Are these bugs harmful to outdoor crop?

  • Thread starter Purfict
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Trying my first go at an outdoor, doing just one plant. Not sure if these plants are harmful? I check on it everyday, just noticed them but there’s about 8 that I counted throughout the whole plant. No damage yet, but they just appeared. Anything else you can say about the plant, it’s my first outdoor plant and I only have two grows under my belt.
Are these bugs harmful to outdoor crop
Are these bugs harmful to outdoor crop 2
Are these bugs harmful to outdoor crop 3


yes those are japanese beetles, get em gone. And kill them if you can. Invasive species, eat up leaves after reproducing like damn caterpillars, sometimes even faster. (exactly what you have a picture of here, two of em doin the nasty)


Sacred Tree Organic Farms
Trying my first go at an outdoor, doing just one plant. Not sure if these plants are harmful? I check on it everyday, just noticed them but there’s about 8 that I counted throughout the whole plant. No damage yet, but they just appeared. Anything else you can say about the plant, it’s my first outdoor plant and I only have two grows under my belt.
Can't really see what they are, can you get a closer/clearer picture?

From the looks at first sight, it looks like a species of Beetle. I would definitely remove them and begin a prevention IPM regimen.


yes those are japanese beetles, get em gone. And kill them if you can. Invasive species, eat up leaves after reproducing like damn caterpillars, sometimes even faster. (exactly what you have a picture of here, two of em doin the nasty)
I noticed them first, I knew if they’re already reproducing it can’t be a good sign. Should I just squish them or is there a more efficient way?


i just kill them when i see them on my plants, thats more then enough. just dont let them build in any significant numbers on them, or any plants near by.

once you know what they are and recognize em, youll see em from a mile away lol. Easy to handle, just take em seriously and kill them when you see them.


Sacred Tree Organic Farms
yes those are japanese beetles, get em gone. And kill them if you can. Invasive species, eat up leaves after reproducing like damn caterpillars, sometimes even faster. (exactly what you have a picture of here, two of em doin the nasty)
I thought so too, couldn't see super close up but would absolutely kill em, and begin a prevention IPM Regimen. Rotate 2-3 Products and spray once a week. If the pressure kicks up, turn up the IPM Pressure.


Trying my first go at an outdoor, doing just one plant. Not sure if these plants are harmful? I check on it everyday, just noticed them but there’s about 8 that I counted throughout the whole plant. No damage yet, but they just appeared. Anything else you can say about the plant, it’s my first outdoor plant and I only have two grows under my belt.
Hardware stores sell a trap that they collect in.
They love my raspberries.


these dont require spraying your plants, just vigilance, and personally id reccomend that first, unless you already have a spray regiment going.

And yea there are traps

If you grab the stalk down low and shake they fall off and you can stomp em, usually only lose 1 or 2 to fly aways 😈 🤣

Problems only come i they build in numbers on or near by and are done trying to hump each other. If problems come from them though, its like a damn locust plague, ive had blackberry bushes mauled over single weekends. Like only skeleton remains mauled. You gotta be real lazy and unobservant to let that happen though, tbh. If there are no larger plants near by though, if unchecked they have a tendency to build up on a larger plant. A larger plant/bush/shrub surrounded by only shorter mowed grass becomes a lighthouse to them basically. It stands out to them on their flight paths as a source of food, and a likely place to find a mate.
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these dont require spraying your plants, just vigilance, and personally id reccomend that first, unless you already have a spray regiment going.

And yea there are traps

If you grab the stalk down low and shake they fall off and you can stomp em, usually only lose 1 or 2 to fly aways 😈 🤣

Problems only come i they build in numbers on or near by and are done trying to hump each other. If problems come from them though, it’s like a damn locust plague, ive had blackberry bushes mauled over single weekends. Like only skeleton remains mauled. You gotta be real lazy and unobservant to let that happen though, tbh. If there are no larger plants near by though, if unchecked they have a tendency to build up on a larger plant. A larger plant/bush/shrub surrounded by only shorter mowed grass becomes a lighthouse to them basically. It stands out to them on their flight paths as a source of food, and a likely place to find a mate.
Since I was able to catch them so soon, so long as I shake the plant good it won’t be an issue? It’s the only plant remotely close other than trees.


Been killing a good amount of beetles, but now there’s something new. Not sure what type of flys these are, but any flies can’t be good being on cannabis. Also this small green bug that looks as though it can’t fly.


Trying my first go at an outdoor, doing just one plant. Not sure if these plants are harmful? I check on it everyday, just noticed them but there’s about 8 that I counted throughout the whole plant. No damage yet, but they just appeared. Anything else you can say about the plant, it’s my first outdoor plant and I only have two grows under my belt.
Beatles, harmful, devoured my blackberry plants last year, kill on sight.


That fly probably isnt a big deal. Leafhoppers eat plants though, thats what the other one is. They never hang out long in one place though.

Are you doing any pest prevention other then just monitoring?

Like i said, if you have a large plant surrounded by nothing but short, mowed grass, your plant is already a beacon/lighthouse to any winged insect passing through that reads: "You can get laid and fill your belly right here!"

An untreated cannabis plant surrounded by mowed grass is a sitting duck.

You should Check your lowest leaves for mite scabs and check their undersides for any bugs almost too tiny to see.

And i just mean, if the beetles are already on a plant you can shake the plant and make them fall off so they are easier to kill without damaging your plant. I def dont mean shaking the plant keeps em away lol. That wont do anything for tiny or mite style insects. May even spread em around your plant.


Been killing a good amount of beetles, but now there’s something new. Not sure what type of flys these are, but any flies can’t be good being on cannabis. Also this small green bug that looks as though it can’t fly.
These look like good guys. Beetles are almost always bad on a plant, unless they can sing and write cool songs otherwise squish😉


I grow in greenhouses and outside and I've got to keep a pest regime or insects like aphids will become a problem. Neem Oil every other week and then Jack's spinosad. I also will spray ag fungicide when needed mainly for PM and Bt for moth larvae that will eat the stem on the flowers. You should consider doing something to keep the plants protected😉


Shiny Gold Beatles destroyed my blackberry plants last year, from what I can see in his picture they look similar, smoosh them!


Looks like a bumper crop of blackberries coming this year! I've been out there looking for Beetles already 😡
Not the beetles these
Image 2


I do plan on going to the hydroponics store I have to get some type of pesticide, any recommendations?


That fly probably isnt a big deal. Leafhoppers eat plants though, thats what the other one is. They never hang out long in one place though.

Are you doing any pest prevention other then just monitoring?

Like i said, if you have a large plant surrounded by nothing but short, mowed grass, your plant is already a beacon/lighthouse to any winged insect passing through that reads: "You can get laid and fill your belly right here!"

An untreated cannabis plant surrounded by mowed grass is a sitting duck.

You should Check your lowest leaves for mite scabs and check their undersides for any bugs almost too tiny to see.

And i just mean, if the beetles are already on a plant you can shake the plant and make them fall off so they are easier to kill without damaging your plant. I def dont mean shaking the plant keeps em away lol. That wont do anything for tiny or mite style insects. May even spread em around your plant.
That’s the only leafhopper I could spot, I try to go kill the japanese beetles as much as I can. The smaller shiny gold beetles are a bit harder, I was only able to get one. The japanese beetles are most of the time mating so they fall down together so they’ve been easy to deal with. Often I’ll check and see around 10, shake the plant and am able to get at the very least half. They’ll leave it alone for a few hours then back at it. I think I’ll need some type of foliar spray for the shiny gold beetles, they know to fly away quick. I’m wary of using a spray during flower, but maybe I can just give them a bud wash when they’re done.
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