Satori & Cheese In Roots Organics Under 2x 300w Led

  • Thread starter AlaskaJeff
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So, little bit of activity over last two days. Have decided to re-pot in the next 3-4 days, so needed to make prep for that, which consisted of rearranging tables and inserting a 26x14", wire-steel grate over the tables to allow use of the entire "floorspace" by essentially creating a false floor. In the cavity will be the "environmental control heating-unit" and fresh-air inlet. It eats up head room ultimately, but it solves the dilemma of how I was going to share 4-6 3gal. root pouch planters and the space heater or ECH-U :) (it's there so the plants don't catch cold, heh, heh). I'll now have ~50" or 1.5m of usable grow height.

Went to a 20/4 light cycle as of 06 April.

Cheese 2 and Satori 5 have received two waterings over last 72 hrs. Ea. ~3-4oz
All plants received ~4-5oz water 07 April. Temp holding steady throughout day around 72, so happy. But, did see a low temp was achieved over night of 52, so... Maybe nothing as the plants look great. :)

All plants have started to show or have outright growing their second sets of leaves. They look good.


You dont need to repot until you look between the cup and dirt and see lots of white roots, my guess would be at least another month.


Premium Member
Satori likes to grow rootz. Dont let her get rootbound/locked. Be sure to put her in final shoes while still in veg. Then keep her in veg for at least 6 -8 weeks if you can......... She isnt really picky per se she is in my mind a easy strain to grow. She is NOT a nute hog. Dont force her. Keep nutes in the mid too low range and truth be known if you have a well amended substrate you may not have to feed at all until later flower..........

I've run this strain 3 times and love the shit out of it........... East gurl to please and she pays back in spades when grown well. :smoking::fire:


Consulted with the local garden shop and two things; finally found a garden shop guy I feel like I can trust and who is not blowing me off because I'm not starting a potentially large grow (all the legal grows are getting set up now to start running this May) and he also agreed that getting them out of the dixie cups sooner rather than later was a good idea, but to wait a bit until their root structures are more developed. Seems to be the majority opinion :)

Keep nutes in the mid too low range and truth be known if you have a well amended substrate you may not have to feed at all until later flower

First off, Thanks for reading! Talking with garden shop guy about this. His idea is to mix the Roots 707 I'm using with Fox Farm. Everyone who's grown a nute sensitive strain I've talked to agrees that Fox Farm alone can be too hot, but the idea of mixing it half/half with the Roots would make it good enough to take late into flower nute free.(?)

Gave ~2oz of pro-biotic enzyme (mychoorzae ?) mix to each plant to boost root development. Of course I overwatered and Satori 7 promptly told me so and that I'm a dumbass who should have waited another day or two. I haven't looked since yesterday and I'm afraid to, but I think she'll pull out. Hope for the best :) Temps holding steady in the mid-upper 70's.


Transplanted today. All were showing good bundles of roots at the bottoms of the cups and looked healthy, so figured it was time. All treated to small amount of mycho and watered. Bumped up the temp a bit and here shortly will see what it's evened out at. I think they're all looking fairly well albeit bit overwatered looking here maybe? Cheers!


So, wrap up today's activities: Transplanted 2 cheese and 4 satori into 3 gallon smart planters. All except satori 6 were transplanted into a mix of roots organics and fox farm ocean forest. Satori 6 (the sad looking overwatered one) transplanted into strait Roots organics 707. I didn't want to stress this one out as I understand fox farm to be quite a bit more "hot" with nutes vs. the roots organics. I could tell an immediate difference between the two soils. The roots was more "dirt" like in color and overall smell and texture vs. the fox farm which was pitch black in color and more pronounced in smell. Will be looking forward to charting the differences.

