Sb 5052 - What The Hell Just Happened?

  • Thread starter tweedy
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Appropriately named Evilotto is way out of line and your blanket assessment of the work of the MMJ Community proves you have no knowledge of reality.
I have run a "rotating patient collective garden," for decades and I assure you I'm the Solution not the problem.

You can call me an asshole if you want to but my little 6 light grow has supported HUNDREDS of cancer patients over the years and I still have a full roster today.
When a patient in need in Washington State goes on the internet and needs help, I'm the one to answer, I always have and I always will.

I've been to more funerals of friends and patients who needed help than I can even count and even been made the executor of the estate of half a dozen of them.
Every item from every patient went right back to the people who most needed it from TV's to extra gear, you name it, I've made sure it got back into the right hands.

The price? If you're able to pay it's $7/gram, if you're indigent which many patients are, it's free. As far as the "Money being good", I have no savings, my bills are paid and I handle things the proper way they should be in the spirit of the right thing. You can call me an asshole if you want to because you just don't know, but my friends and the patients I help call me Demo. Because I demonstrate and lead by example.
Because I know some very good people/growers that have gone 502, I've always tried to show that crowd the respect even going as far as helping a number of you 502 growers get set up in proper gear.

As far as your comment about "It's all about the money, and everything else is just shit we say to make ourselves feel better or in control". That may be true for the people you know, but for the real folks on the ground and who do this for the love of the plant and the desire to help those in real need, we're not accepting your assessment. Call us outlaws or illegal if you want to, I don't care, but while the real greedy 502 crowd works to shut down people like me who actually really help patients, we are still giving daily. I have no intention of joining any list or changing my program. How much material has ANY 502 store given to REAL cancer patients in need? I won't even try to shock you with the actual numbers from me.

I have in my possession a 40 page contract from a 502 project offering me a build up to $200K a year to build out and maintain a tier 3 50K SF grow. I said no because in the contract it specified that I would no longer be allowed to help my patients, what was I going to do? Tell them they can't have the materials they use to save their lives because I want a bank account? Never going to happen. I don't want or keep any money because in my experience it will always be stolen anyway, I'm happy and satisfied with a half tank of gas, and I sleep well at night with nothing to show in the way of riches to worry me.

Like Thunder said, neither myself, or my patients or anyone I know will ever go to your store.
I spent 1000 days in San Quentin for helping people when it was illegal to do so, old habits die hard.
Ironically that was between 1994 and 1997 and when I got out for growing a plant, it was finally legal to.
I hope I don't have to face such legal challenges in the future for doing the right thing, But I'm prepared.
There isn't a courtroom in the state that could fit just the patients we've been able to help in the last 5 years.

I fully agree with @@smokie, and @@jumpincactus!! you guys rock and keep it real.

The world needs more growers like you brother. Thank you for everything you do; keep it up.


@Effendi you rock,you understand what medical is all about.people with real faces and real problems,that need real help,help they won't have anymore.once youre given this gift,it doesn't go away.I have no problem with anyone getting a bag from whomever.patients and profits cannot be lumped together though.greed and love can never sleep in the same bed.@Evilotto you literally have no helpful posts on this site,your name and attitude tell me youre just here to show everybody your new clean legal weed suit and bang your chest at us.that tells me a few things,you're not here to contribute past being a one inch prick,and your associates are probably tired of your mouth and that's why you surfaced here.I wish you luck on making your millions,and thankyou @logic for the ignore button.


Cannabis should be no different than growing tomatoes in our gardens. We should be allowed to grow our own medicine without restriction. Commercial has it's place; I'm sure a significant number of cannabis users in Washington would rather be able to walk into a store to buy their herb. This doesn't mean we shouldn't be allowed to grow our own if we wish. People are allowed to brew their own beer, why shouldn't we be allowed to grow our own cannabis? With all the cannabis tourism that will be flooding Washington, I'm quite certain the government isn't losing much on those of us who grow for medical reasons.

Not all patients are able to grow their own medicine, restricting medical growing forces medical patients to purchase their medicine at recreational prices; many of these patients are on a fixed income and can't afford recreational prices. Cannabis being illegal federally means that no health insurance company is going to help these patients buy their medicine at those prices either. Many of these patients require enough medicine that growing really is the only sensible option for them. I can't imagine having to pay $10+/g if I required a significant amount of medication. Good guys like @Effendi realize this, and patients are damn lucky that people like him exist in our community. Luckily there are quite a few medical growers with the same mentality.

