RootFarmer's 2024 Outdoor Organic Grow Journal

  • Thread starter RootFarmer
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It's really changed here on the left coast. Unless I'm flooding the illegal market they couldn't care less but if the feds consider me a threat then they'd do whatever they wanted anyway so fk it😉
Times they are achangin'. I did a search for a specific brand of worm castings near me and this came up in the search. 👇

Screenshot 20240623 073637



June 20 - Blueberry cupcake
20240620 110458

90° when I took these 😓 Growth structure sure seems very sativa leaning. It has a small mutation....maybe a couple. I thought one might be a deficiency but it only effects the same 3 blades and repeats. Gotta be genetic. Could still be a deficiency involved. Still trying to figure this girl out.


Think I'll be pulling out the ladder again this year. Not even July and some of the girls are nearing the tops of their poles. I don't top outdoors. I do sort of a modified FIM. It was a happy accident. I FIMmed my FIM and didn't cut deep enough. What I found was that I got the same lower canopy boost like topping but I retain the apical. Their is a little bit of a stretch up top that helps open more of the upper canopy. The Sour Apple I grew last year had the potential to exceed 12' so a brief slow down up top before a little stretch helped keep the height more manageable.

June 2024
20240621 160240

Sept 2023

20230903 174513


I had a triploid trifoliate this year. And a completely fused shut seedling. Are sisters from my 30 year inbred Original Jack x original Big Bud plants. The second seedling thats all warped, thats mine that has all the claws and is so small right now. When the seed popped, the cotyledons were fused shut, i had to cut them open with a steril scalpel to let the seedling out
Long time grower   back at it   interesting genetics 2

This is the triploid as it sits now, close to 10 weeks old
IMG 20240625 135859833

It shot out a fasciated arm when the triploid terminated, and as of right now its fasciateing, and has a new shoot with a whorled phyllotaxy, as well as some reverted growths all on the same branch lol
IMG 20240625 135859833

IMG 20240624 151341985 1

The mutant i had to do surgery on, was just very slow, until i tried to feed her heavier, and she burned and got root rot lmfao. Hence all the claws you see today.

436565349 770486725063240 7608885841543782557 n 3

Coupe days later
434498471 1018763236342772 5421687735438191469 n 2

Triploid mutant, and her sister, the fused slow mutant
439477297 978921840485346 3727705219530617986 n 1

439402443 776105641144729 7960230808944443461 n 2

That mutant branch on the outside girl, is expressing fasciation (cresting) and reverted whorled phyllotaxy, is actually expressing the exact same genetic mutation the exact same way as this crested/whorled/reverted san pedro cactus
Crest cactuws 1

This is what the slow mutant looked like before i burned and rotted her roots lol. Part of her deformities from birth were hooky leaf tips, even when healthy and growing rapidly.

Very cabbagy plant lol.
442004727 3745476495737346 9058516358369295887 n 2


Had a humming bird get faked out yesterday. Flew right up to one of my girls thinking there were flowers. Hover then approach then retreat a few times before it flew away. The blackberry jungle is sharing lady bugs.

Girls are growing out more as they open up. Had to separate pots again. Probably won't need to after this. They look like they are in position for more vertical growth now.


July 1

Defoliation done except for a few big leaves up top on a couple plants to encourage a few branches to grow outward more before i take them. The canopy can get better light penetration and airflow now.

20240630 113631

20240701 094013

20240701 094233

The blackberry jungle that surrounds my space in the background above. Nature's security wall. They get as tall as trees practically.
20240630 101727
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