What Is The Value Of Your Plant?

  • Thread starter Unicorns
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The Governor of RI is proposing a tax per plant for patients who legally grow their own medicine. It's $150 per plant if you are a patient and $350 a plant if you are a caregiver. She gives the value of ONE plant at $17,000 stating this would only be about a 2% tax. She also is proposing a 75% reduction in plant count from a maximum of 12 plants in veg and 12 plants flowering to a maximum of 6 plants including seedlings. The cost of growing may really be going up.


Premium Member
The Governor of RI is proposing a tax per plant for patients who legally grow their own medicine. It's $150 per plant if you are a patient and $350 a plant if you are a caregiver. She gives the value of ONE plant at $17,000 stating this would only be about a 2% tax. She also is proposing a 75% reduction in plant count from a maximum of 12 plants in veg and 12 plants flowering to a maximum of 6 plants including seedlings. The cost of growing may really be going up.

Why give them muther fuckers any money for growing your own personal medicine?
LOL anyone who suckers into to this is a fool IMO...
Just grow and keep mouth shut.......
Oh now it's ok if you pay us fuck dat.....greedy bastards..
We the people remember that????


Why give them muther fuckers any money for growing your own personal medicine?
LOL anyone who suckers into to this is a fool IMO...
Just grow and keep mouth shut.......
Oh now it's ok if you pay us fuck dat.....greedy bastards..
We the people remember that????

What the fuck ? Is he crazy ? $17,000 per plant. If that`s the case, I need to sell a couple plants.


Fuck em' I wouldn't give a single one of my hard earned pennies. They fucking fight us year after year saying the science isn't in yet, it causes mental retardation, God said pot was a no no. They throw us in jail raid our homes kill our pets and take our kids. Then they see the money made and they jump on board.

LEGALIZE ALL FUCKING PLANTS. ok I'm stepping off the soapbox.


God said pot was a no no.

Not sure where you picked this up...... The bible clearly speaks on cannabis, and it's fine with it. In fact, hemp oil was most likely an ingredient in holy anointing oil.

Genesis 1:29
"Then God said, "Behold, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is on the surface of all the earth, and every tree which has fruit yielding seed; it shall be food for you;30and to every beast of the earth and to every bird of the sky and to every thing that moves on the earth which has life, I have given every green plant for food"; and it was so.…"

My best producing plants in the history of my growing, only a few have yielded 17g+. That is BS, IMO.


Are you telling me neo cons have not used the bible and their religion too block the legalization of cannabis in this country... that was my point.

I do however know that the bible does not say this, grew up in private Catholic schools as a child read new old testament and all the other fables in between.

I have no hate towards religion at all, but I have seen this form of debate take place in person for years trying too rally for medical and also out right legalization here in Maine. And we did get it done in Portland . But! It's catholics and Christians verse the fucking world, I try too reason with actuality, and they counter with well God our Lord and saviour.....what about the kids, the fucking kids.... oh jebus save us from this evil plant marijuana and these bastard children of Satan growing this evil plant.


That is the thing about good and evil. One can use good as a tool for evil. If one understands the bible, then one can rebut those arguments easily.

Kind of like technology right? Everybody wants the CDC to control deadly viruses and learn from them, however, similar tech can create super viruses that can wipe out the planet. Double edge sword, comes down to the individual wielding that sword.


And that's the problem ignorance, the ones who yell the loudest tend too know the least. I sat in and spoke up at almost all of the meetings involved around Childeren being able to consume medical marijuana at school. There was zero push back by any rational individuals or groups. The only push back was the same groups who fight against a living wage, woman's health, abortions, same sex marriage etc. Now I'm not saying I support or disagree with any of those stances, but just saying nope the bible or God and sticking your nose in the air, isn't a respectable or responsible response to such topics.

It's rude to those who have to conform to laws passed based on ignorance, and rude to those of who understand the the bible.



Give me your canna dollars...



Give me your canna dollars...
She's needs every dollar she can get her hands on,nose jobs are pricey.
Just looking at that face can't believe people voted for her you can see she is shady,spiteful,and 99% sure has a elitist mentality.


That is a rather crazy valuation. I am pretty curious how they arrived at that number....Maybe using individual gram sales at 25 a gram, NE is a pricey market afterall. So you would have to sell 680 grams to get to the 17k amount, which would be about 1.5 lbs per plant.

Granted its all BS


Fuck em' I wouldn't give a single one of my hard earned pennies. They fucking fight us year after year saying the science isn't in yet, it causes mental retardation, God said pot was a no no. They throw us in jail raid our homes kill our pets and take our kids. Then they see the money made and they jump on board.

LEGALIZE ALL FUCKING PLANTS. ok I'm stepping off the soapbox.
This morning there was a story about a little girl with epilepsy who is receiving charlotte's webb at children's in Denver and her doctors allowed her to use CW.

Also, Colorado is the only state that put MMJ into the state's constitution to ensure that patients don't have to worry about crap like this. I don't think other states have language like ours in our constitution.

SB106 and HB 1284 address caregiving and MMC regulations, but medical patients are still protected. IANL but I think changes relating to A20 from 2000 would have to be voted on, whereas house bills and senate bills can be changed all the time.

Apparently I have been getting a good discount.

Or something.


I love colorado, have many many friends there. Was a caregiver from 2007-2012 living in ft. Collins.

We pushed here in Maine and this year finally were able to make it possible for children to use their cannabis(edibles) in school.

It's a slow process here, the growers blowers much like in Ohio don't want any system that monopolizes the industry. However this year our two major legalization groups have come together moved to more centrist view point. I have a good feeling about this year.

And remember Maine passed mmj before colorado and decriminalized usable amounts before colorado.

Either way I love Colorado and Maine.


I love colorado, have many many friends there. Was a caregiver from 2007-2012 living in ft. Collins.

We pushed here in Maine and this year finally were able to make it possible for children to use their cannabis(edibles) in school.

It's a slow process here, the growers blowers much like in Ohio don't want any system that monopolizes the industry. However this year our two major legalization groups have come together moved to more centrist view point. I have a good feeling about this year.

And remember Maine passed mmj before colorado and decriminalized usable amounts before colorado.

Either way I love Colorado and Maine.
Colorado patients are protected by our constitution, Maine has no such protection from future legislation. Wait and see what happens when the state realizes how much tax money is there for the taking. I would bet dolla bills that regulations will catch up. But it's a start in the right direction, so a congrats is still in order. Enjoy the ride.
View attachment MMMP-Rules-144c122(2).pdf
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