Council Of First Knowledge, Jedi Temple Training Facility

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I am telling you
if you can get everything squared away with DTW
you will love it
there is no fucking with PH and add backs and all that garbage
you fill a res
and feed
hell you can make 2 res
one to feed with a float valve
the other feeding the feed res
when the main tank is empty
you refill and then it in turn fills the feed tank

makes life ultra simple

and if you are using Professional agg salts
ph is usually extremely stable as well as accustomed to sitting in tanks for long periods of time
Yep I agree and hopefully these younguns are listening!
As for my self, im just dreaming of the day when I fire up the 785 hp Uc and bring the Death Star online.......
im so ready to get my first run started so i can burn the shit out of them, and learn so I can get on to my second run which im planning a reception, and dinner the night we put the clones in..
It will be epic! Comparable to when Felix Baumgartner jumped from outer space for Red Bull!



Yep I agree and hopefully these younguns are listening!
As for my self, im just dreaming of the day when I fire up the 785 hp Uc and bring the Death Star online.......
im so ready to get my first run started so i can burn the shit out of them, and learn so I can get on to my second run which im planning a reception, and dinner the night we put the clones in..
It will be epic! Comparable to when Felix Baumgartner jumped from outer space for Red Bull!

Hahahah. Doesn't get more epic than that. I mean shit. The man PASSED OUT for a min up there. WTF!


Me personally, I'm going to add more feedings. Because I want to water to run off every time so adding time just adds more run off. But adding feedings will give more to the plant. IMO

He is fucking right but he doesnt know why!

The reason you add more watering is because each time you water it pulls fresh 02 to the roots. More 02 (dwc) the faster growth!


He is fucking right but he doesnt know why!

The reason you add more watering is because each time you water it pulls fresh 02 to the roots. More 02 (dwc) the faster growth!
Hahaha. No faith in me. You're right tho that is probably the most important thing. Coco gives the roots a lot of oxygen even with one feeding a day but if it starts drying out because their drinking so much you can get salt built up and all that jazz as well


He is fucking right but he doesnt know why!

The reason you add more watering is because each time you water it pulls fresh 02 to the roots. More 02 (dwc) the faster growth!
Your 100% right tho that is the difference between fast growth and HYDRO FAST growth. When not doing multiple feeds in Coco I don't think it acts as much like hydro.


Event is correct
more feedings means more O2
it also means that you are maintaing a stable nutrient bank within the coco
so as the coco begins to dry it begins to release some elements
as you feed again the new feed pushes those elements out of the coco and replaces the empty bank
on a side note....once you fill your pot with all roots and get them roots bound
you can literally feed in a recirc fashion if you wanted to as the coco is pretty much non existant
I actually couldnt tell you where it goes either
when I chop my girls
it is usually a square block of roots with no coco to be found
so essentially in my opinion
once you reach that point you are just maintaing a constant nutrient film on your roots
you will notice that you will have to up the feeds because they will dry within the hour
so they then start going through an actual wet/dry cycle which really pushes your plants to the max IMO


So anyway went back home over the weekend! Them old boys was pretty thrilled and my fam was pretty thrilled with the Purple Urkle... I left about an ounce with them. Said it was the best shit they had ever seen, ever...
But to be honest, I think its the best I have ever seen too.. Its been curing in the fridge for about a month now!
I may not be the strongest i ever smoked, but it is the best looking weed I ever seen( in person).
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