vegan coco VS Chemical coco

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Ionic used to make a soil and coco formula but recently dropped the coco part on the label and now it just says for soil. They also changed it up a little on the npk ratios. I have been using it in place of the old formula and there is no difference. I talked to a rep from the makers of ionic here in the States and he assured me its all good to go with coco coir. I was worried since they changed it slightly that they might have lowered the calcium levels to make it more friendly to soil and soilless peat grows that use lime in the mix. But mine is rocking out just like the old formula. I really like ionic and the label dose is 4 tspn per gallon but i only use that on plants that have a fully developed root system. Half to 3 quarters strength is perfect from your photos. Up the dose a little later and your there. Full dose i think is somewhere around 700 ppm. I think that is a coir grows sweet spot. I been using the ionic line for years and it is some very good stuff. So easy to use. If you feed with the regular ionic you MIGHT need cal mag but i dont know. Ive only used the regular formula in my old raingutter NFT grows years ago. That stuff is very good too. Let your ph drift between 5.7 to 6.2 and I can almost guarantee the ionic grown plants will be solid and touble free with maximum genetic potential if your room is locked in with temps , humidity, lighting, and air. Good luck.
Thanks for the info, I'm trying not to judge right now so much I guess we shall see I really like the ionic so far .. but the finished product is gonna be the real test . I'm staying around 6.0 with the nutes and the ppm with grow and fossilfuel is around 1150ppm. That's what I've been doing still it's all new to me with coco and ionics but it's Rollin along no doubt


Also it's been about a full week since tp and I'm feeding them it seems every other day 1/2gallon. Per 4 gals of coco now I just found out that there is a "coco water rating" sapped to be on the package but I seen none on the roots bag. Either way I'm not down with feeding more than once a day so when they jump I'm sure I'll be right at once per day .


You will know when u hit the coco coir sweet spot and the roots are rocking when you feed/water them and within a day maybe two the pots are starting to.get lite again when you lift them and the top couple inches of coir is dry. Thats when u know their hitting thier stride and top growth is lush and healthy. Its now that u can hit em with a feed pretty consistently and lots of runoff when you do it. Using a smaller pot than what you would use with a regular soil/soiless grow is another key to maxing out coco coir for what it really has to offer.


When you see this...

They're happy ;) And in 6-7 weeks you will see this...


Yeah thats how its done. What strain is that? Wattage? Coco drip to drain? Very nice.


Yeah thats how its done. What strain is that? Wattage? Coco drip to drain? Very nice.
I'm doing 3 strains pk' white Russian"blue cheese. Each trey has 3 X 2 rows all heavyweights I'm hoping to get in Inn like you got yours lookin retarded * also hand watering under 4 k
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I have grown blue cheese and white russian. Both very good smoke and really high yeilders. Especially the russian. That was a very popular variety a few years back. That and ak47 from seriuos seeds was all the rage.


My uncles favorite smoke was blue cheese. The only strain he really flipped out about.


My uncles favorite smoke was blue cheese. The only strain he really flipped out about.
Shit stinks pretty good and yields great each plant finishs. 2 weeks apart so it's like a natural cycle the cheese is usually 11 the last to finish


Yeah thats how its done. What strain is that? Wattage? Coco drip to drain? Very nice.
O yea what strain is that ?
It's called Peter Tosh which is Ken's GDP x White OG... this one was a OG leaner... It's all in my grow log under GR33N Room 2..check it out. These were vegged 3-4 weeks but only because this was my first coco run and it took me a good 10 days to get them happy.

Anyways, I noticed you mentioned your coco wont mentioned it here:
Wow killin it man . Hope mine goes that fuckin good . I usually flip mine quick I hate vegging plants I'm gonna keep my eye on it and now I wish I went to a smaller pot its taking too long to absorb .
I never really let these beds dry... as long as you feed them beneficials you can keep them soaked. The coco's drainage helps the roots avoid suffocation and the constant waterings offer fresh O2.


It's called Peter Tosh which is Ken's GDP x White OG... this one was a OG leaner... It's all in my grow log under GR33N Room 2..check it out. These were vegged 3-4 weeks but only because this was my first coco run and it took me a good 10 days to get them happy.

Anyways, I noticed you mentioned your coco wont mentioned it here:

I never really let these beds dry... as long as you feed them beneficials you can keep them soaked. The coco's drainage helps the roots avoid suffocation and the constant waterings offer fresh O2.

yea for sure I hear you on the ten day mine were fresh until I found a hoe ass thrip bite and I over did it on the spray . I'm using sea green I'm watering it separately from the nutes. I think cocos slow starting but once it gets rooted it Flys to make up for it from what I see so far.


What's up coco dudes? I need to know if I should be watering at least once a day or how do I know when to water a 4 gal pot I've been doing once every few days not very happy so far


Over all there growing just not looking too healthy it's about a full two weeks since tp and help would be great
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Thats a question your gonna have to answer yerself. Everyone has such different variables that are ever changing. Heli couldnt answer that to my grower nieighbors who have the exact same setup as me and 2 houses down. Their feed times are totally different. If experienced coco growers could give you a clear and cut answer their would be alot less experienced people and.alot morr growers just.following a set in stone bunch of rules. Gardening does not work like that brother. It cant. Impossible.


63 guess is let the coco dry a little if their just starting with a smaller root structure. Sorry couldnt help more. You will get it. ALOT of people have been where ur at. You can believe that!!!!
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