When to start adding nutes?

  • Thread starter Catdad717
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Hey all. A few of you helped me earlier this week with a possible over water. Ty to those people. Question i have now is.. when should i start the nutrients? Is there a way to tell its time? I did an emerg first transfer from solo cup to a 1gal fabric pot. I used great white mycra in the transfer too. I havnt watered since the transfer about 3 days ago. Should i add any supps to the water now?

Thanks everyone! Posted a photo of plant from this morn.
When to start adding nutes
When to start adding nutes 2
Jmaes Mabley

Jmaes Mabley

Unless Im using already amended soil, that I know the nutrients are readily available. I always feed my seedlings, as soon as the pop up from the medium. About 10% strength.


Unless Im using already amended soil, that I know the nutrients are readily available. I always feed my seedlings, as soon as the pop up from the medium. About 10% strength.
Im using coast of maine seedling soil as the original media w/ bioflower as main grow soil.
Jmaes Mabley

Jmaes Mabley

What are you giving it?
For chemicals, I give them Master Blend 4-18-38
15.5-0-0 Calcium Nitrate
Epsom salts.

I give them this, from Start, to Finish. Only things changed is they get a very slow increase in fertilizer, as they get bigger. No switching to other NPK Ratios, when flipped.

In an 8 weeks flowering strain, they may receive a benefit for a slight P-K boost-0-52-34-Mono Potassium Phosphate,in weeks 3-4, and a boost in Epsom salts, in weeks 5-6, and decrease fert 25% in week 5, and another 25%, in week 8. I dont believe in flushing.

I try and keep it as simple, as possible, while trying to strictly adhere to some basic principles. Like Air Flow. One f my biggest concerns, is fresh air exchange. Not just blowing inside air around, and it can be a challenge. Lots of strong light. Feed them, enough to be healthy, and no more. Learn how to properly Water plants.

If a person can just be able to have really good air exchange/ Learn how to feed and water properly, supply them with strong light, and use a good base medium, thats all it takes. Air/Co2-Exchange. When/What to feed/water Properly-Strong Light. Good Medium. DONE.
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It all depends on the nutritional quality of your soil. in France we use all mix NPK 8-9-12 (there are other types of allmix, but I like it)

when repotting from a 1l pot to a 7l pot I have enough for 3 weeks, or more, without adding fertilizer. according to the manufacturer it is designed to provide 6 weeks of nutrients....
Jmaes Mabley

Jmaes Mabley

Organic I use
Peruvian Seabird Guano-Both High Nitrogen, and High Phosphorus ratios
Calcitic Lime
Dolomite Lime
0-0-52-Potassium Sulfate
2/3 parts Calcitic to 1/3 parts Dolomite
Promix BX

I will then make teas from the Seabird Guano-Kelp.
Top Dress 0-0-52 every 6 weeks until inducing flowering, or late summer outside.
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I start seedlings in Happy Frog soil and when I transplant I use 2 parts Ocean Forest to 1 part Happy Frog.

I don't start feeding nutes until cotyledons start to yellow.
When i run out if my current soil im thinking of of trying happy frog/ ocean forest.

Ahh ok so thats what to look for. Had a feeling that was it. So i probably got around another week to go. Theyre starting to show the end, but still have some color to them.


The plant in the photo is a 1gal fab pot. How much total fluid/liquid mix of everything should i be feeding? Whats the general ration of how much to feed per pot size?

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