Tired of trainwrecking other peoples threads? Well then, come party at the captains! Trainwreck this thread with…….trains? Anything goes here……….

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What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
I heard Bruce Bigby say in a video that ALL growers should add CO2. Whats your thoughts on that? Even small growers?
Shit, no need man.
Dr b is a smart fella,
Never needed it,
Don’t really want it.
My rig in flower is basically right up to the line with the 7k where if I had se10000 I may need it if I was putting the spurs to her, but even then, I’m a hard sell on something that I just never needed.


IMG 7399
IMG 7398
IMG 7397
IMG 7396
IMG 7400


Im thinking about having some t shirts made.

T shirts like this:
S l1200

Only the t-shirts will say "Plant Life", and the heads will be Jorge Cervantes, Terence Mckenna, Jack Herer... And idk, maybe Marc Emory or Willie Nelson or something?

Im not sure on the 4th floating head, who's got ideas?


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
Im thinking about having some t shirts made.

T shirts like this:
View attachment 2204585

Only the t-shirts will say "Plant Life", and the heads will be Jorge Cervantes, Terence Mckenna, Jack Herer... And idk, maybe Marc Emory or Willie Nelson or something?

Im not sure on the 4th floating head, who's got ideas?



^theres a cop smacking a tukey with a jacket in this video. And its absolutely hilarious.

But that annoys me, because i got a cruelty to animals charge at 15 for smacking a goose with my hoodie and shewing it off to the river because it decided to attack a puppy we took to the park river walk and a cop saw me do it, and the goose's wing was injured afterward.

The prosecutor was seeking 2 years state probation. The police officer showed in cour and straight up lied. Said i attacked the goose, and he was watching me for some time before hand as well. My public defender stood up and asked for the body cam footage. Which was conveniently "recorded over". And i got charged and put on state probation.

Did the whole appeal thing, and somehow, they managed to "undestroy" the body cam footage and my public defender got ahold of it. Not only could you see me, with the puppy, repeatedly trying to chase the goose off, when it decided to charge it actually knocked the puppy over on his back. And i didnt even notice that because i was busy whipping my hoodie off to shew the goose away without hurting it. Id probably have killed the goose if i knew it actually got to the puppy, tbh.

In the body cam footage, you could even hear the police officer say "welp, he's screwed now" soon as that goose's wing didnt fold flat back down.

All charges were dropped, and expunged. I was pulled off of probation.

Most frustrating part, the very first cop i interacted with after moving back here was the same greasy pudgy fatass cop that should have been fires soon as that body cam footage came up. And he's not a county anymore, he's a damn state hiway patrol. Hes moved upward in the cop world since then. Dude shoulda got fired after trying to pull that, but in the USA it probably looks good on his resume xD

" Will retrieve income for the state under any, and all circumstances, even if breaking the law and extortion/blackmailing required" prob looks damn good on a cop's resume.

Sorry to ruin a hilarious video, i got irked xD.
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