All plants received a fair amount of water both before (except Sat6) and after transplanting, though nothing that soaked all the way through the pot or drenched the soil. When transplanting, I was very disciplined in not touching the roots that had gathered up at the bottom's on the cups. I also built up a fair amount of soil around the plant stems. There's actually a good inch of stem that was showing when the plants were in the cups right before transplanting. Didn't pack the soil in a great deal, relied on dropping the planter an inch or two to the ground to settle the soil more than anything. All the plants are in roughly the same developmental state. Their main leaves all measured about the width of the cup opening before replanting (3-3.5" wide) and each stood ~3" tall. Hoping to open up the closet in two days to find them all growing gangbusters!


Plants like having the root ball gently squeezed and broken apart when transplanting, it stimulates new root growth and helps oxygenate the roots.


Plants like having the root ball gently squeezed and broken apart when transplanting, it stimulates new root growth and helps oxygenate the roots.
Yeah, it's funny because I tried NOT to do that as best I could as it kinda freaked me out that I was handling the roots to begin with. But, can definitely see what you're talking about. And, after looking in on them today, you are more right than ever. They absolutely took off, though I still have one the looks over watered. I don't know what it truly is though as it was dry as a bone in there and all plants required ~8 oz of water. Actually, got on here to see what others are doing regarding watering amount for a 3 gallon smart pot. Thanks for the obs!


Day 13: Gave all plants a good misting with my new water sprayer, made 'special for pot leaf spraying. They seemed to like it :) Wet the top 1/4" of soil to damp to settle it a bit also. Noticed one of the plants was bit loose in it's planter is why I did that. Rigged up (literally) my fan, a tower fan, so that now it sits on its side and draws air up from below, opposite side of the air inlet, I might add. I did my pics before I rigged the fan, so I don't have pics of the fan yet. Needless to say, it'll work for now and is an improvement from before. One bonus is that now it is spreading the air more evenly across the tops of the planters.

The pics are in order of the plants; pics 1 & 2 are Dinafem cheese and then Satori 4-7. I've yet to change the numbering to reflect Satori 3's non-germ.


One thing I'm noticing now is how Satori 4-6 are afflicted by that "clawing" of the bottom fan leaves. It's really pronounced in Satori 6. I thought it was sign of overwatering, but I've let them all dry out a bit since repotting. Gave them ~6-8oz yesterday around the edges because the dirt had pulled away quite a bit. But, other than that nothing but the spray today. ?

On another note; eyeball test out there and looking at pics makes me believe Cheese 1 and Satori 7 are the healthiest looking of the bunch. ? Any takers? I am very interested in what anyone has to offer :)


Day 14 notes and pics. Dry and cool, 20% & 64f. Probably not ideal, but the plants don't seem to mind too much. ? The therm recorded high of 90 and low of 62 reached in last 18hrs. Yeah. Have spoken to other gardner who did the shed thing for 8 years and he said he saw similar swings, but still grew some good stuff and I'm sure some of you guys from Alaska forum probably could back him up too. On to pics.

Pics are Cheese 1 &2, Satori 4,6-7. Skipped 5 for some reason. And last is the fan set up.


Day 14 final notes: Switched light cycle so now is 18/6 (off @ 1am, on @ 7am). I believe I could see appreciable growth just today, think they're getting ready to go gangbusters. :)


Premium Member
Plants like having the root ball gently squeezed and broken apart when transplanting, it stimulates new root growth and helps oxygenate the roots.
@3N1GM4 is correct about what old master gardeners call "tickling your roots". :cool: Many people tend to treat cannabis with kid gloves when it comes to roots. No need to worry especially when you have a rootbound condition. Gently squeeze and pull at the bottom and sides of the rootball as mentioned it frees them up a bit from the tangle and will spur new growth. Be gentle and all will be well. I tickle my roots with all my transplants and have NEVER had an adverse reaction. :smoking:


@3N1GM4 is correct about what old master gardeners call "tickling your roots". :cool:

Funny, I was thinking something similar as I moved the plants around today due to the cloth pots and my somewhat dry conditions. My instinct told me that the roots were getting a good amount of air by moving the pots around and the action was kinda massaging the roots also. Thanks for the comments :)

Day 15: Ea. plant received ~32oz water. Dry and cool in the closet this morning again. Turned the temp up a bit and built a "heat exchanger" as again saw mighty fluctuation in temps with low of 54 and high of 90 seen in last 18hrs. Turned the fan down to lowest setting. Still seeing and feeling strong circulation on opposite side of closet and want to see if it allows plants to hold water better. Maybe help regulate the temps better too, who knows?

