Grow diary mission impossible (low to medium budget lol)

  • Thread starter BearWater
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If you were a hotdog would you eat yourself?
Hey there Bear, everything's looking pretty good, how is the weather been down there?
WHAT UP ZAB! : ) thank you 🙏

Dude it’s been hot! We were having 90s in the day with like low 80s at night! It’s going to cool for a few and then get really hot at some point! Upper 90s and possibly triple digits for a few days before itll cool back down to “normal up here temps”. No complaints really other than than the generic run of the mill shit! Kids were sick and recovering now.

How are things going up in your neck of the woods!? : ) im really bad at going and finding threads! I believe I follow you and watch your thread but fuck if I know when you post 😂 I check the lightning button and notices. I’ll go and see where you’re at : ) thanks for checkin brotha! ✌️


If you were a hotdog would you eat yourself?
Rascalitos 🥹
One on the left is the one I'm cheering for ✌️
and where will clones go?
Me too Sunin ME TOO! lol! that shit is straight gas super fire! I have a little patch that will be extended from where the two plants I have out side now are, two rows of however many I can fit ( the raskals being in there for certain).

Greets back atcha! : )


WHAT UP ZAB! : ) thank you 🙏
Np, lookin good. Just haven't been on much, shoulder is acting up.
Dude it’s been hot! We were having 90s in the day with like low 80s at night! It’s going to cool for a few and then get really hot at some point! Upper 90s and possibly triple digits for a few days before itll cool back down to “normal up here temps”. No complaints really other than than the generic run of the mill shit! Kids were sick and recovering now.
Just the opposite here, I see you changed your schedule, looks like a better solution. Hope the illness wasn't serious. 😟
How are things going up in your neck of the woods!? : ) im really bad at going and finding threads! I believe I follow you and watch your thread but fuck if I know when you post 😂 I check the lightning button and notices. I’ll go and see where you’re at : ) thanks for checkin brotha! ✌️
Well lets see, a week ago it hit 31 so a few leaves and some tops froze but nothing serious. We had tornado watches on Sat and Sun, nothing hit here and we missed the hail which would have been devastating. But the winds were able to snap, bend, and mutilate some plants so a couple of snips and some mending here and there.
A nice balmy 45F ATM🤣🤣


If you were a hotdog would you eat yourself?
After noticing the hairs changing just on a few specific buds and seeing posts here I’m going to be keeping my eyes on that🤷‍♂️
Np, lookin good. Just haven't been on much, shoulder is acting up.

Just the opposite here, I see you changed your schedule, looks like a better solution. Hope the illness wasn't serious. 😟

Well lets see, a week ago it hit 31 so a few leaves and some tops froze but nothing serious. We had tornado watches on Sat and Sun, nothing hit here and we missed the hail which would have been devastating. But the winds were able to snap, bend, and mutilate some plants so a couple of snips and some mending here and there.
A nice balmy 45F ATM🤣🤣
holy shit! I dont know what’s worse! Freezing temps fucking up your bud or freezing temps and not being able to play ice hockey outside! 😂 seriously though thats really sucks. How is the rest of the season looking for you? Are these just “late cold temps” from spring?🤷🏼‍♂ I would be seriously considering a shade cover like “screen” style! It will save your plants from hail, or at least a 6mm plastic, remember my ghetto setup outside earlier this year?!😂🤪 super wonky but it saved them : )

the kids illness was super freaky! My 6yr old woke up with a gnarly rash all over his body so he got a trip to the ED (by dad) lol. Doc said It’s probably a viral kid thing (think hand foot and mouth) but not that. Got some steroids and low dose aller-tec and hes all better. It’s just now working its way through the other kids now, not as bad though so thats good.

Sorry to hear about your shoulder! Thats never fun (been dealing with a really bad one since I was 18yrs old) mentally debilitating at points of my life. Hope you’re feeling better! Take it easy ; ) time to get the grand kids workin! Hahaha! I wish all you guys were closer so we could do garden tour partys ans shit! BBQs and smoke outs! Take care man! Later✌️


If you were a hotdog would you eat yourself?
AAAAHHHHH!!!!! Mites on my clones! WTH?! just noticed the damage this morning! Damnit! Im going to go down to the air attack base ans see if they will load 5K gallons of “scorched earth” and drop that shit on my entire block! (Angry mumbles as I walk away)😂✌️


If you were a hotdog would you eat yourself?
If they are small enough, you might be better off dipping them, than Spraying them! 100% coverage! Just a thought!
Never even considered it! Thanks chucky! Do I just make the solution in the same ratios for the spray application? 5 gal bucket and dip rinse and repeat (minus the rinse and repeat)😂🤷🏼‍♂️


I don’t wanna give you a bum steer and I haven’t done it but I think it’s pretty common when dealing with small plants! Probably wanna Google it and see what they say! Maybe someone here is done it! I don’t know about the rinsing part! Depending on how many you have, you could try it with a few first! Before you go all in!


If you were a hotdog would you eat yourself?
I don’t wanna give you a bum steer and I haven’t done it but I think it’s pretty common when dealing with small plants! Probably wanna Google it and see what they say! Maybe someone here is done it! I don’t know about the rinsing part! Depending on how many you have, you could try it with a few first! Before you go all in!
definitely going to read up! Thanks for the idea chucky!!! Ill post up some videos or pics of the process.


If you were a hotdog would you eat yourself?
Alright! Got some Captain Jacks Dead Bug Brew coming along with a one gallon sprayer. Im going to dunk the clones, and use the sprayer to apply to the larger outdoor plants. I also ordered the 20-20-20 for the rest of the garden😆

Pulled another dry back gold medal winner🤦‍♂️ missed “felt the pot” and let them go an extra day (which seemed weird to me and I even questioned it slightly to myself in my head) and went on an awesome hike yesterday with the fam and checked them this morning and WHAM! I really hate that feeling. They’re already snapping out of it but still. I was then laughing at myself as I was trying to build a watering system in my head😂 maybe next run ( it could be really handy for my dumbass). Ill post some pictures later time stamped as proof of life😂 im to ashamed of the dry dead lookin plant pics.


If you were a hotdog would you eat yourself?
This was today (no poking around) just pics, dehu check, and bounce! ; ) got the clones out in the sun for a little this afternoon (almost forgot about them!)😂
And I forget who it was but we were talking about topping and not topping. This was a good example I thought, (just to get the idea). Those plants aren’t going anywhere special lol. Also pictured, “the next run” : ) oh and a close up of the outdoors, looks like it’s starting its re veg. View attachment 2201405View attachment 2201413View attachment 2201414View attachment 2201415View attachment 2201416View attachment 2201419View attachment 2201420View attachment 2201421View attachment 2201422
@lenhug pretty sure I was being totally retarded the very last pic is the two plants (one topped and one not) very simple and crude example but example non the the less : )


If you were a hotdog would you eat yourself?
Good stuff, thanks.

I'll admit I think I did see that pic and totally didn't clock it. Oops. 😄
No problem! : ) im the one who didnt even know who the heck I was talkin to! 😂 I can space cadet with the best of’m! Hahaha.
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