Old Ends and New Beginnings

  • Thread starter SpursGrower
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Hi Guys and Girls

Thought I would start a thread to share my growing diaries and hopefully get some tips and tricks from you fine folks along the way.

I’m currently at day 60 of a 90-100 day run on two autos Blue Dream and Blueberry

And this morning I’ve just planted two more auto seeds, Stress Killer and CBD Fix.

These are my 2nd and 3rd time growing, I did a couple of fast eddy autos two or three years ago and the bug has pulled me back in and now I’m hooked.

I’ll add some pics of my setup and what I’ve done up to now, then add as I go along finishing the current grow and hopefully a full diary of the new girls.



Here’s a few of my setup in my garage.

It’s not the biggest of spaces as I have to stay stealthy to stay under the radar of Johnny law.

IMG 7008

IMG 7010

IMG 7009

IMG 6959

IMG 6961

Thought I’d be better off making my own enclosure with extra insulation to keep better control of heat then in a tent


My first attempt
IMG 1777
IMG 2050

This was just soil coco coir perlite and vermiculite and bottled synthetic nutrients

Both the same strain but different final appearance, but funnily I got exactly 100g dry from each plant.


If you were a hotdog would you eat yourself?
Nice set-up! Your end product looks great! How was the smoke?

ive got some GDP seeds im going to get for the next run and was thinking about throwing a CBD in the mix so I can mix that shit up in a night time before bed bowl : )


Nice set-up! Your end product looks great! How was the smoke?

ive got some GDP seeds im going to get for the next run and was thinking about throwing a CBD in the mix so I can mix that shit up in a night time before bed bowl : )
Thanks mate

It was awesome. I never really smoked weed except a couple times when I was a kid. But someone recommended it to help with life’s stresses and anxiety’s so I thought fuck it I’ll grow my own.

I only vape as I don’t smoke but the flavours were amazing.

It’s not particularly strong at 10%THC and 10%CBD but it certainly does the job it was intended for 😍


Here’s a few of the current grow…

I’ve had a few issues with this one as I rushed in like a bull in a china shop thinking I would go organic living soils but didn’t really do enough homework.
IMG 6394
IMG 6433
IMG 6483
IMG 6522
IMG 6557
IMG 6600
IMG 6616
IMG 6671
IMG 6726
IMG 6771
IMG 6801
IMG 6816
IMG 6847
IMG 6881
IMG 6904


A little update on the current grow..

Over the last couple of weeks both plants weren’t very happy especially the taller Blue Dream.
IMG 6857
IMG 6861

After hours of Google searching I finally found a couple threads on here that seemed sensible with good info so I signed up.

As I’ve said in another thread I blindly followed the directions for the soil and dry nutrients without really paying attention to what the plants were doing. And I fucked up with a new light and nearly cooked the poor buggers!

So with help from the farm the last couple of days they have started to turn the corner and are looking much better.
IMG 7024

I’m not sure if they will be what they could’ve as they missed out on the nutrients they needed during most of their mid flower. Luckily I’ve got more of both seeds so will try again in the future but I’m just happy it looks like I will get these to harvest in a few weeks 🤞


Little update for today

Still no sign of CBD Fix so I’ve put her in her germination chamber at the bottom of my main grow area.
IMG 7143

Now I’ve set up the veg space Stress Killer has gone into her final pot with a little bit of great white to help her roots get comfy
IMG 7138
IMG 7136
IMG 7139

The light is at about 20 inches but turned right down to 20% giving about 200 ppfd.

She’s on a 20/4 light schedule and the day temps are set at 23 degrees C and night is 20 degrees C

Humidity is currently at about 55% so may have to do something to raise that a bit
IMG 7148
IMG 7151



Friday night update

The two old girls have really started to fatten up the past couple days
IMG 7190

IMG 7191

I think maybe 2 weeks for the blueberry and 3 for the blue dream.

Will have to start thinking if I’ll flush or not, there must be a good thread on here where the topic is discussed 🫣😂

Still no CBD fix, i had a dig around and the seed had rotten so she’s no more, so this run is just the stress killer. At least I should have plenty of room I may even try scrog in preparation for doing my first photo in a couple of months.

She’s looking ok apart from a bit of yellow speckle on the leaves. If anyone sees this and has any ideas I’d be grateful for the input.
IMG 7194
IMG 7193


Update with an added question if anyone could help?
IMG 7233

I haven’t watered her since beginning of last week when she was transplanted, probably due for a water later today or tomorrow, should I water the entire medium? I think I’ve read that here but want to make sure as I don’t want to soak her and then she’s sat in too damp soil for the next week?

