Can you help me diagnose my plants?

  • Thread starter dhays97
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I am a relatively new grower, these are 3 clones I bought. Can you tell me what wrong. I got them 3 days ago and they are on no nutrients and 18/6. Temp 75 and humidity 60-70%. My ph stays between 5.8 and 6.3
Can you help me diagnose my plants
Can you help me diagnose my plants 2
Can you help me diagnose my plants 3
Can you help me diagnose my plants 4
Can you help me diagnose my plants 5
Can you help me diagnose my plants 6
Can you help me diagnose my plants 7
Can you help me diagnose my plants 8
Can you help me diagnose my plants 9
Can you help me diagnose my plants 10


I'm from the government, and I'm here to help.
I am a relatively new grower, these are 3 clones I bought. Can you tell me what wrong. I got them 3 days ago and they are on no nutrients and 18/6. Temp 75 and humidity 60-70%. My ph stays between 5.8 and 6.3
Have you put any drain holes in the buckets? If not, I would get a 1/4 inch or larger drill bit and put at least 4 or 5 in the bottom and maybe a few in the sides, as well.


Looks like light burn.\What do you have for lights?
How far above the plants?

Do you know what medium they are planted in?
What do you have on hand to feed them?


Are you in coir or soil

Your ph is running at coir level
Soil ph should be 6.3-7
Also your pots are only half full
The plant should be above the top of the pots and not like they are
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I’d agree the lights to strong/too close however looking at the pics a few times I’d say your in soil and your ph is wrong leading to the plant twisting it’s leaves and unable to take up its nutrients at the right ratio.

Plants take up more of this and less of that at different ph levels

Am noticing the soil isn’t touching the sides of the pots in some photos why is that.

They also look wet how often are you watering
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I am a relatively new grower, these are 3 clones I bought. Can you tell me what wrong. I got them 3 days ago and they are on no nutrients and 18/6. Temp 75 and humidity 60-70%. My ph stays between 5.8 and 6.3
Doc 3 days. What your showing didn't happen in three days. If that happened three days they won't last a week. Give them girls a week or so. If your soil and lighting are good. They will pull through


You ask for help yet won’t answer the questions are you in soil or coir

If you let us know ( not just me ) it will help give you the correct response

Others asked you questions as well it’s not just my questions.

It helps narrow down the problem


First things first.
Go to the garden center. Buy a bag of 1/2" round stone and great big bag of just plane old potting mix.

Take the plants out of the buckets. Wash all you can off the roots.

Turn the buckets upside down and drill 10 -1/4 inch holes in the bottom of each bucket.
Dump 1 inch of round stone in each bucket. Then fill 1/2 full with potting mix.
Hold the plant so its root zone is just bellow the top of bucket. fill in around and under plant.
Fill the bucket up to 1" from top packed in nice. stake it in place.

Water well.
Start answering a few questions!


You ask for help yet won’t answer the questions are you in soil or coir

If you let us know ( not just me ) it will help give you the correct response

Others asked you questions as well it’s not just my questions.

It helps narrow down the problem
Soil sorry lots of things fired at me. I’m in soil. I ph my water to 6.5 and run Athena nutrients. I have holes in my bucket. I bought them a little over a week ago. I recently moved light up after reading it was 1 foot from top of plant now 2. 720w led.


First things first.
Go to the garden center. Buy a bag of 1/2" round stone and great big bag of just plane old potting mix.

Take the plants out of the buckets. Wash all you can off the roots.

Turn the buckets upside down and drill 10 -1/4 inch holes in the bottom of each bucket.
Dump 1 inch of round stone in each bucket. Then fill 1/2 full with potting mix.
Hold the plant so its root zone is just bellow the top of bucket. fill in around and under plant.
Fill the bucket up to 1" from top packed in nice. stake it in place.

Water well.
Start answering a few questions!

Soil sorry lots of things fired at me. I’m in soil. I ph my water to 6.5 and run Athena nutrients. I have holes in my bucket. I bought them a little over a week ago. I recently moved light up after reading it was 1 foot from top of plant now 2. 720w led
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I’d agree the lights to strong/too close however looking at the pics a few times I’d say your in soil and your ph is wrong leading to the plant twisting it’s leaves and unable to take up its nutrients at the right ratio.

Plants take up more of this and less of that at different ph levels

Am noticing the soil isn’t touching the sides of the pots in some photos why is that.

They also look wet how often are you watering
I’ve been watering/feeding every other day. Suggestions?


I’d agree the lights to strong/too close however looking at the pics a few times I’d say your in soil and your ph is wrong leading to the plant twisting it’s leaves and unable to take up its nutrients at the right ratio.

Plants take up more of this and less of that at different ph levels

Am noticing the soil isn’t touching the sides of the pots in some photos why is that.

They also look wet how often are you watering
No reason for the soil not touching the side. I mounded around plant


Soil sorry lots of things fired at me. I’m in soil. I ph my water to 6.5 and run Athena nutrients. I have holes in my bucket. I bought them a little over a week ago. I recently moved light up after reading it was 1 foot from top of plant now 2. 720w led.
Ok so the your ph isn’t 5.8-6.3
It’s 6.5 ok well
that rules out the ph problem.

You lights a 720w led & was 12” away that explains the top leaf damage that and your overwatering and over feeding.

Every day is to often, you to water more like every 2-3 days in veg
You definitely shouldn’t be feeding every day.

Imzzaidae will help you more with your feeding as he’s a ppm man were as I’m not so good with that side as I grow organicly.

You should do what he suggested about getting a bag of compost and repotting them so there in the pots properly and have soil around the sides


Hey Dhays97.

Is this the fertilizer you have bud? Sorry if I seemed to be grouchy earlier.
I don't mean to be.

Athena Blloom


Yeah I second that i neither meant to come across as said. 🙂
Gosh that’s a lotta k. and n if you used that you did well not to burn them silly when they where seedlings
The numbers seem wacko for cannabis I wonder if any of these pre ferted soils are made by folks who fully understand cannabis plants 🪴

Hey Dhays97.

Is this the fertilizer you have bud? Sorry if I seemed to be grouchy earlier.
I don't mean to be.
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