Was gifted these girls and they’re struggling. Ideas?

  • Thread starter GrandmaGanja
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Aqua Man

Aqua Man

I'm shocked at your ignorance. You own stock in Jiffy or something? Issues with peat pots are long-known and well-documented. One needs only crawl out from under the rock they live under and open their eyes and look for the information. End of story. Your story is a good one... keep preaching it, and sooner or later, someone will believe it. For a forum intended to help new growers, it is surreal at the amount of misinformation put out here for blind acceptance. As I said before, your plants, your rules.

Quite frankly, to be brutally honest, I'd be impressed if you could somehow manage to find your own asshole using both hands, a mirror, and a map.
Thats bullshit lmao. Cannabis roots not shit like lettuce. Wait 2 hearsay reports…. Of likely 2 people like yourself. Who believe it because they read it somewhere like this? Cmon man. If your roots aren’t growing through you have a sick plant

Keep up the insults and you can have a time out. I understand when you make yourself look less than knowledgeable you may feel the need to lash out but that wont be tolerated and if you keep that up i wont have a choice
Aqua Man

Aqua Man

For a forum intended to help new growers, it is surreal at the amount of misinformation put out here for blind acceptance. As I said before, your plants, your rules.
Exactly what im correcting. Your misinformation and blind acceptance. Which are what many of my posts are there to correct. Just take a look around and you may learn something instead of trying to be right… trying being open to the tight answers.

As you said there Is lots of misinformation out there everywhere and your helping pass that off.

Also you dont speak as to what this foum is intended for. Maybe you as a NEW grower think that but far from just that and if you drop your attitude may just learn something.

Another first time grower without a mirror, hands or map?

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That's fair. Apparently some people have experienced or observed plants with less than spectacular root development which can obviously attributed to a still-intact peat pod mesh wrapper that, for whatever reason, didn't biodegrade sufficiently and roots had a difficult time permeating. Other folks, perhaps not. Hence the IMHO & YMMV in my answer.
Jiffy pellets have worked for years. If roots don't grow out of one its not the pellet. Obviously attributing poor root development to a jiffy puck isn't a logical conclusion. If no plants ever grew roots from any jiffy pellet it would be.


Great bathroom read, well worth the last 20 mins of my shift at work. Was a long, stoney night but this made it all better. On another note, I give everyone a voice in my head when I read their posts and this one didn't fail🤣


"As with any observation its only as accurate as the knowledge of the person observing."

This would be one of those instances where the only suggestion I have for you and those of similar mindset would be to simply go fuck off.
Pine trees grow in the Canadian shield,there must be some truth to Aquamans reply


I'm from the government, and I'm here to help.
Not to argue one way or another but I'll chime in with my 2 cents if anyone wants to cash in on it that's cool if not whatev.

I've never used these Jiffy pucks with the netting around them, I've used their plugs for clones and such. However I am a huge fan of these non-woven fabric pots I found. They're approximately the size of a soda-can, and made from a similar non-woven fabric as those Jiffy pucks. Well at any rate when you start thousands of seeds at once and are putting them outside incrementally, the roots tend to grow out of the pots and into the pots next to them if you don't move them around every day. Again, these aren't the exact same thing as a Jiffy puck but I'm pretty sure the material is pretty close to the same and I've never, ever had issues with roots getting locked into one of these pots...
20210506 163105

P.S. - I've used this method for a few years now and have cultivated thousands of cannabis plants this way - Once the plants reach 8 or 10 inches or so I put them directly into the ground, fabric pot and all.
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So anyway, back to the matter at hand.

They still seem to be struggling, but significantly less. I’ve given them more soil and a nice haircut and they seem to be going. But the stems are quite woody, which seems odd to me for plants this small, and still some 3 leaves. I will be repotting them into significantly larger containers (I don’t have any room in the garden to put them and it makes me so sad) so hopefully they’ll grow right up. Thoughts?
Aqua Man

Aqua Man

So anyway, back to the matter at hand.