I mentioned earlier that I grow for my wife and myself; we grow because we love it. The only time money ever came into our conversations about growing was when we talked about how much money we've saved by growing our own. I love seeing my wife sitting next to me trimming bud on the couch while we spend time together. I want to be able to share killer cuts with my buddies and grow my medicine as needed without being restriction. Growing for me is a passion, to see it becoming a source of greed is a damn shame.

When I head back out West, I'll continue growing my own medicine.


Yes, pursuit of happiness for most of us includes growing cannabis and I do not recall giving our government the right to revoke that. Rules about buying and selling, within reason, sure, but to tell someone who grows to treat cancer or even just to enjoy. nobody's f'king business. Now that evidence is showing the medical benefits it will be hard to keep it illegal where it still is. Vote. Let's fix this.


@Effendi you rock,you understand what medical is all about.people with real faces and real problems,that need real help,help they won't have anymore.once youre given this gift,it doesn't go away.I have no problem with anyone getting a bag from whomever.patients and profits cannot be lumped together though.greed and love can never sleep in the same bed.@Evilotto you literally have no helpful posts on this site,your name and attitude tell me youre just here to show everybody your new clean legal weed suit and bang your chest at us.that tells me a few things,you're not here to contribute past being a one inch prick,and your associates are probably tired of your mouth and that's why you surfaced here.I wish you luck on making your millions,and thankyou @logic for the ignore button.

LOL. Come on, dude. Your fellow medical patriots sold you guys all out. Almost all I-502 growers were/are medical
or black market growers. Lots from cali. Please don't get all weepy and sentimental about
saving the patients. That's a crock of shit. Maybe demo is one of the few and some others. but mostly, douches
all around. Funny how nobody knocked about the bullshit 4000+ rotating patients collective gardens floating around
in Seattle. For the patients, huh? Right, that's what all the politicians and police and normal voters saw.
Nobody said anything about the norcal or oregon shit coming up north being sold in dispensaries.
You see it was all for the patients. Dude, that is over.

You know what the most mess up thing is: your fellow medical brahs locked most of you out when the SB 5052
was written. Almost none of you will ever qualify to be a licensed grower. There is a pathway for medical people
to get licenses, but man, it is almost impossible. You know how black market folks work: lock everyone else
out and keep their connects close. So, please do not tell me about greed and fuckery. Lots to go around here.

Like I said before, nobody really gives a shit about your 6 light basement grow. Hell, I wish everyone
was able to grow 6 plants and give away freely. It was the mega collective gardens and dispesanries are what
fucked things up. Chickens have come home to roost.


LOL. Come on, dude. Your fellow medical patriots sold you guys all out. Almost all I-502 growers were/are medical
or black market growers. Lots from cali. Please don't get all weepy and sentimental about
saving the patients. That's a crock of shit. Maybe demo is one of the few and some others. but mostly, douches
all around. Funny how nobody knocked about the bullshit 4000+ rotating patients collective gardens floating around
in Seattle. For the patients, huh? Right, that's what all the politicians and police and normal voters saw.
Nobody said anything about the norcal or oregon shit coming up north being sold in dispensaries.
You see it was all for the patients. Dude, that is over.

You know what the most mess up thing is: your fellow medical brahs locked most of you out when the SB 5052
was written. Almost none of you will ever qualify to be a licensed grower. There is a pathway for medical people
to get licenses, but man, it is almost impossible. You know how black market folks work: lock everyone else
out and keep their connects close. So, please do not tell me about greed and fuckery. Lots to go around here.

Like I said before, nobody really gives a shit about your 6 light basement grow. Hell, I wish everyone
was able to grow 6 plants and give away freely. It was the mega collective gardens and dispesanries are what
fucked things up. Chickens have come home to roost.
I love it exemplify what we're talking about,rofl.I don't care if you grow 100 tons a year for a dollar a gram,you cant touch this!'ll never take a dollar out of my pocket or anyone i know.I dont have bugs,use pesticides,no spores.this is craftmanship and you'll never be able to duplicate it.where's the pics of your fine cannabis or whatever you fine gentlemen call it?lol kick rocks dude.what nobody to talk to on the thumb?last I remember nobody liked u their
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You have provided zero helpful information, GTFO Otto! "nobody gives a shit" you condescending douche.

