Tired of trainwrecking other peoples threads? Well then, come party at the captains! Trainwreck this thread with…….trains? Anything goes here……….

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What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
It is legendary that show. I saw the new Half Baked last week. I dont know, maybe I have changed? I just think that kind of humour is stupid now.

Or it was just bad.
It was bad then, it’s bad now, part of the charm. A lot of funny one liners though

“Samson Simpson,
If I wasn’t Jamaican,
Then why would I be wearing this hat? “


So maybe you all can answer a question for me here. According to the manual I need a different sized tent for flower and veg, along with another for co2.
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I have the evo10 and according to the manual I need a 6x6 for flower and 7x7 for veg. Why would they recommend a bigger tent for veg? Also I am running a 5x5 which they are stating for co2 . I am not that fancy and certainly don’t have room for anything bigger. So I get the part where I am going to be able run the light at 1k without co2, that’s cool it’s summer and electricity is it expensive. I don’t understand the need for the larger tents in veg vs flower?
IMG 1755
Here’s their guide for the height and intensity. I have been I guess what they have as dynamic yet I have had the light at max height which is over 30 inches from the canopy but only at 1 intensity. Someone chimed in that the 1 was not enough light for a plant that size and could be cause for the three finger leaves on one of the plants. Those plants the larger ones were root bound and when I last tried to crank the light their ugliness progressed. After transplanting I have been watching for new leaf growth and really wasn’t seeing anything on the big plants only the smaller plants were growing new leaves. So that’s when I discovered the manual that is stating you can have the light at 1 just inches from the canopy. So anyway they are finally growing in new leaves. I been playing with the light intensity to gauge they are going.
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^ black domina and the purest indica ^
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^ Cali blues
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^ the nl2 ^ I been sick for a few days and been playing with the intensity light I been moving in up. I think after setting 5 I get temp over 80 degrees creating a warmth I recall from greenhouses that I haven’t exactly experienced growing indoors. The plants didn’t seem to mind they actually seemed to like it. Anyway help me dial in this light amigos. Pretty please.


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
So maybe you all can answer a question for me here. According to the manual I need a different sized tent for flower and veg, along with another for co2. View attachment 2203699I have the evo10 and according to the manual I need a 6x6 for flower and 7x7 for veg. Why would they recommend a bigger tent for veg? Also I am running a 5x5 which they are stating for co2 . I am not that fancy and certainly don’t have room for anything bigger. So I get the part where I am going to be able run the light at 1k without co2, that’s cool it’s summer and electricity is it expensive. I don’t understand the need for the larger tents in veg vs flower?
View attachment 2203701Here’s their guide for the height and intensity. I have been I guess what they have as dynamic yet I have had the light at max height which is over 30 inches from the canopy but only at 1 intensity. Someone chimed in that the 1 was not enough light for a plant that size and could be cause for the three finger leaves on one of the plants. Those plants the larger ones were root bound and when I last tried to crank the light their ugliness progressed. After transplanting I have been watching for new leaf growth and really wasn’t seeing anything on the big plants only the smaller plants were growing new leaves. So that’s when I discovered the manual that is stating you can have the light at 1 just inches from the canopy. So anyway they are finally growing in new leaves. I been playing with the light intensity to gauge they are going.View attachment 2203728View attachment 2203729View attachment 2203730View attachment 2203731down below vView attachment 2203738View attachment 2203739^ black domina and the purest indica ^View attachment 2203740^ Cali blues View attachment 2203775^ the nl2 ^ I been sick for a few days and been playing with the intensity light I been moving in up. I think after setting 5 I get temp over 80 degrees creating a warmth I recall from greenhouses that I haven’t exactly experienced growing indoors. The plants didn’t seem to mind they actually seemed to like it. Anyway help me dial in this light amigos. Pretty please.
If you can get the airflow up a ton, without kicking the shit out of your ladies and set the light at 30in, but creep up a few percent every other day to see what they can take. Since you have heat buildup I suggest keeping the light higher up so you aren’t cooking g leaf tops from. Proximity as well as output. These two things are very different. Don’t want both. while you dial it in. Way easier to give a plant more light than treating a heat stressed plant. But the leaves are sitting the way I look for nice and horizontal for the most part. There’s no rule against trying to give them more. Just be methodical


