Does anyone know what this could be? I was looking at my girls close up and saw this

  • Thread starter Educatedbystoned
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Does anyone knows what this could be? My guess is an under developed calyx due to damage or a seed? But I’m not sure, it’s an auto flower 7th weed
Does anyone know what this could be i was looking at my girls close up and saw this


Probably rotelized. Not uncommon in large grows for a female to produce a pollen sac or two. Some say they can detect the absence of a male so one may try to reproduce. That whole survival of the species thing. Rotelized seeds are fems so good news there. 👍


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
I don't understand how it was pollinated, ive seen no signs of herm. no males either. I wonder why, I hardly even stressed them
Fems are wacky, literally 1/8 a plants worth of a recessive herm trait can creep out many runs removed from when the original cross was made…..also, and this is huge, there will always be a possibility when the way a fem seed is originally made, is taken into consideration. Meaning, there are genetic imprints that can def jump out. Your odds of dodging it become worse the more seeds you run, but if you are breeding then you can weed them out, (just like sexing reg seeds, just tossing herms instead of males, really the same thing as a reg run) and get to making subsequent runs each time tossing out the bs, snatching the good phenos, rinse and repeat in a mad dash to pheno isolation.

In a nutshell.


I don't understand how it was pollinated, ive seen no signs of herm. no males either. I wonder why, I hardly even stressed them
what your seeing is the result hermaphroditism. you may have an Isolated seed or 3 or many more by the end....? meaning a true herm? or just an incidental self-pollination? without the presence of a male, and without visual stamens in the appearing on the bio-mass I suspect incidental self-pollination, it happens.

Pollination can/does happen without any signs, the anther and filament are very close together on purpose, so self-pollination is easy (survival mechanism) It can happen within the bud, what you're seeing is what I call a "greenie" an Immature Seed not ready for harvesting (if you were harvesting seed). there is a a lot of good weed grown (sinsemillia-seedless) with a few seeds in every plant, that go mostly unnoticed by the Farmer/Gardener. Ive had many People over the years tell me they have found a seed or 10 in my "batches" I always say "Plant it its female"! I smoke my own crops too and have found isolated seeds...

and yes! stressors can cause plants to "seed out", most commonly F1's (F2's) that have not been stabilized, Ive grown many of my own F1's over many years, and have seen this happen many times in outdoor crops and extreme summer weather - ie high daytime temps/cold overnight temps, drought etc. but when grown indoor (controlled climate) they grow perfectly normal. I have also cross-pollinated Photoperiods and Day-Neutral Species, some will "seed-out" if even mildly stressed...

let us know how she turns out. Right On!


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
what your seeing is the result hermaphroditism. you may have an Isolated seed or 3 or many more by the end....? meaning a true herm? or just an incidental self-pollination? without the presence of a male, and without visual stamens in the appearing on the bio-mass I suspect incidental self-pollination, it happens.

Pollination can/does happen without any signs, the anther and filament are very close together on purpose, so self-pollination is easy (survival mechanism) It can happen within the bud, what you're seeing is what I call a "greenie" an Immature Seed not ready for harvesting (if you were harvesting seed). there is a a lot of good weed grown (sinsemillia-seedless) with a few seeds in every plant, that go mostly unnoticed by the Farmer/Gardener. Ive had many People over the years tell me they have found a seed or 10 in my "batches" I always say "Plant it its female"! I smoke my own crops too and have found isolated seeds...

and yes! stressors can cause plants to "seed out", most commonly F1's (F2's) that have not been stabilized, Ive grown many of my own F1's over many years, and have seen this happen many times in outdoor crops and extreme summer weather - ie high daytime temps/cold overnight temps, drought etc. but when grown indoor (controlled climate) they grow perfectly normal. I have also cross-pollinated Photoperiods and Day-Neutral Species, some will "seed-out" if even mildly stressed...

let us know how she turns out. Right On!
You sir know the damned deal 👊🏻


You didn’t do anything wrong. If a run of twenty autos are done you’re bound to find a few seeds kind of developed. It’s not you it’s the plants


I really appreciate everyone that replied, I was just confused as a novice. Now I know 💪

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