How are you topping and training?

  • Thread starter AZreefer
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Mainlining with LST seems very popular. Ive been watching pod casts intended for pros (way out of my league but some topics translate to hobby level) and topping seems to be a huge point of interest for the pros. They seem to get very excited when discussing this ive noticed. Some swear on no topping for the best quality yet others want max yeild. With so many techniques around id really love to hear and see some of the farms favorite methods.


I think it's very individual, for both the grower and the plant. I would say that I have a minimalist approach. That's my growing style. I focus on air flow and light penetration. I also try to keep my plants from growing too tall or too wide for their tent. I also like nice-looking plants for my own satisfaction.


I think it's very individual, for both the grower and the plant. I would say that I have a minimalist approach. That's my growing style. I focus on air flow and light penetration. I also try to keep my plants from growing too tall or too wide for their tent. I also like nice-looking plants for my own satisfaction.
Very individual indeed. Tis why id like to hear more about peeps personal approach to it.

When you say minimal how do you mean? You do not top? Do you lollipop? I think the look of a well mainlined and defoliated plant is pretty sexy myself.


I am getting close to that stage. Nervous as hell too seeing I almost killed these already over light, heat and water.

no topping for the best quality
Is that true? If so Ima not gonna be too happy. I want to max quality as well as yield. But then again I have 4 plants in a 3x3 tent so.... (all different strains) Not sure how all this is going to play out.

I hear HerbalEdu is a master at getting the most out of your grow space. I would like to learn that myself. Seeds are expensive, nutrients are expensive.... I want to get the most out of each grow. That said, I do not want to lessen potency, that is also very important to me.


Depends on if it's auto or photo.. I usually fim and super crop/lst photos and fim autos but those r time sensitive on when to do it also fun to do bonsai/ micro grows if ur not worried about the yield


When you say minimal how do you mean? You do not top? Do you lollipop? I think the look of a well mainlined and defoliated plant is pretty sexy myself.
I top them, usually at least the main stem, sometimes branches. I remove lower growth. I haven't mainlined and probably won't. I don't like the idea of defoliation. I just remove leaves and branches that I think need to be pruned. Other growers are far more aggressive than I am, and I know they have good results.


I doubt it's true. There are many other factors that matter, and probably matter more.
I assumed it was nutrients that boosted the potency. Some claim to boost yield too. So fingers crossed. Going to put in final pots this weekend and start topping next weekend. 2 are really close to their 1st topping. After that I am clueless on what to do. I see all these little gadgets that bend the stems to widen the plant. Do I just top the one time on the main trunk or do I also top those that branch from the 1st topping when they hit 5 nodes?

I hope I am not hijacking this thread... I am hoping that more will weigh in on this topic as I really need to learn this. 😁


I run photos and like to top and mainline my indoor plants to 8 branches.

I believe it gives me more even looking flowers for each branch compared to just topping with 8 branches.

Now outside I would most definitely top to get as many bud sites possible.


Depends on if it's auto or photo.. I usually fim and super crop/lst photos and fim autos but those r time sensitive on when to do it also fun to do bonsai/ micro grows if ur not worried about the yield
You can legit bonsai a plant? Like trim the roots and keep it tiny? I watch a youtuber that can bonsai all sorts of cool shit so why not cannabis?


cant steal an open ended thread, right? We have the same questions i imagine. With the variety of methods and limited number of plants and desire to try as many methods as i can, lol i am hoping to learn why growers do what they do.
Thanks. I just want to be respectful 👍


You can legit bonsai a plant? Like trim the roots and keep it tiny? I watch a youtuber that can bonsai all sorts of cool shit so why not cannabis?
There is a video here in one of my posts.... someone posted it and it looks fun as hell. Was going to do that with the OG but may not now that it is no 4 and not no 5.

Found it.... Page 1 a little down the page.



There is a video here in one of my posts.... someone posted it and it looks fun as hell. Was going to do that with the OG but may not now that it is no 4 and not no 5.

