Need help with problem in early stages

  • Thread starter DillyTrying2Learn
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I have a 5x5 tent with 4 site RDWC with 44 gallons of RO water circulating and plenty of oxygen with PH 5.8-6.0, water temps are around 73ish until I drop an ice bottle in there and it gets down to 68 for about an hour, AC Evo 10 on level 5 which is about 4.5ft from the tops of my plants and 300is PAR. Tent is at about 70 degrees and 70% humidity. I have a fan blowing on the plants and circulating air. I am using Athena Blended and started at a 1060 PPM but added nutes and am now at 1160. I am using General Hydro ph up and down. I am using everything in the picture and only whats in the picture for nutrients and mixing starting from left to right. I started my seeds in rockwool cubes May 21st. When I moved my cubes into my system I think my 1st mistake was putting then a little too high in the basket and it took the roots about a week to get out of the clay balls and the bottom of the baskets. I also think I waited too long to give them nutrients. The problem I am having now though is about a week ago I had 2 plants where the fan leaves started to twist at the ends and get brownish spots on the leaves and the leaves in general just didn't look nice and green. I added 10% more Cal Mag and Grow B and A and it seemed to stop the problem and the leaves got a little darker. I ended up clipping the bad leaves and now about 4 days later one of the lower fans is starting to show the same signs it did at the beginning. Any help is appreciated and please let me know if you need anymore info. Also this is my 1st grow besides one about a decade ago in dirt.
Need help with problem in early stages
Need help with problem in early stages 2
Need help with problem in early stages 3
Need help with problem in early stages 4
Need help with problem in early stages 5
20240620 120916


Best thing is to learn how to read your plant rather than cell phone light meters. You cooking your plant ! Move the light away. 24 to 30 inches. I think 30 in this case to start with. If you are measuring nutrients carefully and fallowing directions your plant should green up and recover in a week 10 days.

Run solution over balls every 2 hours when you can and get those roots going. They will soon grow outside the basket and you can back off as the watering system will look after her needs from there.

Measure very nutrients carefully. Keep it as simple as you can.
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Best thing is to learn how to read your plant rather than cell phone light meters. You cooking your plant ! Move the light away. 24 to 30 inches. I think 30 in this case to start with. If you are measuring nutrients carefully and fallowing directions your plant should green up and recover in a week 10 days.

Run solution over balls every 2 hours when you can and get those roots going. They will soon grow outside the basket and you can back off as the watering system will look after her needs.
Sorry my post may of been confusing with how it was and my rambling, my light is almost 4 and a half feet away from the plants and I'm using a $80 PAR meter, so nothing fancy but not my phone. Are you suggesting I move the light closer? Also I now have nice long roots in the buckets, I was just saying that I didn't help them from the start by keeping them as high up as I did. Roots are definitely going good and strong and are pretty much all bleach white with some spots a little darker but nothing like dark brown or covered in slime.


I'm still seeing light washout, blistering and leaf curling. All usually related to light stress.
Id still consider turning your lights down to 60% - 70% and see if they clean up.
today's LED lights are so powerful you can stress plants very easy.

I assumed you where using a phone meter but the same thing goes weather it's an $80 dollar meter or a cell phone meter.

You can ball park it with a meter. But if the plant is showing light stress or burning you still need to turn the lights down
regardless of meter readings. Think about it a bit and do what ever you feel is best for your plants.

Hope this helps you.


I'm still seeing light washout, blistering and leaf curling. All usually related to light stress.
Id still consider turning your lights down to 60% - 70% and see if they clean up.
today's LED lights are so powerful you can stress plants very easy.

I assumed you where using a phone meter but the same thing goes weather it's an $80 dollar meter or a cell phone meter.

You can ball park it with a meter. But if the plant is showing light stress or burning you still need to turn the lights down
regardless of meter readings. Think about it a bit and do what ever you feel is best for your plants.

Hope this helps you.
Thanks for the help Ron, I had my light at 50% and turned it down to 40% after your reply yesterday. I will keep an eye on it and see if further light reduction is needed.


Thanks for the help Ron, I had my light at 50% and turned it down to 40% after your reply yesterday. I will keep an eye on it and see if further light reduction is needed.
With just a little luck that 10% reduction will reduce the stress on your plant enough that she will green up and get healthy for you.


@Imzzaudae gave you some good info, LED's can kill if ya let them. I'd just mention that 1100ppm is a bit on the high side for plants this age. I stay in the 400 - 500 range. We are all guilty of pushing our plants, thinking that's the case here.



@Imzzaudae gave you some good info, LED's can kill if ya let them. I'd just mention that 1100ppm is a bit on the high side for plants this age. I stay in the 400 - 500 range. We are all guilty of pushing our plants, thinking that's the case here.

I dialed my LED down to 30%, it's over 4ft above the plants as well. For the nutes I'm just following the schedule Athena uses and then added a little when I thought there was a deficiency. I just did a change last night and did the 1050 recommended PPM again. If they are still struggling in a week I will reduce the nutes for sure. Thanks everyone for all your help.


@Imzzaudae gave you some good info, LED's can kill if ya let them. I'd just mention that 1100ppm is a bit on the high side for plants this age. I stay in the 400 - 500 range. We are all guilty of pushing our plants, thinking that's the case here.

Do you think I would be better suited in pulling like 20ish gallons of solution out and putting clean water back in to try and get down to around 500ish or let it ride for the next 6 days?


