russet mites

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Savage Henry

Savage Henry

Guys, can you rotate to brake the multiple sprays per year rule with Conserve?
Iv used it 3x already but have mixed in Nukem and others.

Does it take jsut one other spray before I can spray Conserve SC again?

I'm pretty sure it doesn't work that way, the generations of mites you're seeing after spraying the conserve are the ones resistant to it. The label says to lay off because it takes several subsequent generations to breed out the majority reaistant bugs.

Or at least that's how I understand it. I beleive @Purpletrain has a pesticide applicators license, he may be able to explain resistance management further.

Edit: also, conserve ac doesn't appear to be labeled for control of tarsenomid mites.
The Humanure

The Humanure

If youre battling russet mites then you should get some met 52.

Hi Im in mid flower will Met52 burn or damage? I picked up the last 32 oz bottle of met52. Good until November, kept inside. Its LIQUID and no one will tell me how to mix it because its monsanto. Iv been flamed out of every web forum last week.
Savage Henry

Savage Henry

The label instructions should be adequate. Most pesticides have a note on the label advising to test the spray on a small area to gauge any phytotoxicity that may occur.

FYI, the met is in a petroleum distillate carrier, not sure if you want that residue on your flowers. Perhaps consider a couple weekly applications of fallacis predator mites, but it may not be worth the expense depending on how lon you have left.

Also, to continue my previous post:
Here's an image from an article about resistance management:

And here's the link:
The Humanure

The Humanure

Well its just ONE plant. Last thing I want is to brown up my flowers with to much Nukem.
Iv noticed it can brown pistols but they grow back. I use the low dose

Billions of dead mites, 4 or 5 living ones.

I just mixed up THIRTY gallons of Big time exterminator and PH to 5.6
To use on my weekly spray for my healthy plants.


Your absolutely right its like taking aspirin for a headache half of one would do the job after 2 - 3 rd time you need full apsirin before you know it your popping them like candies and you still have a headache ...
same thing applies with resistance with pesticides and herbicides pathogens in plants become resistant to it there fore plants do in fact become resistant ..
As for pesticides its rather really important you choose course of action wisely
this is why Yes Even organic gardeners contrary to popular belief use chemical pesticides liberally the problem is...
Repeated use of the same class of pesticides to control a pest can cause undesirable changes in the gene pool of a pest leading to another form of artificial selection, pesticide resistance. When a pesticide is first used, a small proportion of the pest population may survive exposure to the material due to their distinct genetic makeup. These individuals pass along the genes for resistance to the next generation. Subsequent uses of the pesticide increase the proportion of less-susceptible individuals in the population. Through this process of selection, the population gradually develops resistance to the pesticide. for instance The two spotted spider mite is a pest of most fruit crops and is notorious for rapidly developing resistance to miticides.
The super bug is not a fairy tale its as true as evolution and how we all change
The Humanure

The Humanure

That and I have russets on some parts of one plant.

May Spray with XXX
June 6 Conserve SC at 3 mill
June 17th Conserve SC 3 mil with XXX
June 30th XXX/XXX
July: 15th Big time exterminator,.
July: 30th Conserves SC 3mil
August 9th, XXX 1/4th TSP and XXXX
August 29th XXX and XXX
Sept 5th Big time 40 mil a gallon
September 12th 5 mil conserve SC

NOTHING ALIVE but the one plant that was skipped over. No one remembered every spraying it because it was hard to get to, jammed in the corner.

No leaf damage on healthy plants. Full bud development even on the sick one. They got the tops.

Thank you for the valuable info.
The Humanure

The Humanure

yeah it was like a little fucking tunnel, the small plant was gobbled up my two 13 foot tall FORTY foot around monsters.
We taped it off at FORTY FEET around. So the little plant was just hidden. Not until I actually crawled on my hands and knees did I see that the plant was half browned out from bug damage. I cut the plant damage off the colas were perfect because they could spray the tops!


Someone's getting fired...
lol its amazing when we are the culprit of creating a super bug
hate to say it and sure to raise alarms but fuck it organic or not when infestation occurs i use chem end of story goal is to kill them all first try if not i hit them with a harder class to make sure there DEAD and why because

Selection for resistance can occur if a small proportion of the insect population is able to survive treatment with insecticide. These rare resistant individuals can reproduce and pass on their resistance to the offspring. If an insecticide with the same mode of action is repeatedly used against this population, an even greater proportion will survive. Ultimately, the once-effective product no longer controls the resistant population.
That is why we are having issues today for many growers they get that tree hugger mentality. thinking there going to rid there problem with 10 applications of organic pesticides it never has and never will its only a means of controlling them by the time 3rd gen is there your feeding now lol
The Humanure

The Humanure

Thanks, Big time exterminator I believe is not able to make them immune because it attacks their bodies with Potassium sorbate and chitiniase.

I believe today my test spray caused them pretty much all to die.

Russets are easy to kill, but impossible to keep killed.
The Humanure

The Humanure

Im reading Conserve sc can be used up to 6 times. iv used it 4x so ima go for it again!


Actually have a big snowy owl that hangs on a post by me she is a beauty sad thing is owls are also on the decline there a sight to see i say wipe your ass with a gopher
The Humanure

The Humanure

Hi, I noticed slight pistol burning on my buds sprayed with big time exterminator.
Is it fact they will grow back again and again? Iv sprayed before and all new growth curled up.
I forget what I was told about spraying buds and pistol hairs getting slightly toasted. Not shrunk! just tad burn.

and they grow back again and again? I have 30 days left!
The Humanure

The Humanure

to late to edit, Ok this is super macro on a 15 meg lens. It actually looks ok close up to show more detail makes it look crazy.

Was sprayed "overly hard" to get an idea of what I was facing with spraying buds.

Again this is a test plant no bugs at all! But we did have them and they are lurking! I seen a few but they looked dying.

I have 30 days till harvest
sorry for being insane.

and im going crazy, !

This techno music is not helping my stress levels!
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Savage Henry

Savage Henry

I'd assume they'll grow out of it, has worked that way for me before, albeit with a different spray and a different strain.


Hi Im in mid flower will Met52 burn or damage? I picked up the last 32 oz bottle of met52. Good until November, kept inside. Its LIQUID and no one will tell me how to mix it because its monsanto. Iv been flamed out of every web forum last week.
I use 1 tablespoon per gallon of water. I mix it with distilled water , shake it real good. Do not ph water. I spray top an bottom of leafs an even the top of the soil. It will not burn the plants but spray when the sun has went down. I will take pictures of the plant the I've been using it on, to show others that met 52 works and you don't have to worry about resistance. I'll upload pictures in the morning.


The label instructions should be adequate. Most pesticides have a note on the label advising to test the spray on a small area to gauge any phytotoxicity that may occur.

FYI, the met is in a petroleum distillate carrier, not sure if you want that residue on your flowers. Perhaps consider a couple weekly applications of fallacis predator mites, but it may not be worth the expense depending on how lon you have left.

Also, to continue my previous post:
Here's an image from an article about resistance management:
View attachment 634681
And here's the link:
So , you wouldn't use met 52 in flowering or to late in flowering? ??
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