Tired of trainwrecking other peoples threads? Well then, come party at the captains! Trainwreck this thread with…….trains? Anything goes here……….

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Dude I am with you it’s sour anyway you prepare it. The heated version texture is slimy and it has a piss like smell. I guess it’s a acquired taste.
yea i wasn't going to go into any detail, but i feel more or less exactly the same about it's flavor

I do like some nicely seasoned zucchini bread, or the cakes you can make with them though lol

Maybe im just uncultured... I'm probably just uncultured. 🤣


Im thinking You can get fabric potato bags, and they have a door down low. Can use it for inspecting a root zone, as well as directly inspecting, venting, and treating problems like rots and fungi, and soil born pests directly.

I think ima give potato bags a shot for cannabis if i can find some lil bit shorter wider ones. got some 2 and 5 gallon ones on the way already. Personally i cant come up with any real cons to having a doorway in a fabric pot that directly accesses the meat of the root system. Even if ill rarely ever use it, i bet a time will come that ill be glad it's there.

I probably wont buy temu ones, just an example. But i think it may be a good idea lmao.


yea i wasn't going to go into any detail, but i feel more or less exactly the same about it's flavor

I do like some nicely seasoned zucchini bread, or the cakes you can make with them though lol

Maybe im just uncultured... I'm probably just uncultured. 🤣
We make Taco boats. That makes them taste better. I find then bland. Also slicing and placing them on a tray sprinkled with spices and covered with parmesan cheese and roasted. We usually do tomato slices as well. It's such an easy veggie to grow so might as well figure out the best way to eat 'em😉


We make Taco boats. That makes them taste better. I find then bland. Also slicing and placing them on a tray sprinkled with spices and covered with parmesan cheese and roasted. We usually do tomato slices as well. It's such an easy veggie to grow so might as well figure out the best way to eat 'em😉
Theres almost always something else in the garden or fridge that i would prefer any number of ways you can prepare zucchini lmao. Im just not a fan of it as a food, but thats fine because everyone else seems to be 🤙 🤙

Id much MUCH rather have a slice of cucumber, seasons and roasted. Or a tomato. Or a potato, or a pepper, or eggplant. My favorite thing to harvest is mom's Navajo Blackberry, it's hard to not be popping those as they get picked. They get as big as my thumb and they taste heavenly, even when still tart. Theres wild muscadine grapes and passionfruit vines all over out here that are fantastic to harvest.

And yea zucchini are prob the easiest fruiting plant to grow that i know of honestly. But people i see growing them here have like an entire row of tiny yellowy plants saying "kill me now" while theyre spitting out one fruit at a time each while they have tomatos next to them going insane.

For whatever reason, you dont see big hapy healthy zucchini plants around here. You just dont. Every single person thats seen mine are reacting like its the first time they've heard Tool music or something. Most had no idea the plants can even get this big. They are the biggest ones ive grown so far yea, But all i did was put them in natural flood loam and compost, aerated and unpacked, and feed them hose water. And personally ive seen bigger in peoples gardens back in the midwest. An easier plant to push into thriving doesnt exist imho. But i see lots of people successfully growing much more difficult plants, and struggling hard with zucchini around here so much that they have to plant large rows of unhealthy plants just to produce enough fruit.

I truly do not understand this or why that happens here hahahaha. My zucchini exploded and i have done diddly squat since they got planted tbh.


Im thinking You can get fabric potato bags, and they have a door down low. Can use it for inspecting a root zone, as well as directly inspecting, venting, and treating problems like rots and fungi, and soil born pests directly.

I think ima give potato bags a shot for cannabis if i can find some lil bit shorter wider ones. got some 2 and 5 gallon ones on the way already. Personally i cant come up with any real cons to having a doorway in a fabric pot that directly accesses the meat of the root system. Even if ill rarely ever use it, i bet a time will come that ill be glad it's there.

I probably wont buy temu ones, just an example. But i think it may be a good idea lmao.
I’ve looked at those. Was actually checking them out before I just bought these 12 gallon grow bags, but decided not to, they do look like it’s be interesting to use to see root zone development at the pot edge though (which is why I was considering it)


We make Taco boats. That makes them taste better. I find then bland. Also slicing and placing them on a tray sprinkled with spices and covered with parmesan cheese and roasted. We usually do tomato slices as well. It's such an easy veggie to grow so might as well figure out the best way to eat 'em😉
Seasoned, Battered or breaded and fried I’m a straight Diego, wanna try some old school shit gotta make these, grows wild as weeds here in the US as well, my grandfather and uncles from Sicily used to make them for us when we were kids, have you ever tried fried cardoon? Here’s the plant it’s a thistle type plant similar to artichokes, looks kinda like a big elephant ear plant but it’s mostly the stalk similar to celery that’s used to make them, we had them in the shape of a burger patty and just ate them plain or with some seasoned oil

Poor man’s food from the moussolini times, my great uncle had stories of working at gunpoint in the coal mines at 12 years old and getting paid in bread and cheese, they’d find these on the way home and their mom would cook them up

IMG 5533


I’ve looked at those. Was actually checking them out before I just bought these 12 gallon grow bags, but decided not to, they do look like it’s be interesting to use to see root zone development at the pot edge though (which is why I was considering it)
Yea watching for root binding, and treating potential root problems. Seems like it could be very useful.

