What’s the best foliar treatment of PM during flowering? Tribus, baking soda, milk spray?

  • Thread starter Letsgrowit
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I've used low fat milk with success, but if it gets infested with PM, it's all over but the crying. I've used baking soda too, in flower, like a dumbass. It totally scorched all the pistils, ruined the terps and the whole plant, tasted like ass. It was at my second location that doesn't get babied and it had progressed past what I would normally try to salvage, but I gave it a failed attempt and learned a lesson that day lol. It's better to keep a close eye and preventative spray than try to get rid of it, I preventative spray with Lost Coast. Defoliation to increase airflow also helps.


I've used low fat milk with success, but if it gets infested with PM, it's all over but the crying. I've used baking soda too, in flower, like a dumbass. It totally scorched all the pistils, ruined the terps and the whole plant, tasted like ass. It was at my second location that doesn't get babied and it had progressed past what I would normally try to salvage, but I gave it a failed attempt and learned a lesson that day lol. It's better to keep a close eye and preventative spray than try to get rid of it, I preventative spray with Lost Coast. Defoliation to increase airflow also helps.
Thanks man. I picked up some Lost Coast, Dr Zymes, and also Regalia CG. i am less experienced at this than a lot of you so I didn’t plan a sufficient IPM. I am learning a lot thanks to this community. A fun hobby. Thanks everyone!


None of those sprays mentioned work great and are sustainable for more than a week. I would sulfur burn and use grow safe. What you want to do is coat all the leaves so pm can’t grow. Obviously easier said then done in flower. And the sulfure burning once a week. Coats the room, walls, fans where pm can lurk around. Main thing is to control humidity and get it to a level where pm is on check. For most strains you should be fine doing this. But if the pm is past the leaves and got into the buds, you are screwed. This is very typical to og kush. Other strains do not have this problem. With og kush you need to prep it during veg with special sprays so it won’t get pm later. Cause if you do get pm and id you don’t control it on time you will get pm inside the buds. And there is nothing you can do. The secrete weapon during veg is a spray called flint. It’s strong and should not be used on flowers.
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I am using Dr zymes for PM right now and that shit works like a magic bullet! Can be used all the way through, there's no residue.
The bud passes all the tests. Fully organic OMRI certified. People wash their harvest in this stuff even.


Unfortunately, not available in Canada as far as I can tell


Unfortunately, not available in Canada as far as I can tell
hmmm...bummer. Here's a recipe I found for homemade Dr.Zymes for future if you want to research this, I have no idea if this works.

2 cups citrus peel 1/2 cup brown sugar 1 tsp active yeast 4 cups water

ferment 2.5 weeks strain out the solids

add 1 cup apple cider vinegar

dosage: 2oz ferment per gallon, foliar only, with lights off

recipe is from @quitecontraryorganics “Homemade Dr. Zymes”


Hi Growers. In case it shows up, I’m wondering what’s the best treatment and/or preventative (besides airflow and pruning)?

Here is what I understand:

-Potassium silica during veg
-Foliar spray/spot treat with baking soda spray (2 tablespoons per gallon)
-Milk spray - 1 part milk and 9 parts water - but don’t spray too low because the sun activates it.
-Tribus- can you foliar this during flower?
-Regalia CG - biofungicide - can this be used during flower?
- Dr Zymes - all throughout flower

Best bet is to defoliate the affected area? For example if it’s on lower larf or foxtails?

If during week 7-8 - harvest and Cervantes bathing routine.

What do you all think - is this bro science or what? :-)

Thanks Growers!
If powdery mildew is showing up, it's most likely because of humidity swings. You're daytime humidity is probably lower than you're night time humidity, This is true for winter growing, especially in the midwest or north. The furnace will be on all day long taking all the humidity out of the air. And your grow lights are on at the same time taking even more humidity out of the air. And then you're lights shut off and you're humidity rises! I'm talking 30%-50% SWING!!!
And then the lights come on the next day and you see it on your leaves! Yup its PM!
I really like Biofungicides and a product called Nickel 55. It's basically copper and it's OMRI.
So for me I would probably either raise my PH to 9.0 ~ Regalia CG ~ Nickel 55
Happy growing fellers!


If powdery mildew is showing up, it's most likely because of humidity swings. You're daytime humidity is probably lower than you're night time humidity, This is true for winter growing, especially in the midwest or north. The furnace will be on all day long taking all the humidity out of the air. And your grow lights are on at the same time taking even more humidity out of the air. And then you're lights shut off and you're humidity rises! I'm talking 30%-50% SWING!!!
And then the lights come on the next day and you see it on your leaves! Yup its PM!
I really like Biofungicides and a product called Nickel 55. It's basically copper and it's OMRI.
So for me I would probably either raise my PH to 9.0 ~ Regalia CG ~ Nickel 55
Happy growing fellers!
Thank you for your common sense approach on this sir!


4 part milk 6 part water as spray work like a charm against WPM and is simple to get.


Spray with Potassium Bicarbonate instead of baking soda

Potassium bicarbonate additives can help kill powdery mildew spores on contact, while also increasing the pH level on the surface of the leaves. A pH level above 8.3 on the surface of the leaves discourages fungi.
I've had great results from half water half milk mix in a spray bottle.


So you actually do the Cervantes bath? You use a hair dryer then dry your normal way? I may try that. Thanks.
No hairdryer since that applies heat. Only have a fan blowing for half the day or overnight and then check to make sure there’s no wet buds especially at the tips if you’ve got your plants hung upside down.


Do you really want milk rotting on your weed? I don't.
I've used it outside in the past with great results. I used low fat to avoid souring and sprayed it off after it worked. Not sure I'd do it in flower... and I think it needs the actual sun to have the full effect.


I ended up using Dr Zymes if I ever saw any PM - and I used BT to kill caterpillars. Had I not used BT I would have been screwed. This year I will start BT earlier. I also cut out any bud rot I saw excising the node above and below the rot. I ended up with an absolutely killer crop.


I keep it simple, clean and effective. One (1) teaspoon of citric acid powder dissolved in one (1) gal RO water. Add a sticker spreader per label instructions. Use up to the day of harvest. This lowers plant surface pH, making a very inhospitable environment for PM and bud rot. Just like Procidic-c.


I've used low fat milk with success, but if it gets infested with PM, it's all over but the crying. I've used baking soda too, in flower, like a dumbass. It totally scorched all the pistils, ruined the terps and the whole plant, tasted like ass. It was at my second location that doesn't get babied and it had progressed past what I would normally try to salvage, but I gave it a failed attempt and learned a lesson that day lol. It's better to keep a close eye and preventative spray than try to get rid of it, I preventative spray with Lost Coast. Defoliation to increase airflow also helps.
Hey yall you tube videos on how to make LABs lactic acid bacteria serum it made fro. Milk and any complex carb , rice , barley and corn meal a
Together soaked I. Warm water till it has a color of milk stain with filter and cover mason jar with coffee filter and rubber band for 2-3 days till it smells sweet or cheese/ bread like. Then take room temp whole milk I never do 10-1 if I have 16 oz of grai wash I’ll add 1/2 gallon milk maybe more and use a wide moth jar or even a new clean bucket cover the grain wash and milk for 48-72 hours in a dark warm area u will have cheese curd floating at the top. U want to remove that and strain rest of liquid and receipt that the yellow LaBs it a game changer in soil drenches and foliar spray I. Veg I use it every day as a foliage spray and never get pm or even aphid hate it. I don’t mix my labs with molasses that I foliage spray with that plain labs and water but I will use the molasses and lab combo to feed the soil especially in mid to late flower just labs and molar I’ll harvest no flush and the ash is white
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