Do you think I would be better suited in pulling like 20ish gallons of solution out and putting clean water back in to try and get down to around 500ish or let it ride for the next 6 days?
Listen to your plants. If they show no improvement from dropping the lights. A week is a 1/16 of a plant’s lifetime.


Please help! I am at a 2 out of 10 for the light, it's about 4 feet from the plants, I've cut my feed back to 750ppm and my problems are getting worse. I saw a couple spots on the leaf with a little piece missing so I thought maybe some kind of pest so I sprayed an organic pest control yesterday,This left a slight residue on the plants that had me freaking out thinking it was powdery mildue. Check on them this morning and the problem is getting even worse.
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Everything about these leaves points to light. Rolled edges and blistered look looks like someone wiped the green off exposing a faded yellow. The thing is that this will take a while to grow out of the plant. Weeks, not over night because
you dropped your light power.


Everything about these leaves points to light. Rolled edges and blistered look looks like someone wiped the green off exposing a faded yellow. The thing is that this will take a while to grow out of the plant. Weeks, not over night because
you dropped your light power.
I'm thinking you need to relax a bit. Give your plant a couple of weeks to reset.
Just feed her. Measure your nutrients very carefully with a syringe if you have. This is very important.
What about PH? What PH are you running your solution?
What temperature are you running your solution?
How much solution does your tank hold?

Would you post the products you are using with the NPK value of each for me.

I would honestly suggest that you simply remove the damaged leaves so they are not bothering you.
Simply stop worrying so much, Just let your plant be, see how the new growth looks in 2 weeks time.

I was researching dwc and found these numbers.
Seedlings and clones 300-400ppm 5.3-5.5 ph
early vegg 500-600ppm 5.3-5.6 ph
middle vegg 600-800ppm 5.4-5.6 ph
late vegg 800-1000ppm 5.5-5.7 ph
early flower 1000-1300ppm 5.5-5.7 ph
middle flower 1400-1600ppm 5.5-5.8 ph
late flower 1000-1100ppm 5.5-5.7 ph
ripening 300-500ppm 5.4-5.6 ph

seedlings and clones 250-350ppm 5.3-5.5 ph
early vegg 300-500ppm 5.3-5.6 ph
middle vegg 500-700ppm 5.4-5.6 ph
late vegg 700-900ppm 5.5-5.7 ph
early flower 1000-1100ppm 5.5-5.7 ph
middle flower 1100-1300ppm 5.5-5.8 ph
late flower 800-1000ppm 5.5-5.7 ph
ripening 300-500ppm 5.4-5.6 ph

It took me years to find this video. Hope it helps you.
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I'm thinking you need to relax a bit. Give your plant a couple of weeks to reset.
Just feed her. Measure your nutrients very carefully with a syringe if you have. This is very important.
What about PH? What PH are you running your solution?
What temperature are you running your solution?
How much solution does your tank hold?

Would you post the products you are using with the NPK value of each for me.

I would honestly suggest that you simply remove the damaged leaves so they are not bothering you.
Simply stop worrying so much, Just let your plant be, see how the new growth looks in 2 weeks time.

I was researching dwc and found these numbers.
Seedlings and clones 300-400ppm 5.3-5.5 ph
early vegg 500-600ppm 5.3-5.6 ph
middle vegg 600-800ppm 5.4-5.6 ph
late vegg 800-1000ppm 5.5-5.7 ph
early flower 1000-1300ppm 5.5-5.7 ph
middle flower 1400-1600ppm 5.5-5.8 ph
late flower 1000-1100ppm 5.5-5.7 ph
ripening 300-500ppm 5.4-5.6 ph

seedlings and clones 250-350ppm 5.3-5.5 ph
early vegg 300-500ppm 5.3-5.6 ph
middle vegg 500-700ppm 5.4-5.6 ph
late vegg 700-900ppm 5.5-5.7 ph
early flower 1000-1100ppm 5.5-5.7 ph
middle flower 1100-1300ppm 5.5-5.8 ph
late flower 800-1000ppm 5.5-5.7 ph
ripening 300-500ppm 5.4-5.6 ph

It took me years to find this video. Hope it helps you.
I'm gonna a be honest, sounds like you are not reading my post at all, literally every question you have asked, the info was all there on my original post. I appreciate all the help but when you are asking questions that are already provided right at the beginning it makes me question the help you're trying to give me. Even in my first post I said I had my light 4.5 feet away and you were telling me I had light stress but saying my lights should 24"-30" away.


Frankly I am helping 10 others and my time is limited I simply don't have time to read back 20 posts.
If you don't want me to bother you say so and I will help someone else.

I'm saying that you need to stop worrying so much your like an old woman. You need to just let it be and see if the plant responds to you moving the light. Cut the old burned leaves off and see how the new growth does over the next week or 2.


Please help! I am at a 2 out of 10 for the light, it's about 4 feet from the plants, I've cut my feed back to 750ppm and my problems are getting worse. I saw a couple spots on the leaf with a little piece missing so I thought maybe some kind of pest so I sprayed an organic pest control yesterday,This left a slight residue on the plants that had me freaking out thinking it was powdery mildue. Check on them this morning and the problem is getting even worse. View attachment 2202528View attachment 2202529View attachment 2202530
Keep your pH at 5.8, don't have a fan directly on the plants unless it oscillates, 750 ppm is too much, 400-500 much better for now

You may have caused this damage back when you didn't have your roots in water and they were dry

In all honesty I haven't grown hydroponically since 1997, so I can't help you beyond this point friend, hopefully someone else will chime in

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