Mikedin’s garden center, Let’s grow!

  • Thread starter Mikedin
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my setup is so minimal. i don't use a fan, lights are doing a good job given they were inexpensive, no drain holes in the planting containers and the tent material was stuff i had lying around. only thing i paid for was compost, lights and some organic fertilizersView attachment 2199024View attachment 2199026View attachment 2199028View attachment 2199030View attachment 2199031View attachment 2199032View attachment 2199036View attachment 2199037View attachment 2199048
Nothing wrong with minimal! Whatever works, there’s so many different ways to grow, and that may be one of my favorite parts about growing, evolving your process ether to be more complicated or to go as minimal as possible people always make it work!
They look great! Nice and frosty!


Most definetely! When I moved to my current house I stoped growing for a while, sold everything that I could and gave away the rest. I was using HPS so I didnt have anything fancy, I didnt wanna stop but I didnt have space in this house. After a while I started missing it a lot so I bought a 3x3 and made it fit in my house which was difficult. I still didnt have enough so I made an indoor out of a cardboard box and some aluminum foil (I know aluminum foil is not the best because it can be agressive at reflecting light but I was using 50W at first and then 75W, no signs of burning on the leaves) and also made the bottom waterproof with tape. Im just retiring it this month after 2 years of service, gonna upgrade to another tent the same size more or less.

And here an example of the plants that were coming out of there:


Most definetely! When I moved to my current house I stoped growing for a while, sold everything that I could and gave away the rest. I was using HPS so I didnt have anything fancy, I didnt wanna stop but I didnt have space in this house. After a while I started missing it a lot so I bought a 3x3 and made it fit in my house which was difficult. I still didnt have enough so I made an indoor out of a cardboard box and some aluminum foil (I know aluminum foil is not the best because it can be agressive at reflecting light but I was using 50W at first and then 75W, no signs of burning on the leaves) and also made the bottom waterproof with tape. Im just retiring it this month after 2 years of service, gonna upgrade to another tent the same size more or less.
View attachment 2199764
And here an example of the plants that were coming out of there:
View attachment 2199766
It’s all about utilizing your potential space, hell I have my greens and propagation rack, if I really wanted to I could grow just in that rack itself! I have a whole crawl space if I wanted to do a cool sog with super low plants I have 4’ of height available but it’s 40’x50’ of open crawlspace all concrete floor and drywall on the exterior walls wife said have at it I just haven’t seen lights that would work yet, if I can find sets that will fit between 16oc rafters so I can have the full height concrete to ceiling. I’ll set something up and scrog it, if I get it right I’ll even stop running in the tents and just make short rooms and roll around on a mechanics chair haha I’ll grab some pics one of these days but here’s the rack

Bottom is 4’x20”x4’ high and has a spiderfarmer SF600 then the upper racks each have 3x 20w barrina grow bars for seedlings clones and microgreens (I can add a 3rd shelf on the top half if doing the micros only) those are 4” pots for reference so it’s plenty of space, in the first pic with the 4 plants on the bottom those are in 1 gallon pots, 4 of those would run sweet

A 12/12 run from seed with 4 plants would probably fill that bottom in real nice
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It’s all about utilizing your potential space, hell I have my greens and propagation rack, if I really wanted to I could grow just in that rack itself! I have a whole crawl space if I wanted to do a cool sog with super low plants I have 4’ of height available but it’s 40’x50’ of open crawlspace all concrete floor and drywall on the exterior walls wife said have at it I just haven’t seen lights that would work yet, if I can find sets that will fit between 16oc rafters so I can have the full height concrete to ceiling. I’ll set something up and scrog it, if I get it right I’ll even stop running in the tents and just make short rooms and roll around on a mechanics chair haha I’ll grab some pics one of these days but here’s the rack

Bottom is 4’x20”x4’ high and has a spiderfarmer SF600 then the upper racks each have 3x 20w barrina grow bars for seedlings clones and microgreens (I can add a 3rd shelf on the top half if doing the micros only) those are 4” pots for reference so it’s plenty of space, in the first pic with the 4 plants on the bottom those are in 1 gallon pots, 4 of those would run sweet

A 12/12 run from seed with 4 plants would probably fill that bottom in real nice
Pretty cool to see it all stacked like that 😁
Tell Benny he's a good boy from me!


Morning all! Happy Sunday! Smoke em if ya got em! Checkin out the girls doing a light defol in the interiors, day 7 from flip today, both looking promising! Then the hydra plant as well as the Cman x okie comin up and the hydra plant havin a good time strain the 4x8

Gunna be a rainy day today might still go out and feed the garden, it’s great having the plastic covering the whole thing it only takes what water goes into the holes per plant the rest gets an even light watering so I can feed liquid neuts and not have half of it run away,
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No thanks! Id let my backup go instead! 😂
Uhh caption I think I have a cold haha

This is the corner of my basement I wanna empty over to the other side then paint and put up a few walls or even screen and put up some lights we’ll see when I have time to clean it out, took out a bunch today gotta start gettin through it anyways lol tons of old bikes nobody can use anymore (too small) but I may use that orange fence to block off a 10x10 area of it and start cleaning it up

Good corner no supports or lights or ducts or pipes anywhere above so maybe eventually build a room 😎 already have a 4” exhaust ready in the other corner so maybe I’ll do that side 🤔 cement floor, all drywall exterior walls not far from power to install a few outlets
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Oh yeah, cleaning out the corner gunna paint the floor and walls, I’ll use fence for now until new walls can be built to enclose it. I can use all the space I want but I like this area, even has 2 windows available but I won’t use em, just got everything moved and floor semi swept gotta clean it better then can lay down some kilz on the floor and walls, wides all for it since it’ll have majority veggies, I’ll dedicate one side to clones and veggin plants, if I can figure out how to keep plants less than 20” tall max consistently I may have some cool ideas.


Wonder what I can do with this 😏 ill
Measure tomorrow probably about 10’x10’ x 46” tall to play with maybe a bit more width we’ll see

Swept up and cleaned out just a back corner I’m putting together a rolling chair I’ll use to get back there it’s the farthest corner but that’s ok I’ll most likely be using that area to hit small clones in 1 gals with sts or collidal and start collecting pollen, we’ll see what other fun we can do in there, clone area, tomato / veggie side, just a fun little grow room with empty space
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well here’s the progression finally got the @spiderfarmer SF600 back up and going, got the room painted up, got some other lights i had around hung up and got some clones under the SF600 and some marglobe tomatoes under 7x barrina grow bars, gotta find the mounting hardware for the 8th bar

Will be building walls and making hopefully some flower rooms if I can get some lights and gear to equip each one, Kinda a little breeding lab and a few short height mini scrog rooms to test them out once I eventually get gear it’s on! Till then I’ll work with what I got haha just about 13’x10’ of space 46” total height
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