Ok, ill provide some helpful info for those who want to go legit and maybe make a legit career in cannabis.
1. you can make 4 person co-op with 24 ish plants that is 1 mile away from retail stores. must be registered and cant be
donated outside. but if you are real patients and caregivers, that might be good.
2. there will be something like a licensed medical cannabis consultant at new medical licensed stores that work
with patients.
3. if you want to do transport, there will be transport license.
4. if you want to do research, there will be a research cannabis license.
5. if you have clean record and can follow rules and have ability to get a license from lcb, you can get grower and retail
licenses. most likely after 2017.
6. 502 growers are always looking for talented peoople

maybe not the answers people want to hear, but there are some options.
good luck and good bye.
Growin Grass

Growin Grass

Ok, ill provide some helpful info for those who want to go legit and maybe make a legit career in cannabis.
1. you can make 4 person co-op with 24 ish plants that is 1 mile away from retail stores. must be registered and cant be
donated outside. but if you are real patients and caregivers, that might be good.
2. there will be something like a licensed medical cannabis consultant at new medical licensed stores that work
with patients.
3. if you want to do transport, there will be transport license.
4. if you want to do research, there will be a research cannabis license.
5. if you have clean record and can follow rules and have ability to get a license from lcb, you can get grower and retail
licenses. most likely after 2017.
6. 502 growers are always looking for talented peoople

maybe not the answers people want to hear, but there are some options.
good luck and good bye.

Oh fuck I'm sorry man I hadn't ignored you yet, my bad
Good riddance


Isn't it a shitty feeling when the golden goose gets sentenced to death?

Fuck it, it's been a hell of a ride. Don't forget though, we still have about a year left to GRIND. Strike while the iron is hot and then GTFO of WA when the rules change 7/16. Plan ahead! Forget the whole WA co-op nonsense if you are trying to stack cheddar. Migrate to CA if you still want to make a decent living in the unregulated canna industry, as CA will be the last hold out in that regard (also try to find housing in an area outside the PG&E service area. You don't want them as your electric provider).

As for me, I've had enough of the emotional roller coaster I call towing the grey market line. I'm moving back to Sunny Colorado next summer where I will discretely grow my 6, and try my hand at buying, flipping and renting real estate!

I wish everybody who reads this, the best of luck. Cheers!
Growin Grass

Growin Grass

This was my letter for today
Been harassing him quite a bit lately they're probably just trashing anything from my IP at this point

Mr. Inslee

By signing 5052 you will force many medical marijuana patients back to black market.
Think about it, most patients growing their own medicine rely on despensaries for their clones. The options left are buying seeds from other countires (illegal) or buying clones on the black market (illegal)
Now anyone growing their own medicine is breaking the law.
Please tell me how this protects patients?

Former constituent


Passed these out in my to dispensaries in my
Rps20150417 162208 376
neighborhood,amazing how so many patients,even dispensary owners knew nothing


Isn't it a shitty feeling when the golden goose gets sentenced to death?

Fuck it, it's been a hell of a ride. Don't forget though, we still have about a year left to GRIND. Strike while the iron is hot and then GTFO of WA when the rules change 7/16. Plan ahead! Forget the whole WA co-op nonsense if you are trying to stack cheddar. Migrate to CA if you still want to make a decent living in the unregulated canna industry, as CA will be the last hold out in that regard (also try to find housing in an area outside the PG&E service area. You don't want them as your electric provider).

As for me, I've had enough of the emotional roller coaster I call towing the grey market line. I'm moving back to Sunny Colorado next summer where I will discretely grow my 6, and try my hand at buying, flipping and renting real estate!

I wish everybody who reads this, the best of luck. Cheers!
You take care brother,best of luck!


This is all 502's fault there lobbyist arm the wa canna business association crafted this whole thing to monopolize the department. They could have closed down the dispensaries and left patients alone but these scumbags want patients money too. They want to control all of the genetic stock as well. I grow for myself and family only after what these scumbags did I will never set foot in a 502 shop. Don't share genetics with these assholes or buy there pesticide laden flowers. Don't think they won't bomb a infested crop and then sell it which is allowed by state law well they have 300 options for pesticide. Fuck that asshole on here spouting off lies about medical diverting to the black market I know there is some but that's a small percentage. Sign i1372 and preserve our right to grow enough plants. Boycott 502 everything do you really think they will lower prices once there monopoly is in place I know how much it costs to grow and these fuckers would love to sell patients 30$ grams making cannabis a medicine that will no longer work for patients. @EvilOtto go fuck yourself bud
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