Tired of trainwrecking other peoples threads? Well then, come party at the captains! Trainwreck this thread with…….trains? Anything goes here……….

  • Thread starter Captspaulding
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What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
i still grab a poker of some kind and stir up that very top soil from time to time reguardless.

Just because it shouldnt be necessary, doesnt mean it often isnt completely necessary lmao.
It’s habit at this point, it gets a certain amount of compacted, I just grab the fork, don’t even think about it. I am rolling all 1gs for the most part, I may be dodging the bullet because of how much feed I’m supplying from fast wet dry cycles……


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
Peach leaf curl hit bad here, here’s the results in my trees, all leaves got affected and died and fell off, new growth coming in decent, some affected some not, complete fruit loss for the season

2nd set of pics are of the cocktail fruit trees that are 6 fruit grafted, you can see that it only affects the peach / nectarine beaches
Some kind of blight eh? Or is that fungal? Do you know?


Fucking spoiler alerts!!!! God damnit!
You find out about tom bombadil and the lack of the power the ring has in like, the first 1/6th of the fellowship of the ring lol. They stay with tom bombadill before they even hit Bree. And to find out his backstory you kind of have to take in the majority of Tolkiens works on middle earth. Including most of the companion literature as well.

Tom bombadil has his own entire book of peoms by Tolkien a lot of people dont even know exists.

Youll know all there is thats knowable, and important about tom bombadill right off the get go in the fellowship.

I genuinely apologize for the spoilers, but i havent met anyone else in quite a lot of years, who has actually sat down to absorb that world in literary form. These arent actually spoilers though either, honestly...

Honestly, i went into nearly as much detail as you ever get about tom bombadil. And you can get that detail and more from the companions youre supposed to read before the main literature. The ones no one ever reads anyway lol. The vast majority of readers never even notice he's the single most powerful being in all of middle earth, and even makes gandalf and sauron seem like children.

This info will actually probably help you wrap your head around the tom bombadil thing in LoTr. Most people gloss right over him like hes a side charachter. There's die hards that have read the main story multiple times, and would respond to "who is tom bombadil" with a confused look, and start asking "was he the guy that"...... NO! HE WASNT

Even the writers of the movies, and Peter Jackson himself never noticed how important tom bombadil is to the entire story from illuvitar all the way to the one ring lol.

Tolkien would prefer the reader know what there is to know about Tom, before you read the main stories really. If you dont, you miss important things.

Theres even a fellowship companion book you should read before starting the fellowship, and it also makes it more clear who/what Tom Bombadil really is. And gives even more infor then i did here.


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
You find out about tom bombadil and the lack of the power the ring has in like, the first 1/6th of the fellowship of the ring lol. They stay with tom bombadill before they even hit Bree. And to find out his backstory you kind of have to take in the majority of Tolkiens works on middle earth. Including most of the companion literature as well.

Tom bombadil has his own entire book of peoms by Tolkien a lot of people dont even know exists
Spoil da earf

Youll know all there is thats knowable, and important about tom bombadill right off the get go in the fellowship.

I genuinely apologize for the spoilers, but i havent met anyone else in quite a lot of years, who has actually sat down to absorb that world in literary form. There is no actual important plot lines spoiled by my post though. These arent actually spoilers though either, honestly...

Honestly, i went into nearly as much detail as you ever get about tom bombadil. And you can get that detail and more from the companions youre supposed to read before the main literature. The ones no one ever reads anyway lol. The vast majority of readers never even notice he's the single most powerful being in all of middle earth, and even makes gandalf and sauron seem like children.

This info will actually probably help you wrap your head around the tom bombadil thing in LoTr. Most people gloss right over him like hes a side charachter.

Even the writers of the movies, and Peter Jackson himself never noticed how important tom bombadil is to the entire story from illuvitar all the way to the one ring lol.

Theres even a fellowship companion book you should read before starting the fellowship, and it also makes it more clear who/what Tom Bombadil really is. And gives even more infor then i did here.