Built a heat exchanger of reflective tape. Kinda "tunnel" the air from the heater onto the adjacent wall/corner and better, directly onto a corner section of the incoming air tunnel. I theorize this will allow the heater to build up a good amount of heat in this area and transfer it to the incoming air. We'll see and hopefully I don't burn my shed down. :)

Plants all looked really good showing at least two internodes (I believe) and with a spread of 9-10" on couple bigger plants. It gives me some sense of relief to see they're doing so seemingly well in spite of the temp fluctuations. I've been doing some research and theorize that if I continue to see these wide fluctuations I'll see possibly increased rate of hermies, definite increased risk for PM and definitely lower overall yields. I've mitigated the PM risk with UV light on the grow-light and maybe mitigated the hermie risk some by using a sativa with strong landrace genetics that is used to high temps and low humidity. ?

I'll post pics of my heat exchanger and the plants in next couple. Worked my ass of burying the 75' of extension cord (heavy duty construction one) used to power the shed and closet. Position improvement sure can suck and certainly never ends, Yeah! :)


Well, being the fiddler I am I had to go and check the closet enviro. Not bad. The temp was 70 with a low of 65 and a high of 75. Being the fiddler I am, I turned the heat thermosister or whatever, up a bit. See in the morrow. :)


I've run this strain 3 times and love the shit out of it........... East gurl to please and she pays back in spades when grown well.

Teach me. My mind becomes frozen when I think of canopy management, especially with the 2 cheese. I almost hope I only have 2 Satori go fem and then be able to dedicate one LED on the Satori and one on the cheese. Shitty attitude, but if it did work that way I'd do something like LST on the cheese and let the satori grow and then lollipop around day 28, then week or two later look to go into veg.
But then I'd have to start LST on the cheese like in the next few days, right? I could top right now from what I see.
Now looking at Mandala web grow guide it lists satori as good for LST. LST both?


Day 16: Ea plant received ~40oz water. Enviro looked best it has. Low was 50, but the high was only 79 and when I opened her up it was 72 and felt like that's where it had been most of the time. I, of course, bumped it up a bit to see where it would take it. Also improved the "heat exchanger" area and tidied up a bit.

Right now my thinking is LST for both varieties and starting on Monday. Make sense? Maximize my yield and is what I went into this with as the strategy for canopy management. I just start to second guess myself when I interject with variables such as the narrowness of the LED light sets (only the inner and less massive buds are getting really good light?) and whether my closet has the horizontal capacity. I don't know. LST is the way I'm going unless I can hear or find something that just says "NO".

Pics are Cheese 1 overhead and side, cheese 2, satori 4-7 and then satori 7 sideshots. Followed by the heat exchanger and couple of grow shots. Enjoy.


Day 17 notes: Opened up shop early today. Watered ea. plant what has been the norm of ~32oz though I sense that I will not need to water tomorrow. I'm thinking soil is beginning to reach saturation and really watered just to disprove as hope I'm wrong (are cloth pots after all). In any event, I'm not watering tomorrow unless it just screams "water me" and in the meantime have plans to amend a possible water logging issue and the enviro.

Going to box in the lower portion of the closet using the small, white tables as the frame, leaving it open on the left side to allow air up from there. Will create a "hot box" essentially with air feeding in on the right side of the box and exiting through the left side, drawn up by the fans. I'll put plywood over the top creating a flat, level surface for the planters to sit on and use the drip trays so that I can water properly to achieve some runoff, which I have not been able to do. Bottom line, I have to create a more stable enviro. Had low of 52 and high of 86 in last 18hrs. and was 70 when opened even after I've bumped up the thermo twice in last 2 days.
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