I can't find any wide ones in big sizes though. Not a fan of tall containers with cannabis personally. It can actually encourage root zone issues on its own ime

The outdoor plot is taking the heat wave in stride. Although I have carried about 20 gallons over there every single morning during lmao. Still haven't hooked up my irrigation system 🙄

Yup planted way too close together. To be fair though. Some of my plants are already as big as I was expecting them to be come harvest in this soil with this amount of light exposure and how I've been feeding them (just goat poop, compost/tea, and hose water mostly. There have been 2 flora micro feedings and some pelleted organic feed with beneficial microorganism colonies)
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Theres almost always something else in the garden or fridge that i would prefer any number of ways you can prepare zucchini lmao. Im just not a fan of it as a food, but thats fine because everyone else seems to be 🤙 🤙

Id much MUCH rather have a slice of cucumber, seasons and roasted. Or a tomato. Or a potato, or a pepper, or eggplant. My favorite thing to harvest is mom's Navajo Blackberry, it's hard to not be popping those as they get picked. They get as big as my thumb and they taste heavenly, even when still tart. Theres wild muscadine grapes and passionfruit vines all over out here that are fantastic to harvest.

And yea zucchini are prob the easiest fruiting plant to grow that i know of honestly. But people i see growing them here have like an entire row of tiny yellowy plants saying "kill me now" while theyre spitting out one fruit at a time each while they have tomatos next to them going insane.

For whatever reason, you dont see big hapy healthy zucchini plants around here. You just dont. Every single person thats seen mine are reacting like its the first time they've heard Tool music or something. Most had no idea the plants can even get this big. They are the biggest ones ive grown so far yea, But all i did was put them in natural flood loam and compost, aerated and unpacked, and feed them hose water. And personally ive seen bigger in peoples gardens back in the midwest. An easier plant to push into thriving doesnt exist imho. But i see lots of people successfully growing much more difficult plants, and struggling hard with zucchini around here so much that they have to plant large rows of unhealthy plants just to produce enough fruit.

I truly do not understand this or why that happens here hahahaha. My zucchini exploded and i have done diddly squat since they got planted tbh.
Squash/zucchini is very good for us and worth the time and effort. Matter of fact every veggie we can grow will be healthier for us as they won't be covered in insecticides and soil grown saturated in insecticides😉


Squash/zucchini is very good for us and worth the time and effort. Matter of fact every veggie we can grow will be healthier for us as they won't be covered in insecticides and soil grown saturated in insecticides😉
i find myself doing very little and outyielding many who do a LOT to their gardens, especially where i live now lol.

Im a firm believer in KISS when it comes to growing plants outside, in ground lol. There are very few things i focus on in a veggie garden. Mineral content vs organic content, aeration, and a constant source of biodegradation. (hügelkultur ftw)


i find myself doing very little and outyielding many who do a LOT to their gardens, especially where i live now lol.

Im a firm believer in KISS when it comes to growing plants outside, in ground lol. There are very few things i focus on in a veggie garden. Mineral content vs organic content, aeration, and a constant source of biodegradation. (hügelkultur ftw)
I couldn’t agree more!! Organic matter and some slow and steady mineral balancing are virtually all I concentrate on.

And it’s worth reiterating a million times - the most important thing is to never leave your soil uncovered by either plants or some kind of mulch, even if it’s plastic..


Hey all

Hope you don’t mind me train wrecking this train wreck thread but this seems the place to get some info from like minded people 🤞

Horror movies and Weed!

I fucking love getting high and scaring the shit out of myself (yeah I’ve got issues 🤪)

Recently watched a couple of winners in the 2 terrifier movies and the 2 Creep movies. Any recommendations for films to creep me the fuck out would be awesome.

Cheers all ✌🏼
i used to be really into horror but these days i'm mostly into action, horror comedy and sci fi. that being said, the latest evil dead was pretty good. i used to be into the saw movies, hostel movies. i thought the sinister movies were pretty good. my fav's are the aliens feanchise.



Brace yourself. You're gonna wanna sit down for this. Just wait on that chorus.

^Retrospection is apocalyptically good lol.

it's not studio tricks, ive seen her live enough to know lmao. I generally dont get into the growling sid eof metal, but i f*cking love arch Enemy and Jinjer
i love the studio stuff with the singer that took over for gossow but i have to admit that the live stuff i've seen online she just doesn't seem to be as tight as gossow. she's definitely no slacker in my opinion just not quite as good an edge as gossow. i'll say one thing, she is definitely hot visually.


I couldn’t agree more!! Organic matter and some slow and steady mineral balancing are virtually all I concentrate on.

And it’s worth reiterating a million times - the most important thing is to never leave your soil uncovered by either plants or some kind of mulch, even if it’s plastic..
i tend to fill a rasied bed with enough plant life that the crops themselves shield the soil. I definitely prefer a cucumber ripening under a leaf canopy, then one laying in direct sun on the hot ground.

on my outdoor cannabis i use natural forest floor detritus for the mulch, but it usually just ends up directly under my cannabis plants because i walk around them too much lmao. It also likes to wash away in heavy rain everywhere but the dips my plants are planted in because its near the crest of ridgeline and the soil takes a bit of water across the surface when its dry before itll begin to absorb and storms here like to start with a thunderclap and immediate downpour because they bunch up on the west side of the mountains here.

Definitely will except any and all good ideas for mulching an area like my cannabis plot lmao. 20 galloons a day feels a bit steep lmao.


Hey all

Hope you don’t mind me train wrecking this train wreck thread but this seems the place to get some info from like minded people 🤞

Horror movies and Weed!

I fucking love getting high and scaring the shit out of myself (yeah I’ve got issues 🤪)

Recently watched a couple of winners in the 2 terrifier movies and the 2 Creep movies. Any recommendations for films to creep me the fuck out would be awesome.

Cheers all ✌🏼
Slaughtered Vomit Dolls
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