Tired of trainwrecking other peoples threads? Well then, come party at the captains! Trainwreck this thread with…….trains? Anything goes here……….

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hahahahaha. Just north of Ann Arbor michigan i was trying to hitch, and found out i was getting no rides because of all the signs on the interstate that said "prison in area do not pick up hitchikers" or something to that effect.

Found this out from a beautiful Mama covered in sick grateful dead tatoos. Were insanely well done. She took me home and i didnt make it to my cousins in Saginaw for about 3 months ;)

Yea, i handled it equally poorly in the end im sure. I dont talk to her anymore. But wish i did. She was a badass human.
Had a couple of those back in the day. I wouldn't hitchhike to find them, plenty around and it's just a numbers game. At least 2 or 3 outta a hundred will wanna go for a ride. @MartyMcFly42oh know what I mean? Nuge nuge grin grin. Say no More!🤣

Yeah, had to work today. Really getting tired of it.


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
Hahaha I rewatched idiocracy last night, which was brought to you by Carl Jr’s.
But the best part was when one of his cabinet members freaked out and just kept repeating brought to you by Carl Jr’s.

Carl Jr’s
What? They pay me every time I say it…..
Brought to you by Carl’s Jr🫶🏻


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
Had a couple of those back in the day. I wouldn't hitchhike to find them, plenty around and it's just a numbers game. At least 2 or 3 outta a hundred will wanna go for a ride. @MartyMcFly42oh know what I mean? Nuge nuge grin grin. Say no More!🤣

Yeah, had to work today. Really getting tired of it.
View attachment 2186594
You’ve come to the right place then!
IMG 7265
IMG 3696
IMG 3584
IMG 2712


Fking slugs
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2 Sin City Juice. I did get 1 out of the 6 seeds and now have 4 seedlings. Reg seeds so I need just one boy and one girl.

Bastards were hiding under the egg crat.
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But they've left along the Starry Eyed cuts
20240604 133200

Mama looking good
20240604 134315

I've got another 30 in solos from GDP cuts and seedlings to BBHP cuts, Rhubarb fem seedlings, Mother's Milk x BBHP fem seedlings and Cherry Wine Hemp cuts. And my favorite berries
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Helpful Hint:

If you keep having slug or snail problems, and cant find the remnants of the slime trail, you may have earwigs coming out at night and doing some damage. Ive even had em make nest in the bottoms of my patio pots before.

They're really annoying with cacti and succulents. Took me forever to figure out what looked like slug damage was actually earwigs.

Its probably slugs though lmao.


If you were a hotdog would you eat yourself?
On the other hand, copper containing fungicides are really effective.
I’ll be picking some of this up, thanks!

This is all curious conversation ✌️ do you think what I saw then on my tree could have just been a coincident of other factors? I put that stuff on and the next day the leafs that were affected looked way better. I didnt think that was quite right so I did question it : ) If I had used something that is trusted and known would I have seen results that quickly?


I have a bradford pear tree im probably going to cut down. It seems to be growing tiny mushrooms out of all of its fruits. Like 100% of them. They appear orange and swollen from a distance because of it. None of the other bradfords are doing that worried itll spread. Ill snap a pic when the rains stop its down at the bottom of the yard lol. Haven't looke dit up.

Hell i may cut all the bradfords down. Hate em, they make such a mess when they inevitably break in a storm. And they're heavy as hell when you have to clean them up.


I’ll be picking some of this up, thanks!

This is all curious conversation ✌️ do you think what I saw then on my tree could have just been a coincident of other factors? I put that stuff on and the next day the leafs that were affected looked way better. I didnt think that was quite right so I did question it : ) If I had used something that is trusted and known would I have seen results that quickly?
Who knows but with copper you may. The only one I use and don't see instant results is Bt for moth larvae. Spinosad and neem oil are right now. Take 'em down, do your stuff, book 'em Dano. Fk I'm old🤣

I bought a powder copper insecticide for scale years ago. Our lemon and lime we well as Jasmin bush suffer bad. I see it on the weed, usually a large one on the trunk. Just one or two unlike the thousands on the citrus and Jasmin.
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20240605 153119


Helpful Hint:

If you keep having slug or snail problems, and cant find the remnants of the slime trail, you may have earwigs coming out at night and doing some damage. Ive even had em make nest in the bottoms of my patio pots before.

They're really annoying with cacti and succulents. Took me forever to figure out what looked like slug damage was actually earwigs.

Its probably slugs though lmao.
I went up to take this pics of the egg crate I use and where the slugs were hiding
20240605 153613
20240605 153547

And saw 4 Mother's Milk 🥛
20240605 153751

Cloud 9 right here. I should have made seed last time I grew it and always regretted it. Gotta get me just one boy and one girl🥰


Thanks both of you @Zill and @MartyMcFly42oh other stuff to look into, nature is fuckin awesome

Maters got hit with bone meal, then watered in with Alaska fish fert and a bit of jacks 20-20-20 for a big boost (about 1/3 dose just for a quick pick me up after pruning)

First row of maters vertical stringed, trained and pruned, 2nd row horizontal reined and pruned just gotta get up the verticals but I’ll do it tomorrow, too drunk and too baked, time to smoke out 🤣
Wow that’s a great looking garden, I was ready to roll 3 1/2 weeks ago and I hurt my back. I got everything prepped and even got a mini greenhouse to put my plants in. I’ve got a small yard and smaller garden, but I end up only growing a few different vegetables. I’m going to run a variety of hot peppers, and tomatoes in pots, then I built 3 raised beds out of pallets and repurposed the metal frame of a coffee table with landscape fabric to hold the soil, that will be leafy greens, with a shade cloth over it. One bed will have cucumbers and beans climbing up an arched trellis. One bed with squash and zucchini. And the last bed will be a little variety of other veggies, might do broccoli, but I will have to cover it with some screening, last year I got a worm 🐛 infestation.


Wow that’s a great looking garden, I was ready to roll 3 1/2 weeks ago and I hurt my back. I got everything prepped and even got a mini greenhouse to put my plants in. I’ve got a small yard and smaller garden, but I end up only growing a few different vegetables. I’m going to run a variety of hot peppers, and tomatoes in pots, then I built 3 raised beds out of pallets and repurposed the metal frame of a coffee table with landscape fabric to hold the soil, that will be leafy greens, with a shade cloth over it. One bed will have cucumbers and beans climbing up an arched trellis. One bed with squash and zucchini. And the last bed will be a little variety of other veggies, might do broccoli, but I will have to cover it with some screening, last year I got a worm 🐛 infestation.
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