How are you topping and training?

  • Thread starter AZreefer
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How long is too long to keep in veg stage? I have read that you can delay flowing and keep veg as long as needed. I have 4 in different stages. 1st two are 2 weeks older than one, and the last seed was a week after that (long story). Was wanted to keep them vegging until the younger ones caught up a bit.

Maybe I will top the 1st two and the others can catch up while in recovery and then not top the last two. I am sure I will need LST as I have 4 plants in a 3x3 tent. Maybe not, we will see how well they grow.
I have a similar question on 3 of mine. Lol. I lost 3 during germination. Now i have 3 that are a week behind.


Topping slows growth to recover.

FIM slows growth to recover and it redirect growth hormones because you chopped the leaf and did leaf damage in that manner. Creating a bushy plant due to hormone changes.

Topping is best if trying to play catchup. But like you said, you’ll stop training the others just to catch them up in size. I would recommend using risers or similar to match the canopy of the larger ones and train the small ones too.


My longest veg was I think 15 weeks before the flip. It wasn’t the best thing I’ve grown but it got to be 5’ long and 4” wide. One plant, 24 tops.
If I had only one plant I would have that kind of room. But not with 4 in a 3x3 tent. I was going to start with just one but could not decide which strain to grow first. :(

I have a similar question on 3 of mine. Lol. I lost 3 during germination. Now i have 3 that are a week behind.
I almost killed my 1st two. A few said I should start two more in case they did not pull through. Well, they are still alive and doing well. I am not unhappy about that, just concerned about the space I have. I want a good yield but also do not want to delay flowering any longer than needed.


If I had only one plant I would have that kind of room. But not with 4 in a 3x3 tent. I was going to start with just one but could not decide which strain to grow first. :(

I almost killed my 1st two. A few said I should start two more in case they did not pull through. Well, they are still alive and doing well. I am not unhappy about that, just concerned about the space I have. I want a good yield but also do not want to delay flowering any longer than needed.
Push them all to floor at the same time. Let the larger plants lead your timing. Raise the lower girls to get good light and push em all through no matter what size the small ones are, just don’t leave them low and get shaded out of light.


Push them all to floor at the same time. Let the larger plants lead your timing. Raise the lower girls to get good light and push em all through no matter what size the small ones are, just don’t leave them low and get shaded out of light.
I mean this is just what I would do. LST won’t stop growth, so I would LsT shorties only for even canopy to the tops and get them up to the canopy with risers.


LST won’t stop growth
Right... that is done to get more light correct?

I figure topping the 1st two would put them in recovery so the other two could catch them a little.


Maybe my best advice would be to keep the first grows simple. Watch them and learn how they grow. Pruning and training gets easier when we know what to expect from the plants. Then develop your own style.


Maybe my best advice would be to keep the first grows simple. Watch them and learn how they grow. Pruning and training gets easier when we know what to expect from the plants. Then develop your own style.
Whats your style? If you dont mind.


Right... that is done to get more light correct?
Correct. Plants grown under sunlight benefit from the changing direction of light. Plants grown under artificial light that doesn't change in direction need some help. So, part of what I do when I remove leaves is look for leaves that are blocking light, especially those shading buds.

Did the conversation include when to do which type of pruning?


Did the conversation include when to do which type of pruning?
Not sure... but I have watched a Youtube video that was saying when it gets to 5 nodes, snip at the 3rd node. I was planning that so if wrong, let me know.

As someone mentioned above, I will keep it simple. One top and trimming for light. See what happens on this first run. I may not top the 2nd two as they will be playing catch up to the 1st two when they are in recovery. Once they flower I want them all on the same page with light so I will try to get that done while in veg state.

I want to try one of the F1's for my 2nd. Just because. LOL. So I may not get too much pruning experience with that one either. Actually, I am curious to see them grow if nothing else. soil to harvest in 60 days? Sounds too good to be true.


Right... that is done to get more light correct?

I figure topping the 1st two would put them in recovery so the other two could catch them a little.
How much smaller are the newer plants?
You could top the smaller ones at the very top of the plant and the 2 taller plants, you could top to the same height as the smaller plants. I always top mine so everything is at the same height which means usually taken more off a few then some of the others.

I just watched a Mr. Grow It video not to long ago. He was talking with Kyle Kushman and Kyle said, don't wait until the 5th or 6th node like most do but top them as soon as they're healthy and strong enough to handle the stress. He said this will greatly increase horizontal growth vs waiting until they're taller.


You know how something shows up on Youtube right after you saw it somewhere else? Well... Here's an example:

^ I'm not recommending it. I just saw it and decided to share it.

That's pretty interesting, I guess you could also tip the plant over to get the side chutes up rather then toppling and would be less stressful.
I might try sometime and see what happens.

Funny how you found not to top and I found top asap, just shows how much is still up in the air with growing.


Funny how you found not to top and I found top asap, just shows how much is still up in the air with growing.
I wasn't looking for it. It just showed up on my Roku Youtube feed. I thought it was BS. I'd be more inclined to believe large-scale growers don't top to reduce labor costs or just have more height in their growing spaces. Most of us folks who grow in tents are interested in making sure our plants don't outgrow our tents. Topping and other pruning can help do that.
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