If you were a hotdog would you eat yourself?
You find out about tom bombadil and the lack of the power the ring has in like, the first 1/6th of the fellowship of the ring lol. They stay with tom bombadill before they even hit Bree. And to find out his backstory you kind of have to take in the majority of Tolkiens works on middle earth. Including most of the companion literature as well.

Tom bombadil has his own entire book of peoms by Tolkien a lot of people dont even know exists.

Youll know all there is thats knowable, and important about tom bombadill right off the get go in the fellowship.

I genuinely apologize for the spoilers, but i havent met anyone else in quite a lot of years, who has actually sat down to absorb that world in literary form. There is no actual important plot lines spoiled by my post though. These arent actually spoilers though either, honestly...

Honestly, i went into nearly as much detail as you ever get about tom bombadil. And you can get that detail and more from the companions youre supposed to read before the main literature. The ones no one ever reads anyway lol. The vast majority of readers never even notice he's the single most powerful being in all of middle earth, and even makes gandalf and sauron seem like children.

This info will actually probably help you wrap your head around the tom bombadil thing in LoTr. Most people gloss right over him like hes a side charachter.

Even the writers of the movies, and Peter Jackson himself never noticed how important tom bombadil is to the entire story from illuvitar all the way to the one ring lol.

Tolkien would prefer the reader know what there is to know about Tom, before you read the main stories really. If you dont, you miss important things.

Theres even a fellowship companion book you should read before starting the fellowship, and it also makes it more clear who/what Tom Bombadil really is. And gives even more infor then i did here.
Im on like the first 32nd of the book!! 😂 I would read in the school pick up line😁 havent gotten very far haha! Just giving you a hard time : ) im going to pick it back up while the kiddos do their daily reading over the summer ♥️✌️


Im on like the first 32nd of the book!! 😂 I would read in the school pick up line😁 havent gotten very far haha! Just giving you a hard time : ) im going to pick it back up while the kiddos do their daily reading over the summer ♥️✌️
i definitely didnt spoil anything then, you're just more likely to read deeper and notice certain things you probably wouldnt have even thought about when he does cross your path ;) And you wont soon forget him, like many other readers do either.


512RWD0FTVL AC UF10001000 QL80
Tom bombadil


If you were a hotdog would you eat yourself?
i definitely didnt spoil anything then, you're just more likely to read deeper and notice certain things you probably wouldnt have even thought about when he does cross your path ;) And you wont soon forget him, like most other readers do either.
So just from the tiny bit I have read! Made watching the first part of the fellowship made it an amazing experience. I want to finish the entire series and then go watch the movies in theaters (when they come back) : )


the only complaint i have on the movies:

Where the hell is Tom Bombadil?!?!?!?!?!

It took me 15 years to finish most the stories of middle earth though. And most nights i spent about an hour reading at least. Often more. My rubbermaid full of tolkien books and companion scripts weighs about 75 pounds. Technically im still not done though.

🤣 🤣 🤣


Peach leaf curl hit bad here, here’s the results in my trees, all leaves got affected and died and fell off, new growth coming in decent, some affected some not, complete fruit loss for the season

2nd set of pics are of the cocktail fruit trees that are 6 fruit grafted, you can see that it only affects the peach / nectarine beaches
definitely not a happy thing.


Idr what this is, but I found it in a cellophane in my old stash box I haven't opened in well over a year. Not since I was still in KC.

Doesn't have a smell anymore. Doesn't dab clean at all though. So assuming it's prob some old pressed 90 micron from someone's early harvest or something. It fully melts but doesn't evaporate clean. Flavor is long since stale lol. Just tastes like old hash.

Isn't dark enough to be old enough to be something I made from my own plants. But I also don't recognize it at all. Not one bit 🤣🤣🤣

Shiny too because I wanted to see how it melts and smells before I actually smoked it lmao. Which has also already happened.
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