They still seem to be struggling, but significantly less. I’ve given them more soil and a nice haircut and they seem to be going. But the stems are quite woody, which seems odd to me for plants this small, and still some 3 leaves. I will be repotting them into significantly larger containers (I don’t have any room in the garden to put them and it makes me so sad) so hopefully they’ll grow right up. Thoughts?
Have a recent pic?
Aqua Man

Aqua Man

So I ended up giving one away to someone who had room for one, and I took the other three:
To me it screams watering. 100% you need to fill those pots to the rim but hold up till we get ya sorted

What media are you in?

What nutrients do you have?

Growing outdoor i take it?

Take a read here so some of the things we will discuss make sense to you.



To me it screams watering. 100% you need to fill those pots to the rim but hold up till we get ya sorted

What media are you in?

What nutrients do you have?

Growing outdoor i take it?

Take a read here so some of the things we will discuss make sense to you.

I’d fill them to the brim but I ran out of dirt! I’m using the M3 Michigan white bag papas perfect poop. I’m running low on nutes but I planted them with a bit of a mix (everything was not measure but conservatively added, but all organic):

A few cups of worm castings
A handful of azomite
A cup or two of bat guano
A cup or so of bone meal
2-3 cups of alfalfa meal (probably a bit of powdered molasses in there too, by a bit I mean a few tablespoons)
Roughly 1/3 a bag of built a soil nutrient pack
And the rest is the Michigan dirt

I would LOVE to be more specific and scientific about the amounts, but it didn’t work out that way. I tried, but it takes more prep than I originally thought so my scheduling kind of fell apart.

These are currently outdoor but I think I’m going to put two of them in the tent and take the em to harvest that way.
Aqua Man

Aqua Man

I’d fill them to the brim but I ran out of dirt! I’m using the M3 Michigan white bag papas perfect poop. I’m running low on nutes but I planted them with a bit of a mix (everything was not measure but conservatively added, but all organic):

A few cups of worm castings
A handful of azomite
A cup or two of bat guano
A cup or so of bone meal
2-3 cups of alfalfa meal (probably a bit of powdered molasses in there too, by a bit I mean a few tablespoons)
Roughly 1/3 a bag of built a soil nutrient pack
And the rest is the Michigan dirt

I would LOVE to be more specific and scientific about the amounts, but it didn’t work out that way. I tried, but it takes more prep than I originally thought so my scheduling kind of fell apart.

These are currently outdoor but I think I’m going to put two of them in the tent and take the em to harvest that way.
Well somehow your going to have to find more dirt and preferably the sane that they are in because as they are now i dont think it’s possible or atleast extremely hard to water properly.

Without that i dont see you not struggling through the grow. I can’t express how much of an issue this will cause you


Well somehow your going to have to find more dirt and preferably the sane that they are in because as they are now i dont think it’s possible or atleast extremely hard to water properly.

Without that i dont see you not struggling through the grow. I can’t express how much of an issue this will cause you
Oh I’m going to get more! Just literally ran out. There are some roots on the very top that are exposed and it makes me sad, so I’m finna cover them up asap. It’s okay to cover up the base of the stem with more dirt, right? Won’t cause any rot?
Aqua Man

Aqua Man

Oh I’m going to get more! Just literally ran out. There are some roots on the very top that are exposed and it makes me sad, so I’m finna cover them up asap. It’s okay to cover up the base of the stem with more dirt, right? Won’t cause any rot?
Nope absolutely fine and will grow new roots. From the stem that is buried.

After filling then water immediately
Aqua Man

Aqua Man

Make sure you read that thread it will explain a lot that will help you understand how, why and when to water.

Your in organic ao you do NOT want much runoff. Just enough to saturate the pot then let it dry until light.


Make sure you read that thread it will explain a lot that will help you understand how, why and when to water.

Your in organic ao you do NOT want much runoff. Just enough to saturate the pot then let it dry until light.
Copy that. I’ll give it a good read. Good to know about the runoff too, I don’t like watering to runoff anyway because all I see are $$$ in fertilizer leaving my plants.
Aqua Man

Aqua Man

Copy that. I’ll give it a good read. Good to know about the runoff too, I don’t like watering to runoff anyway because all I see are $$$ in fertilizer leaving my plants.
That’s exactly why… organics provides available nutrients slowly over time and if you just wash them out if the soil the plants get next to no nutrients.

With synthetic you want runoff because they are in available form from the start and can build up

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