Found it.... Page 1 a little down the page.



Mainlining with LST seems very popular. Ive been watching pod casts intended for pros (way out of my league but some topics translate to hobby level) and topping seems to be a huge point of interest for the pros. They seem to get very excited when discussing this ive noticed. Some swear on no topping for the best quality yet others want max yeild. With so many techniques around id really love to hear and see some of the farms favorite methods.
I’ll holler at this. I have mainlined a bunch. It is great if you want the time and patience to do it. You can do fast mainline but if you want full potential, you need to have patience and expect a large plant.
You cannot prune too much or you get bombarded with foliage growth.
You cannot have improper light distance or intensity or you stay too compacted and have spacing issues.
You can mainline in hydro, but the end results, you will always have stacking issues. Soil rate of growth is ideal for the technique.
Give ample root growth space as they will have a massive root system. Get bound and stretch will mess everything up on you.

Mainlining is for fun and should be met with a lot of patience. It is a waste of time if you are shooting for high yield, fast. You can achieve the same if not more by not abusing them and let them grow healthy and rapidly. As every topping on mainline is a period of no growth and that reduces overall healthy growth periods. Therefore it is ideal to not mainline if you care about getting a quick return. But if time is of no concern, mainlining can make massive plants. Literally making multiple plants from one hub.

The longer you veg the harder it is to keep them healthy. Especially when you give minimal healthy growth and constant topping recovery.


If you were a hotdog would you eat yourself?
How do you top or train? Fill us in please.
The few plants I topped this year were the first ever! Not sure how I feel about it : ) the outdoor grows I did were a “high/low stress bending”. I like to bend and train ( what I’ve done and know lol). For the outdoors I have done they were folded over and never let able to grow tall for the first month or so, once they got the height I placed a four foot tall fencing laid flat over the trench about 3 feet high, from there thats how I spread all the branches through that to “widen the plant” then it was just make sure things were supported where they need to be. I used tall T-posts so I would add a second piece a fencing above the first one a couple of feet : ) its amazing the difference in outdoor from indoor!


The longer you veg the harder it is to keep them healthy. Especially when you give minimal healthy growth and constant topping recovery.
How long is too long to keep in veg stage? I have read that you can delay flowing and keep veg as long as needed. I have 4 in different stages. 1st two are 2 weeks older than one, and the last seed was a week after that (long story). Was wanted to keep them vegging until the younger ones caught up a bit.

Maybe I will top the 1st two and the others can catch up while in recovery and then not top the last two. I am sure I will need LST as I have 4 plants in a 3x3 tent. Maybe not, we will see how well they grow.


I’ll holler at this. I have mainlined a bunch. It is great if you want the time and patience to do it. You can do fast mainline but if you want full potential, you need to have patience and expect a large plant.
You cannot prune too much or you get bombarded with foliage growth.
You cannot have improper light distance or intensity or you stay too compacted and have spacing issues.
You can mainline in hydro, but the end results, you will always have stacking issues. Soil rate of growth is ideal for the technique.
Give ample root growth space as they will have a massive root system. Get bound and stretch will mess everything up on you.

Mainlining is for fun and should be met with a lot of patience. It is a waste of time if you are shooting for high yield, fast. You can achieve the same if not more by not abusing them and let them grow healthy and rapidly. As every topping on mainline is a period of no growth and that reduces overall healthy growth periods. Therefore it is ideal to not mainline if you care about getting a quick return. But if time is of no concern, mainlining can make massive plants. Literally making multiple plants from one hub.

The longer you veg the harder it is to keep them healthy. Especially when you give minimal healthy growth and constant topping recovery.
Hey that is solid info you dont get with the tutorials. I wanted to try a mainlined plant or 2 myself. Im having second thoughts on trying different methods on the same grow now. Could maybe require too different veg times?

Think all the plants in a tent should be topped and trained the same?
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