itscheese`s cheese thread

  • Thread starter Itscheese94
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Subbed up. Not sure how i missed this one.

Ive only ever run a single cheese plant. Was some feminized seed called Cheese Candy early on in my growing career. Was a fantastic plant. never cloned it. Not sure why the cheese has never come back around.

Gorilla glue DNA has tended to haunt my world personally lmao.

Had to relocate a robin nest when i cleared out my plot. Momma found it pretty quick, and seems to dig the new location too. It's a complete and total myth that mothers abandon their offspring if humans mess with them.
100% in fact the father dove of one of my 3 dove nests got stuck in my wood stove chimney 2 summers ago, and me and the wife got him out, we put antibiotic ointment on all his wounds on his wings and back from trying to get out, his mate stayed and never left his side, when we let him go he left for 2 days then came back, they trust us around their babies and even leave them when they see us next to them knowing we keep the dogs away,

We can walk right up to them and they won’t even move this is their 2nd round of babies in the same nest since then,

had sparrows under the deck this year too, baby fell out and one of the dogs almost got it, we put him back up in the nest and his mother cared for it till they all flew away
IMG 4560


Yeah there the ones who get at the berries! Dogs are keepin em safe haha
haha would be them chipmunks little buggers, they look tasty though mike👍good on the dogs keeping them safe, i wouldnt be letting them get my strawberrys to dogs be staying out all night on strawberry watch.😁


haha would be them chipmunks little buggers, they look tasty though mike👍good on the dogs keeping them safe, i wouldnt be letting them get my strawberrys to dogs be staying out all night on strawberry watch.😁
It’s a decent patch so we see 2-3 with a bite a day but there just Rampin up production now, usually we can fill half that basket minimum a day, sometimes it’s full to the top daily mid summer
IMG 4456
IMG 4455
IMG 4457
IMG 4458


The seed mother of my peaceblaster F1 (Glue dream cookies/Moonsocket) was Eucalyptus/methol/like medicine but pleasant all the way.

Was the only plant ive ever had that tasted like this, and had this profile. None of her siblings did. None of her ancestors have. None of the peaceblasters have either, yet anyway. But in total there have only been like 5 or 6 peaceblasters grown out fully, and it's an F1. I got 4 going rn, my old roomate has a couple, and another friend has one going. We'll find one im sure. Hopefully anyway. Got a handful of the last remaining peaceblaster F1 seeds on the way should arrive any day now too.

I also have some oj x bb plants too, and the buds the seed came from were that stain your sinuses pine flavor thats nowhere anymore. Def gonna be doing something with that if any of my phenos pull that profile off.

The interesting thing about that menthol/eucalyptus profile, is how pleasant it is, and how little that gdc plant made anyone cough for how high test it was (30+). Those terps seem to pretty thoroughly amplify most of the medicinal effects of the plant as well. At least subjectively. And the one thing that plant never did, even after giant dabs, was anxiety.
yeh thats the way id put it medical 😁 yeh trully is a interesting terp. medicinal is a way id describe it to. i just did a biker plant not recently has that pines like smell with the skunk. the stuff that you can fast dry and still is the bomb. alot of the cheeses are like this to. hope you find some goodness in the oj x bb plants👍 yeh very smooth. makes you feel happy from the smell.😁


It’s a decent patch so we see 2-3 with a bite a day but there just Rampin up production now, usually we can fill half that basket minimum a day, sometimes it’s full to the top daily mid summer
thats a crazy strawberry patch man👍 gonna be loads strawberrys. whats the longest you can store them mike/ best way to store them?. can you freeze them by any chance.


The seed mother of my peaceblaster F1 (Glue dream cookies/Moonsocket) was Eucalyptus/methol/like medicine but pleasant all the way.

Was the only plant ive ever had that tasted like this, and had this profile. None of her siblings did. None of her ancestors have. None of the peaceblasters have either, yet anyway. But in total there have only been like 5 or 6 peaceblasters grown out fully, and it's an F1. I got 4 going rn, my old roomate has a couple, and another friend has one going. We'll find one im sure. Hopefully anyway. Got a handful of the last remaining peaceblaster F1 seeds on the way should arrive any day now too.

I also have some oj x bb plants too, and the buds the seed came from were that stain your sinuses pine flavor thats nowhere anymore. Def gonna be doing something with that if any of my phenos pull that profile off.

The interesting thing about that menthol/eucalyptus profile, is how pleasant it is, and how little that gdc plant made anyone cough for how high test it was (30+). Those terps seem to pretty thoroughly amplify most of the medicinal effects of the plant as well. At least subjectively. And the one thing that plant never did, even after giant dabs, was anxiety. I couldnt take a fat dab without turning towards my clone mother and saying thank you directly to her. First time smokers reported LSD/mushroom like effects, completely lacking any and all anxiety.
bro the phychedelic effects are something else. if you find a strong one a swear they all most make you trip. like enhanced colour.🤪 the cali blues i did from cap had this effect super happy euphoric. lately though i swear ive been waking up still stoned from the night before. like red eyed still😆


bro the phychedelic effects are something else. if you find a strong one a swear they all most make you trip. like enhanced colour.🤪 the cali blues i did from cap had this effect super happy euphoric. lately though i swear ive been waking up still stoned from the night before. like red eyed still😆
I've told many a new stoner that the weeds not laced with acid, that isnt even possible, the weed's just that good on it's own lmao.


Yes we do freeze them, but most of them are made into strawberry jam, or toppings for pancakes etc that’s if the kids don’t just eat them all haha
yeh man nice, making them into jam be able to store them much longer.👍the neighbours be popping soon ima get a few of them😁


got a nice pic of the exodus cheese,😁 the smell if i could describe it is hash berry, definitely some sort of hash berry there with like almost a lavender anise, like liquorice. that leads to a dank skunky musk back ground. very similar to the bc i have but the high and smell is way different.👍
Exodus cheese


where made by a grow friend, super interested my self to see what these x are like. if there anything like the stardawg. il after keep a few😁
I lost a baggie of '91 chemdog seeds (cross but idr with what. Dude still had master kush, and he was where i got my pre 2010 bubba i made my biggs with too) in my transition back to TN. The chem dog snoop was all about. Came from a mixing/mastering engineer in KC with a mother plant that had grown to the ceiling, and back down, then a little bit across the floor. Total fire hazard, but was impressive to see.

He was using hps 600s too. And yes, his house did burn down since i got those seeds, and the mother is no more. He actually crashed his bike and bit the dust not long after the house fire too sadly. RIP Tom.
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