How long does reversal of deficiencies take?

  • Thread starter Progeria
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I planted in fox farms ocean forest on June 7th, so I still have some time with the nutrients from my understanding (I wasn’t aware that FFOF had nuts when I first got it) so I fed it half a feeding of grow big and big bloom right after transplant. My temps are 78-82 during lights on and 75-78 during lights off. My humidity stays 70-75. I have an EXE-1200TW exlevnce on the veg setting 22 inches above.

That was my previous couple entries I have a couple updates being now I have fixed the VPD significantly. I upgraded to a ks3000 and I have that at 25 inches. I noticed lime green and yellowing vanes with the obvious dark green leaves so I added half a teaspoon of cal mag with my normal less than a gallon of water feed yesterday in the early morning. I also added another clone to the tent but she’s doing fine for now.

She doesn’t really look better at all, so my question is how long do you think it’ll take to recover from the dark green or is this normal for my strain? (Jokerz) and it’s not nitrogen toxicity? But why am I getting that severe cupping on that one leaf and serration with curling on others? I’ve been battling thrips, but thrips don’t do this kind of damage.

How long does reversal of deficiencies take
How long does reversal of deficiencies take 2
How long does reversal of deficiencies take 3
How long does reversal of deficiencies take 4
How long does reversal of deficiencies take 5


It is just too much water too often. Do you see the leaf hanging, cupped inward and wilted the most, first picture? That’s overwatering and roots are taking damage. It may be root rot but if you let her dry out good between watering she can outgrow it. But you have to realize that she is weak and isn’t drinking as fast as you think in her current state. So give her time between watering and slow it down on her. She is sick and wants soup not steak and in smaller amounts. 👌 5 finger new growth and you are recovering. Good luck!


It is just too much water too often. Do you see the leaf hanging, cupped inward and wilted the most, first picture? That’s overwatering and roots are taking damage. It may be root rot but if you let her dry out good between watering she can outgrow it. But you have to realize that she is weak and isn’t drinking as fast as you think in her current state. So give her time between watering and slow it down on her. She is sick and wants soup not steak and in smaller amounts. 👌 5 finger new growth and you are recovering. Good luck!
Could it be the terracotta pot not being able to drain properly? I get run off, so I didn’t think that was an issue. I waited until the pot was super light and the soil was dry as a bone under my knuckle, as well as a cheap moisture meter that read 2.


Could it be the terracotta pot not being able to drain properly? I get run off, so I didn’t think that was an issue. I waited until the pot was super light and the soil was dry as a bone under my knuckle, as well as a cheap moisture meter that read 2.
I’m getting more leaves that are wilting and doing the same thing that one did…what should I do? Repot into a cloth pot?


Could it be the terracotta pot not being able to drain properly? I get run off, so I didn’t think that was an issue. I waited until the pot was super light and the soil was dry as a bone under my knuckle, as well as a cheap moisture meter that read 2.
Those pots aren't my first choice, but they can do the job. Moisture meters need to be compared to how the plant is doing. Their scale is generic. Find the readings that work best for your soil by comparing the meter readings to how the plant is doing.

I’m getting more leaves that are wilting and doing the same thing that one did…what should I do? Repot into a cloth pot?
Repotting would probably help. FFOF is a good soil, and it looks like you added plenty of perlite. The plant is trying to grow. It just needs some help.


Those pots aren't my first choice, but they can do the job. Moisture meters need to be compared to how the plant is doing. Their scale is generic. Find the readings that work best for your soil by comparing the meter readings to how the plant is doing.

Repotting would probably help. FFOF is a good soil, and it looks like you added plenty of perlite. The plant is trying to grow. It just needs some help.
Hey so I just checked on her when I got home from work, almost all of the leaves have dark hue almost covering the whole leaf now. The bottom leaves look dry with burnt tips, some of the dark leaves have tips that droop all the way down…
What do I do?!


I added cal mag after seeing yellow spots like you said…now it seems like I’ve made it worse lol.


Quit just quit chasing the plant with your unknown ideas about feeding it. The plant is not gonna make it or have issues the further along this route you go she'll rot. Transplant it don't feed it water it and don't put it in a plastic pot without holes around the sides. Man i bet you paid stupid money for it don't you want it to thrive? Sorry for the harsh education but all you need to do is water it if your soil has ferts already in it. Read the bags an labels before you toss it in there.


Quit just quit chasing the plant with your unknown ideas about feeding it. The plant is not gonna make it or have issues the further along this route you go she'll rot. Transplant it don't feed it water it and don't put it in a plastic pot without holes around the sides. Man i bet you paid stupid money for it don't you want it to thrive? Sorry for the harsh education but all you need to do is water it if your soil has ferts already in it. Read the bags a labels before you toss it in there.
My runoff is 2.3 EC and 5.9 PH
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