and in the drainage trays. I don't really see them on the plants at all. I haven't notice anything too out of the ordinary with my plants. They look healthy except for a slight leaf curl on some fan leaves, the serrated part of the leaf edge is folded up. Upon closer inspection they appear to be some sort of mite. I will post the best pic I have of them. Please help me identify them so I can take the proper action.

Dude, first all don't worry. Everyone you ask or talk to always says oh yeah your fucked and have aphids, I learned it is a bunch of shit. chances are its not that bad, based on how small they are hopefully, and most probably they are springtails. I lost almost a year of my life and a whole crop that I took down because everyone was so sure I had aphids. Stop treating your plants until you are absolutely certain what you have. If they are springtails don't trip, don't do anything and don't worry. Just let them be. Otherwise maybe fungus gnats or thrips, all easily treatable. Don't worry tho, the average internet grower will always say by default "your fucked, destroy everything, burn your house down, kill your family, move away and take 5 years off from growing and maybe they will be gone" bunch a fucking jagoffs, don't worry, find out what you have and treat accordingly. I have had a lot of experience and it does not sound like you have aphids. BTW any plant deformation I had was from trying to treat the bugs, so find out what you have for sure, draw your own opinion and treat accordingly.


Thanks for the feedback doubleup and ShroomKing. I didn't want to go apeshit over nothing, which to be honest was my first reaction. Especially after talking to the growshop guy and his experience with root aphids. I had a feeling they weren't root aphids from my internet searches, so I have been searching everthing I can on all types of mites. I had been hoping they were some sort of beneficial mite, but needed a more experienced opinion or two.


Nice thread We Solidarity. I just posted this on Coir's Mites thread, but I am desperate for answers. Perhaps I can get a little help here identifying some critters in my garden. I have been growing for about a year, so I am fairly green. I haven't had to deal with pests before and I am mighty freaked out about these little creepy crawlers I have been finding. I grow in coco and air pots. About a week ago when I went to remove some dead leaves that had dropped off the plant into the pots I noticed tiny little specs moving all over it. I busted out my 30x handscope and threw the leaves on a small tray. Sprayed the dead leaves with rubbing alcohol to kill the little bastards for a closer look. They moved pretty fast when they were alive so I needed to slow them down. They were very small, so at 30x it was still hard to make out the details. I took some pics anyways and headed up to the local grow store for some advice. I was told they were most likely root aphids, so I went home and cried in a dark room. Not really, but that is what I felt like doing. Instead I sucked it up, threw out some yellow sticky traps, and prepared to wage war. Knowing your enemy is keen in battle, so I decided before I started to make sure I properly identify these creepy crawlers. I dug out my other handscope with 100x magnification and went on a bug hunt. I started with the plant I found them in. I cut open the side of the 3g bag to look at the roots. I couldn't really see any on the roots, but I noticed they were crawling all over the bottom of the bag on the outside. They were really hard to see with the naked eye. I had to get a bright light and put my face inches away to even see them, and then it was only their movement that made me aware of them. I went back into the veg room and looked at the bottom of all the other pots, and sure enough, there they were. On every pot. Crawling around the bottoms, underside, and in the drainage trays. I don't really see them on the plants at all. I haven't notice anything too out of the ordinary with my plants. They look healthy except for a slight leaf curl on some fan leaves, the serrated part of the leaf edge is folded up. Upon closer inspection they appear to be some sort of mite. I will post the best pic I have of them. Please help me identify them so I can take the proper action.
Solid advice from the other posters above me... but on a side note, they are likely not specifically H. Miles, as H. Miles are far more discernible with the naked eye than what you've described. Your critters are likely just a random beneficial mite/fungus eater, very closely related to H. Miles. They can... stress on the word can... sometimes be an indication that your plants could be harboring either root rot or some other bad bacteria, but I honestly wouldn't stress too much. They are quite likely present just because of a habitable environment, not because they are herbivores :)

So you can rest your mind, I know how stressful it can be thinking you have a serious problem on hand... it can really get to you at times.