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
So maybe you all can answer a question for me here. According to the manual I need a different sized tent for flower and veg, along with another for co2. View attachment 2203699I have the evo10 and according to the manual I need a 6x6 for flower and 7x7 for veg. Why would they recommend a bigger tent for veg? Also I am running a 5x5 which they are stating for co2 . I am not that fancy and certainly don’t have room for anything bigger. So I get the part where I am going to be able run the light at 1k without co2, that’s cool it’s summer and electricity is it expensive. I don’t understand the need for the larger tents in veg vs flower?
View attachment 2203701Here’s their guide for the height and intensity. I have been I guess what they have as dynamic yet I have had the light at max height which is over 30 inches from the canopy but only at 1 intensity. Someone chimed in that the 1 was not enough light for a plant that size and could be cause for the three finger leaves on one of the plants. Those plants the larger ones were root bound and when I last tried to crank the light their ugliness progressed. After transplanting I have been watching for new leaf growth and really wasn’t seeing anything on the big plants only the smaller plants were growing new leaves. So that’s when I discovered the manual that is stating you can have the light at 1 just inches from the canopy. So anyway they are finally growing in new leaves. I been playing with the light intensity to gauge they are going.View attachment 2203728View attachment 2203729View attachment 2203730View attachment 2203731down below vView attachment 2203738View attachment 2203739^ black domina and the purest indica ^View attachment 2203740^ Cali blues View attachment 2203775^ the nl2 ^ I been sick for a few days and been playing with the intensity light I been moving in up. I think after setting 5 I get temp over 80 degrees creating a warmth I recall from greenhouses that I haven’t exactly experienced growing indoors. The plants didn’t seem to mind they actually seemed to like it. Anyway help me dial in this light amigos. Pretty please.
Inches! What the flatline fucking fuck? Thems t5 heights. I gotta see this. I’m going on a search.


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
So maybe you all can answer a question for me here. According to the manual I need a different sized tent for flower and veg, along with another for co2. View attachment 2203699I have the evo10 and according to the manual I need a 6x6 for flower and 7x7 for veg. Why would they recommend a bigger tent for veg? Also I am running a 5x5 which they are stating for co2 . I am not that fancy and certainly don’t have room for anything bigger. So I get the part where I am going to be able run the light at 1k without co2, that’s cool it’s summer and electricity is it expensive. I don’t understand the need for the larger tents in veg vs flower?
View attachment 2203701Here’s their guide for the height and intensity. I have been I guess what they have as dynamic yet I have had the light at max height which is over 30 inches from the canopy but only at 1 intensity. Someone chimed in that the 1 was not enough light for a plant that size and could be cause for the three finger leaves on one of the plants. Those plants the larger ones were root bound and when I last tried to crank the light their ugliness progressed. After transplanting I have been watching for new leaf growth and really wasn’t seeing anything on the big plants only the smaller plants were growing new leaves. So that’s when I discovered the manual that is stating you can have the light at 1 just inches from the canopy. So anyway they are finally growing in new leaves. I been playing with the light intensity to gauge they are going.View attachment 2203728View attachment 2203729View attachment 2203730View attachment 2203731down below vView attachment 2203738View attachment 2203739^ black domina and the purest indica ^View attachment 2203740^ Cali blues View attachment 2203775^ the nl2 ^ I been sick for a few days and been playing with the intensity light I been moving in up. I think after setting 5 I get temp over 80 degrees creating a warmth I recall from greenhouses that I haven’t exactly experienced growing indoors. The plants didn’t seem to mind they actually seemed to like it. Anyway help me dial in this light amigos. Pretty please.
When do you intend to flip bro?
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