"sheriff Says Meth And Heroin Aren’t The Culprit, It’s Marijuana That Makes People Violent"

  • Thread starter john martin
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john martin

john martin


Carson City, Nevada -Sheriff Kenneth Furlong of Carson City recently appeared on the local news to speak about the violent crime that marijuana is responsible for creating.

Second to domestic violence, marijuana is at the top of our list of violent acts, here in Carson City,” Furlong said.

“One pulls out a gun, shoots the other right straight through the heart. Marijuana found at the residence,” he added.

It was an open and shut case apparently, marijuana was found at the residence of a murder, therefore marijuana must be responsible for the murder, very solid logic sheriff.

A meth user, we call them tweekers, they just spin in circles. They don’t get anything done. He may threaten you, but he just can’t get out of that circle of the effect of the drugs. Same with the heroin. But the marijuana user is a clear-headed person,” Furlong explained.

The sheriff said that the culture of marijuana causes people to do violent things.

“We have had several that are either directly or indirectly related to marijuana. It’s not the drug that we’re talking about. It’s the culture that surrounds it. It’s a cherished culture, and to violate that can produce some very dramatic effects, such as we’ve seen here,” Furlong said.

Despite listing off some completely irrelevant anecdotes about violent crime, Furlong failed to provide any actual evidence for the claims that he was making.

As many individual states to push to legalize marijuana locally, there are also a number of efforts to end prohibition on a federal level as well. Just recently, 2 different bills were introduced which would federally legalize marijuana.

Read more at http://thefreethoughtproject.com/sheriff-marijuana-violence-meth-heroin/#AWO2587ly2uVzPyp.99


ROFL . . . I wonder if he was elected into that sheriffs job...

Yes he is elected....Salary for 2013 was.. base pay..$113,803..other pay..$7,845..benefits..$63,073

Drum roll please...total pay & benefits..$184,721


Yeah, this guy is well liked.:D


I've seen cops and I'm pretty sure 95% of the domestic violence cases were alcohol related.

(Totally made up just thought I'd cover two standard deviations...) but clearly this dude is an anti marijuana ideolog.


Wonder if he was ever a Deputy Sheriff or Police Officer? Or was he a snot nose kid who worked with his dad volunteering for a political party for 20 years and then ran for Sheriff or was he raised by priests ?

Sheriff Kenneth T. Furlong was born and raised in Carson City. He graduated from Carson High in 1975, then enlisted in the United States Air Force in 1978. While in the Air Force, Kenny earned an Associates Degree in Police Science, another Associates Degree in Criminal Justice and a Bachelors Degree in Criminal Justice Administration.

The sheriff retired from the USAF, Office of Special Investigations, in 1998. Before his election to the Office of Sheriff in 2003, Kenny was employed with the Department of Public Safety, Investigations Division and Parole and Probation.


So he was never a Deputy Sheriff nor a Police Officer, lotsa schooling but basically
an armed social worker. No offense to any probation/parole officers but he had no real street experience. A true believer in the "REEFER MADNESS " movie, he must of been a real choir boy.

Here is a little more info on his career

Sheriff Ken "Kenny" Furlong
» Sheriff Kenny Furlong, 54, grew up in Carson City and around the local sheriff's office where his father, Bill, was the undersheriff.
» After a career in law enforcement ranging from major crimes investigator for the Air Force and state of Nevada and federal firefighter and local fire dispatcher, he became Carson City sheriff in 2003. He has been re-elected twice.
» Furlong is married to Phyllis and they have two children, Kendra and Kevin. A few years ago, Furlong became vocal in Northern Nevada against methamphetamine after his daughter became addicted and landed in his jail about two months after he took office.
» While Furlong's career in the Air Force took him around the world, he said his main goal always was to return to his home at the Carson City Sheriff's Office. He didn't begin his career there. The economy was poor in the 1980s and he was too young and uneducated to compete with the hundreds of candidates vying for each open deputy position, he said.
» The sheriff considers his job his hobby, and, when pressed, said he does ride his motorcycle and work on his boat when he's off duty. He also is a student of human behavior and serial killers, which he finds fascinating. It's no surprise his favorite show is "The Mentalist," which is about a man who studies human behavior and helps homicide investigators.
» Furlong is a modest man who shows great appreciation for law enforcement, the community and having the opportunity to do what he loves. He thanks a lot of people. His enthusiasm for police work and the confidence he has in his staff causes him to smile widely when speaking of old cases or why he got involved in the career.
» In 1998, Furlong was 40 and retired from the Air Force. He enjoyed six months of real retirement before he took a job with the state division of parole and probation as a court and field services officer where he enjoyed the one-on-one interaction with offenders. He later became a major crimes investigator again with the Nevada Division of Investigation.
» "I'm the sheriff because I love this job; I love this place," he said. "This is a fantastic organization and a great community. That's why I'm sheriff. I want it to stay this way."
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As my Father used to say
" He's talking out of a paper A$$hole"

Definition examples:

“To quote my father ‘you talk like a man with a paper asshole’ meaning that you have no conception of the shit you are talking about.”

“Forgive me, but I think you’re speaking from ignorance, as you merely provide assertions and opinions without any apparent support. Translation: ‘You talk like a man with a paper asshole.’”

“You sound like a man with a paper asshole. Think of the resonance. A loud fart amplified by the paper passing through a paper asshole. Lots and lots of noise, much thunder, but no lightning!”

“Hmmm, you speak like a man with a paper asshole. You wouldn't know a good camera if it jumped up and bit you on the ass boy!”

The more Furlong speaks the more I find his ‘vast’ military background doubtful. When I served we had a saying that covered clowns like him. ‘You speak like a man with a paper asshole’”


Another winner creating his own reality. I bet if you ask him for proof hell say say "oh , just watch movies and t.v. shows. " lol


Wait... What?

I know marijuanas tends to be violent... My Sativas have only ever gone out and started one bar fight.. The indicas on the other hand get pretty rowdy when they feel as though their "culture is being violated".


Wait... What?

I know marijuanas tends to be violent... My Sativas have only ever gone out and started one bar fight.. The indicas on the other hand get pretty rowdy when they feel as though their "culture is being violated".

You noticed that about Indica's too...can't dress them...can't take them no where. :D

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