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Pot calling the kettle black right there bro. You’re pretty awesome yourself :)

Bad at punctuation but an awesome dude, ha!
ya cant spell for shit hahaah,im a type were you dont have problems with mods if you dont cause shit to happen lmao,my hats off to anyone that will do the supervisor mood,did it for 20 yrs and had no choice other than quitting ,not my cup of tea if you dig if ya dig,ive had a good number of friends get the boot lately,dont agree with any of them,happen for a reason and seems all the troops are called in when shit goes down,again not my cup of tea,open minds make the world go around,there thoughts arent the same as mine,i did hook up with a few on rollitup,and just couldnt go back to that site to mengal if you dig,all you folk want drama and the sickest shit you can stand go there,now they all want to do insta gram,hell how you do inst gram with a big button flip top phone and to top off dont even know how to work one these button boxs other than turning it on hahahahah,congrads to all may the force be with ya lmao you alright to friend thanks for the jolt made me feel like some of the stuff i try to help with aint all ignored


ya cant spell for shit hahaah,im a type were you dont have problems with mods if you dont cause shit to happen lmao,my hats off to anyone that will do the supervisor mood,did it for 20 yrs and had no choice other than quitting ,not my cup of tea if you dig if ya dig,ive had a good number of friends get the boot lately,dont agree with any of them,happen for a reason and seems all the troops are called in when shit goes down,again not my cup of tea,open minds make the world go around,there thoughts arent the same as mine,i did hook up with a few on rollitup,and just couldnt go back to that site to mengal if you dig,all you folk want drama and the sickest shit you can stand go there,now they all want to do insta gram,hell how you do inst gram with a big button flip top phone and to top off dont even know how to work one these button boxs other than turning it on hahahahah,congrads to all may the force be with ya lmao you alright to friend thanks for the jolt made me feel like some of the stuff i try to help with aint all ignored
Thanks bro, I’ve always enjoyed your posts and point of view.


Thanks bro, I’ve always enjoyed your posts and point of view.
old timer diease hahahah,crazy shit i say but dont say unless i try it first lol,i think every one should at least try being a foreman over 86 women ,oh hell the stories i could tell hahahah,same scenario dont tell them what to do if you havent done yourself hahah ,i figured something was going down sunday,again old timer just sit back and let the young bulls come in when she ready take control hahahah


guess i will start trying to help newbies again,roll on 4 difrent forums and have just gave up trying to spread love for plants when they really just there to start mess,so expect more down to earth knowledge ,hahahahh,had a feller yesterday here tell me im to old school and just buy a cree light,get onboard he says,im on board every time i open my wallet and see money in there i think how all the new up to date stuff folk rush to buy,how many of them will own up to a closet full of lights and grow stuff they wish they wouldnt have bought


old timer diease hahahah,crazy shit i say but dont say unless i try it first lol,i think every one should at least try being a foreman over 86 women ,oh hell the stories i could tell hahahah,same scenario dont tell them what to do if you havent done yourself hahah ,i figured something was going down sunday,again old timer just sit back and let the young bulls come in when she ready take control hahahah
Lol, I’m 48 years young and have to wear glasses now to read. Sucks getting younger.
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