What’s GNick55 up too

  • Thread starter GNick55
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well currently have 2 plants going as i’m waiting for early january to start the next serious grow,( the seeds) and these were just something to add in quickly with other plants being switched into flower but those plants suffered badly from white powdery mildew and being time to switch it just wasn’t worth it, so they were chopped done and disposed off, but than i notice the slow growth and other signs of stress in these two clones and within a couple days the wpm showed itself, so i was going to throw them out too, but i thought i try to save them, so i clean everything in the rooms with h2o2 and isopropyl.
than i sprayed them with milk and it has saved them in time for flowering.
milk has been proven to be helpful to plants, countries with lots of intense sunlight use it to save all sorts of crops where as milk for cannabis can used early on a day which will be hot and sunny or say a 1000 watt metal halide..
i’ve used it before on plants but wasn’t fully confident to advise others to do, as i’ve never had it indoors. but now i’m a believer of spraying the plants during veg just for the benefits to the plants it gives them..
Dude the golf balls in the oversidez trays, im straight geekin out over that. That's absolutely genius. Mind blowingly simple, never seen that anywhere that i remember. Stolen...

Also, subbed up... Im too tired to seriously thread scroll rn, but ill be through the journal soon 🤙

I have similar masulinity in some of the female peaceblasters (fem cross) and for the same reason. The cross is half columbian land race. Some phenos grow a little "hempy" so to speak to begin with lmao.


Dude the golf balls in the oversidez trays, im straight geekin out over that. That's absolutely genius. Mind blowingly simple, never seen that anywhere that i remember. Stolen...

Also, subbed up... Im too tired to seriously thread scroll rn, but ill be through the journal soon 🤙

Dude the golf balls in the oversidez trays, im straight geekin out over that. That's absolutely genius. Mind blowingly simple, never seen that anywhere that i remember. Stolen...

Also, subbed up... Im too tired to seriously thread scroll rn, but ill be through the journal soon 🤙

I have similar masulinity in some of the female peaceblasters (fem cross) and for the same reason. The cross is half columbian land race. Some phenos grow a little "hempy" so to speak to begin with lmao.
airflow underneath and you can spin the bags around also


airflow underneath and you can spin the bags around also
After seeing that I was thinking about it too haha, guy up the street has a stand on the side of the road selling used golf balls probably has 3000 out there and he sells tem for like $2 a dozen or somthing was gunna pick up a ton… my golf bags gettin a little light anyways… I’ve always been a… 20 yards more is better than a foot short type golfer.. for some reason they keep putting a tree line behind the green 😜


think it’s from sears early eighties..
anytime you see these old fans with an actual motor i’d buy it..
Oh man, true that. If you find a cheap old fan somewhere buy it.

Tried to find a pic of it from the HPS days where you could make it out but couldnt. I have this stainless steel fan from the mid 70s. I used this thing as a kid in the 90s while sleeping, was my moms before i existed. It's in the basement waiting on the arrival of anew 4x4 right now. Its a bit dangerous in the closet though so not using it atm. The grill was lost ages ago.

It has outlived countless modern fans. Ive never even greased the motor lmao.

Edit: I also just realized how old the comment im replying to is lmao.
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Nick, what do you think was your best grow ever?
seriously its either and this is not based on how high i got of it,. an indoor grow 25 yrs ago, grow 1000 watt MH/HPS, think it was only 3-4 plants, while having pounds of mushrooms, 1000’s of lsd, couple pounds of hashish,.. 2 plants grew sooo tall into the ceiling so i took the top and kept bending down, when finished the plant was bent with the top starting to bend upwards from the floor with most of the side branches into the ceiling,. in basement 7 ft of room,. dried it and didn’t know what we were really doing but had help and all that weed including the shorter plant/s was gone in 2 days from everyone coming back wanting more,..
or back 30+yrs ago we drove a long way out in the middle of nowhere just woods and farm fields, found this spot on the edge of a farm field with no trees, the corn was just coming up from the ground we took all seeds collected (bag seed) and spread it around in a small area also pulled out a few corn sprouts,.. we didn’t go back as it was our first year at college living out of town,. in the fall we went out to get it, how in the hell we ever found it was a miracle,. anyhoo parked got out starting walking talking over there no over there wait!!! look 👀 plants we’re towering over the corn,.. packed everything up, some plants and all, buddy had a yellow honda civic so on the way home we had plants sticking out the 2 back windows at least a few feet,
i didn’t do a lot of growing, i had lots of friends with some doing large scale,. but i was and still am a hashish guy so i was on that side of things,..


How many you doin outside this year bother?

Love the camo net
that one is the main one which i’ll care for,. the plot with a bunch i’ll take as it goes but not expecting much,. than maybe a runt for the back yard,. i did make another spot but i’ve been watching it like a few days after a rain storm and the surrounding ground is still soaked so not gonna use it,…


that one is the main one which i’ll care for,. the plot with a bunch i’ll take as it goes but not expecting much,. than maybe a runt for the back yard,. i did make another spot but i’ve been watching it like a few days after a rain storm and the surrounding ground is still soaked so not gonna use it,…
The plot with a bunch did you just broadcast spread a bunch of seeds? Should be a nice little plot there.
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