Tired of trainwrecking other peoples threads? Well then, come party at the captains! Trainwreck this thread with…….trains? Anything goes here……….

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Saw this tour.
Dimebag is fucking immaculate in this live hit of dom/hollow. Note for note utter perfection.
Vinnie hits those drums like a damned peterbilt.

Rip dime and vinnie

The sound quality is amazing….

zack wylde is now playing guitar for pantera. i like zakk but dimebag can never be replaced. R.I.P. Dimebag. you are forever missed.


Maybe I should rent a booth next year and sell sauve🤔


i'd almost given up on interacting with others completely and i thought, why don't i try to interact with people that share a common interest in something i'm really into (that many still have a dim view of). so i came here, without a doubt one of the best decisions i ever made.

you fuckers rule.


Love music but I’ll listen to anything from oldies to gangster rap, on the same playlist 🤣 my neighbors smoke with me so they know I’m crazy but they probably still wonder when I have the tunes turned up out in the garden when I’m workin 😂
😂 i would concur. don't know bout the oldies thing. my active music awareness years were perhaps the 1970's, some 60's stuff, i tend to include stuff from all genres on shuffle. i have an extensive music collection. got tired of listening to one or two groups or styles. kinda bored with that. more heavy in metal, hard rock, some stuff like james taylor, dylan, pink floyd, and a shitload of heavier stuff, mushroomhead, slipknot, arch enemy, body count. it's not boring when everything is jumbled up.... 👍


start this one

Id be almost willing to bet money within 5 mins your opinion on classical will change forever.

This is David Micic's most recently album

This is one of the most brilliant pieces of music ever created imho. Start to finish magnum opus. Total masterpiece on par with the greatest composers of all time.
makes my brain all wiggly. just can't aclimate to it.😰



It ain’t nothing 👊🏻🤡
Gotta lower the bar for the upcoming draft 🤔…….


Another good one!

Saw skynyrd about 15 years ago live, obviously not the origina l full band but nonetheless, we ended up getting lucky the tickets we had were fake. I went with my mother-in-law she got them from her brother and he got them from his boss and they were actually fake tickets so we went didn’t know they were fake , got rejected. When we started walking back down the path to leave a guy who is scalping on the side of the path asked why we are leaving. Told him we got kicked out and he handed us two tickets and said have fun when we got back to the gate we found out they were VIP tickets and we are front row from the concert. I must’ve had 15 to 20 spliffs and joints passed to me in the first 15 minutes.me and the mother in law will ever forget that night haha
hahahaha, i was 13 when i saw skynyrd. And i could smell it, and i wanted it, but i wasnt gettin any, thats for sure.


🐼 🚀 living soil
Just be careful not judging or anything I've done shit like that in the past, too, but I have a friend who works for walmart's loss prevention and they watch that shit like hawks. You may not get in trouble for it the first time, but they can and probably will use it against you next time you try it. The thing is, they have now installed facial recognition cameras at the entrances to all of their stores, now, and they have hidden cameras watching every angle on the self checkouts. So, next time you go into that walmart, there's a chance they will know who you are and be watching you the second you step through their doors.

Welcome to the New World Order 😡🤬
Waste tons of money to save a few pennies....corporations at their best


makes my brain all wiggly. just can't aclimate to it.😰
Just some funny music v0 pvodxvw78xqc1
PnXjfQFpYKm9qcUJ9apd xX2 2pOQHgOWg5DprbEKYc
Just some funny music v0 s49xuxw78xqc1


YouTube I watch a lot of, never turns off my TV, but it auto plays gardening people I follow and canna growers I follow, can’t sleep in silence even wi th 3 fans running and the grow tents all humming away in the next room I’ll still wake up immediately if it pauses the show 🤣 we’re always outside till it’s dark and the skeeters come out heavy

Cable? Haven’t had that in about 10 years, got rid of it for the price, tried it again a year later said hell no, just keep the internet and some streaming services for the kids, but they barely watch anything either unless it’s just before bed, they like gardening with me, hell my daughter goes out and weeds the garden and breaks up the soil around each plant she does 1 row a day, we’ll see how it’s doin when I get home temp is 96f heat index is 104f atm but we had a huge thunderstorm come through this morning and dump 3” of rain in an hour… so I’m fairly confident they are watered throughly 🤣

speakin of zucchini’s I pulled these last night 🤣 I’ll grab a garden update for the journal tonight
I love freaking people out with my zucchini. Been doing it for years lmao.

Got to freak mom out with em this year.
448339283 475302868317174 5573864044885329739 n
448389488 1527096841489755 3994012028331525755 n

the first fruit just dropped it's flower yesterday, and it's already about 8 inches long and FAT.
448407627 480745707693357 199612271967263544 n


makes my brain all wiggly. just can't aclimate to it.😰
theres only like 3 minutes of classical and the rest of the album is prog rock/metal lol. For the most part anyway. theres some european motifs and stuff swirling throughout though for sure.

Wiggly is probably a good word though, yea.

Although when i say i listen to everything, i genuinely mean i listen to everything. Theres country, rap, electronic, rock, metal, prog, blues, R&B, new age, and then some that i love passionately.

if someone said pick a song or i shoot, they shoot.

^3 of my all time favorites tho
GD love 300x300 ebaab64f9d
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😂 i would concur. don't know bout the oldies thing. my active music awareness years were perhaps the 1970's, some 60's stuff, i tend to include stuff from all genres on shuffle. i have an extensive music collection. got tired of listening to one or two groups or styles. kinda bored with that. more heavy in metal, hard rock, some stuff like james taylor, dylan, pink floyd, and a shitload of heavier stuff, mushroomhead, slipknot, arch enemy, body count. it's not boring when everything is jumbled up.... 👍
slipknot, some of the parties I can still remember it playin we always had huge parties out in the woods, we where country kids, lived in the woods, only time we didn’t have tunes playin was when we were out ridin trails, never sober, man I miss the good ol days 🤣




I love freaking people out with my zucchini. Been doing it for years lmao.

Got to freak mom out with em this year.View attachment 2196662View attachment 2196661

the first fruit just dropped it's flower yesterday, and it's already about 8 inches long and FAT.
View attachment 2196660
😍 nice! What variety is it? I have some garden spineless and some black beauty, Forgot to grab a zucchini pic today but they exploded after the rain, some people don’t realize how fast those things grow haha nothing one day come back 3 days later and your jaw drops haha, but I did a walk though, it’s crazy how fast they grow once pollinated

Broccoli patch doin allright too, then my daughter walked up and said she used the tomato clips on the marglobes and put on another row, she did great!
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