Cheers 👍


A little update on the current grow..

Over the last couple of weeks both plants weren’t very happy especially the taller Blue Dream.
View attachment 2184875View attachment 2184876
After hours of Google searching I finally found a couple threads on here that seemed sensible with good info so I signed up.

As I’ve said in another thread I blindly followed the directions for the soil and dry nutrients without really paying attention to what the plants were doing. And I fucked up with a new light and nearly cooked the poor buggers!

So with help from the farm the last couple of days they have started to turn the corner and are looking much better.View attachment 2184895
I’m not sure if they will be what they could’ve as they missed out on the nutrients they needed during most of their mid flower. Luckily I’ve got more of both seeds so will try again in the future but I’m just happy it looks like I will get these to harvest in a few weeks 🤞
this bluedream has calcium deficiency or lockout.
what's your media and feeding schedule?


Update with an added question if anyone could help?
View attachment 2196021
I haven’t watered her since beginning of last week when she was transplanted, probably due for a water later today or tomorrow, should I water the entire medium? I think I’ve read that here but want to make sure as I don’t want to soak her and then she’s sat in too damp soil for the next week?

Cheers 👍
yes you should saturate the whole media than let it dryback some before next watering (depending on the media used the drybacks should be higher or lower), in veg drybacks are not as important, but you should still let the media regain some oxigen before next watering

overwatering happens when watering to often and not because of ammount of water each watering provided your soil has excellent drainage, overwatering happens very easily in poor drainage soils tho.
Last edited:


this bluedream has calcium deficiency or lockout.
what's your media and feeding schedule?
It started as a living soil but I think the plant was hungrier then the directions of the top feed anticipated. So by the time I noticed what was wrong I think it was too late to top feed and I switched over to feeding the blue dream with GH tri part nutrients. She drinks a lot so I’m watering every other day and she is nearly bone dry by that point. I’m feeding the recommended nutrients every feed and this is her today
IMG 7237

She’s doing a lot better than she was but I still think I could probably up the nutrients. I’m still thinking she’s got light stress as well but I’m now down to 500 ppfd at the tops and don’t know if she will ripen properly if I go much lower.


It started as a living soil but I think the plant was hungrier then the directions of the top feed anticipated. So by the time I noticed what was wrong I think it was too late to top feed and I switched over to feeding the blue dream with GH tri part nutrients. She drinks a lot so I’m watering every other day and she is nearly bone dry by that point. I’m feeding the recommended nutrients every feed and this is her todayView attachment 2196035
She’s doing a lot better than she was but I still think I could probably up the nutrients. I’m still thinking she’s got light stress as well but I’m now down to 500 ppfd at the tops and don’t know if she will ripen properly if I go much lower.
i don't see light stress tho, if all the inputs (waterings schedule/temps/humidity etc) are correct cannabis can take lots of light.
whats your temperature and humidity range?


i don't see light stress tho, if all the inputs (waterings schedule/temps/humidity etc) are correct cannabis can take lots of light.
whats your temperature and humidity range?
75/50 during day 68/60 for 4 hours lights out.

My thinking for the light stress was simply the leaves drooping down, but happy to be told otherwise


75/50 during day 68/60 for 4 hours lights out.

My thinking for the light stress was simply the leaves drooping down, but happy to be told otherwise
upping your humidity to 55-60% during the day with LEDs they will take more light easily.
also temperature can range from 78-82f, it will help heat the leaves properly when using LEDs for better uptake of nutrients (principally calcium and magnesium, but all the other elements too) it will promote more transpiration and photosynthesis overall, just drop the temps and humidity last two weeks of flower.



upping your humidity to 55-60% during the day with LEDs they will take more light easily.
also temperature can range from 78-82f, it will help heat the leaves properly when using LEDs for better uptake of nutrients (principally calcium and magnesium, but all the other elements too) it will promote more transpiration and photosynthesis overall, just drop the temps and humidity last two weeks of flower.

Thanks man, I will give it a go.

I’ve gone from 900ppfd down to 500 slowly over the last couple of weeks trying to get it so the leaves are straight and look happy but no luck. Maybe I’ve just done irreparable damage when they were starving and that’s just how the leaves are.


Thanks man, I will give it a go.

I’ve gone from 900ppfd down to 500 slowly over the last couple of weeks trying to get it so the leaves are straight and look happy but no luck. Maybe I’ve just done irreparable damage when they were starving and that’s just how the leaves are.
autoflowers because of the extended lights on period you want around 750ppfd peak flower.
photos you want around 900-1000ppfd without co2 so you get a good DLI.

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