BTW, fuck growshops and their dumbass employees. I overhear some of the most ridiculous conversations sometimes... I just bite my tongue now.

Good luck!


Any large population of insects is a problem.
My image of a predator mite has projecting mouth parts.
Reviewing pic; just can't tell.
But what are they feeding and breeding on?
I'd hit them with a 50% isopropyl spray to bring their numbers down.
And stay alert.
Good luck.


solidarity can I take a few fan pics for the thread for identification purposes and educational as well?


Nasties 001
Nasties 002
Nasties 003
Nasties 004
Nasties 005
Nasties 006
Veg state ladies that had one from outside broughtin by my wife unknowingly bringing these nasty bastads into the garden. I am all ears. I took the both sides pics to illustrate the damage, and then the larvae that hang underneath lil bastads!
We Solidarity

We Solidarity

View attachment 442761 View attachment 442762 View attachment 442763 View attachment 442764 View attachment 442765 View attachment 442766 Veg state ladies that had one from outside broughtin by my wife unknowingly bringing these nasty bastads into the garden. I am all ears. I took the both sides pics to illustrate the damage, and then the larvae that hang underneath lil bastads!


easy to get rid of with some monterey garden spray (spinosad) or compost tea, or a mixture of both.


thankyou sir, as you can see im learning how to get these cameras user friendly finally!


Hi to all. Excellent thread. Really useful.

I am having problems. I supposed can be fungus gnats.. but i will thank you to tell me your opinion. Tomorrow i will try to have pic of the insects in indoor room.



so solidarity......went to my local shop and they had neither spinosad nor stylet oil, they were trying to tempt me on predatory mites that they normally only order in sizes for greenhoueses? Can i have your insight please? should i just amazon the spinosad? or are the pred mites worthy? Never had these issues before so id love good insight.
We Solidarity

We Solidarity

so solidarity......went to my local shop and they had neither spinosad nor stylet oil, they were trying to tempt me on predatory mites that they normally only order in sizes for greenhoueses? Can i have your insight please? should i just amazon the spinosad? or are the pred mites worthy? Never had these issues before so id love good insight.

See if home depot still has it in stock this late in the season...ask for Monterey insect spray. Or just amazon it


I am here to diagnose some fuckery. I have had what I thought was fungus gnats buzzing around for a couple grows. They don't seem to do much harm so aside from setting sticky traps, I haven't paid them much attention.

I have some babies in week 2 of veg that are drooping a little more than I would like. This is my first time working with this strain so I'm not sure if it's to be expected. In any case, I begin looking into potential pests and freak out when I discover I may have root aphids.

I sliced some potatoes and placed them on my soil last night. The following photos are what I found today.


Living dead girl
I am here to diagnose some fuckery. I have had what I thought was fungus gnats buzzing around for a couple grows. They don't seem to do much harm so aside from setting sticky traps, I haven't paid them much attention.

I have some babies in week 2 of veg that are drooping a little more than I would like. This is my first time working with this strain so I'm not sure if it's to be expected. In any case, I begin looking into potential pests and freak out when I discover I may have root aphids.

I sliced some potatoes and placed them on my soil last night. The following photos are what I found today.





Hi bigdog. You need to upload those photos directly to the farm, we don't allow hotlinking here. :)


My Lumps My Lumps My Lovely Lady OMG I Have lady lumps Someone help me i can post a picture. My one off strain has these huge lumps growing on the stems it almost looks like if you cut a huge cutting and put it in a cloner and trying to put on a tap root from the stalk WTF is that shit iv seen thrips and this is not it I had another plant that has yellow house fungus (has been removed not showing the same sings) but I hear that does no damage and I wonder if it actually does to my girls and this one is affected but has not shown signs of the botanical fungus yet

20141025 061051

Note I pulled all the really bad looking stuff of the other day this was all I could find to show but it gets big and white "NOTICE THE BROWN LINE ON THE MAIN STEM"????
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