Tired of trainwrecking other peoples threads? Well then, come party at the captains! Trainwreck this thread with…….trains? Anything goes here……….

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Too cool Tree, I never thought of taking a piece, or an older cutting board for my doogie, but alas he has gone to doggie heaven but something to ponder in the future. I am sure a dog would go nuts over it with all the odors, juices etc it has been subjected to.View attachment 2175816
The Black Wirehaired Pointing Griffen, is the one that has past, but the Shiba Inu is still here.View attachment 2175817
Dogs are too good and their lives are too short so I spoil mine as much as possible while they are here. Good thing they love veggies or they would both be blimps. 🤣


Toaster oven is the way to go for decarb. I pay about $10-15 at second hand stores but always check them with a thermometer😉

I've got a small toaster oven but the jar wouldn't fit inside. I guess it would work just spreading it out on foil.

It came out a little browed in the regular oven and it's infusing now so I'll see how it goes. I saw another method where they put raw weed right in the oil and cooked it on a stovetop at 220 degrees. That one threw me off since most people say decarb before mixing but it looked like the easiest.


I've got one of those fancy electric convection ovens and I set it for 225 for 30 mins. (Should, but haven't checked the temp.) On parchment paper on a cookie sheet.
THEN I put the weed into Ball/Mason jars, pack it in good and add Canola oil. (you could use any oil)
Sous Vide for 2 hours at 180, shaking every half hour. Then strain that oil into a second jar and repeat the process.
Strain, then use in your favorite recipe. (just keep in mind, the THC is strong but so is the flavor)

BTW, I NEVER grind the buds or leaf. When it comes out of the oven it's pretty crumbly.


I've got one of those fancy electric convection ovens and I set it for 225 for 30 mins. (Should, but haven't checked the temp.) On parchment paper on a cookie sheet.
THEN I put the weed into Ball/Mason jars, pack it in good and add Canola oil. (you could use any oil)
Sous Vide for 2 hours at 180, shaking every half hour. Then strain that oil into a second jar and repeat the process.
Strain, then use in your favorite recipe. (just keep in mind, the THC is strong but so is the flavor)

BTW, I NEVER grind the buds or leaf. When it comes out of the oven it's pretty crumbly.
I am an edibles snob. Can't fucking stand the taste. I only use shatter or another extract to make edibles with. Really I should say will only eat them made that way because I never make edibles. My cookies and other baked goods are straight laced but they can still hang cuz munchies you know?


I am an edibles snob. Can't fucking stand the taste. I only use shatter or another extract to make edibles with. Really I should say will only eat them made that way because I never make edibles. My cookies and other baked goods are straight laced but they can still hang cuz munchies you know?
I ALSO can't stand the taste which is why the second and sometimes third go around with the mason jar full of buds. I figure the stronger it is the less I have to use.
Now, after GNick showed me how to dry sift my buds into hash, I'm hooked.
Took a small jelly jar of hash, baked it for half an hour in the oven, then added butter and did the sous vide.... much better.
I did use chocolate to mask the taste, but it's much better. 🙂


I'm from the government, and I'm here to help.
I am an edibles snob. Can't fucking stand the taste. I only use shatter or another extract to make edibles with. Really I should say will only eat them made that way because I never make edibles. My cookies and other baked goods are straight laced but they can still hang cuz munchies you know?
I'm in the same boat, I hate the taste of weed in edibles.

That being said, I'm going to let you in on one of my secrets to tasty edibles - first, use coconut oil as your lipid. Second, if at all possible, get your hands on some Forbidden Fruit (strain). Tastes and smells nothing like weed. Absolutely AMAZING for edibles. Shhh! Don't tell anyone! 😉🤠


I'm in the same boat, I hate the taste of weed in edibles.

That being said, I'm going to let you in on one of my secrets to tasty edibles - first, use coconut oil as your lipid. Second, if at all possible, get your hands on some Forbidden Fruit (strain). Tastes and smells nothing like weed. Absolutely AMAZING for edibles. Shhh! Don't tell anyone! 😉🤠
Steam refined coconut oil. Takes the coconut smell away👍


I'm in the same boat, I hate the taste of weed in edibles.

That being said, I'm going to let you in on one of my secrets to tasty edibles - first, use coconut oil as your lipid. Second, if at all possible, get your hands on some Forbidden Fruit (strain). Tastes and smells nothing like weed. Absolutely AMAZING for edibles. Shhh! Don't tell anyone! 😉🤠
Loose lips 👌😏🤫


Holy sheet. Growers that don't like the taste of weed? I LOVE IT. Took some sauve to a friend the other day and she opens up the tin and takes a deep breath. She LOVES the smell and taste🤣

I had read somewhere not too long ago about someone making oil or butter and then tossing the spent weed into a brownie mix. I'd of eaten a couple.

Fk'in LOVE the taste😉


Holy sheet. Growers that don't like the taste of weed? I LOVE IT. Took some sauve to a friend the other day and she opens up the tin and takes a deep breath. She LOVES the smell and taste🤣

I had read somewhere not too long ago about someone making oil or butter and then tossing the spent weed into a brownie mix. I'd of eaten a couple.

Fk'in LOVE the taste😉
Nothing better than the smell of dank bud. Put them in the oven and wait 20 minutes those same buds make me want to barf lol


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
Just wanted to take a minute and say thanks to all of you crazy fools, for keeping it legit, fun, knowledgeable and happy up in this piece. I’m a little green in the gills today, so I’ve been moving slow, and barely checking my phone. It is just nice to see that y’all really are awesome when I do finally get to flipping through what everyone is doing for the day. It’s always folks helping out to the best of their ability, acting a fool, and just generally being cool af daily.

Stay green my friends.
It’s what’s up.

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