Tired of trainwrecking other peoples threads? Well then, come party at the captains! Trainwreck this thread with…….trains? Anything goes here……….

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Theyre cubensis. Strain is Albino Penis Envy. Its an agar isolated beast 😉😇

Very DMT-like in the headspace and visual intensity from what little ive been able to gather on them. The isolate was a mostly unmutated revert that popped out of some APE multi-spore. In between the first blob flush and the second flush.
sounds good man just gotta make sure, you dont take that big dose in one. couldnt be bothered with to many gnomes😁


@PlumberSoCal2 (lol my quoting isnt working rn)

Lmao, man, pollen can be a funky thing.

In KC, you can plant 100 feet due west of a male plant, and MAYBE get a seed or two in your female. But if you plant 2 miles due east, youll get several seeds lol.

In KC You can plant near NO males, and youll still have a seed or two here and there from the wild ditch weed 8 miles away down near the train depot lol. Assuming you are on the east side of it. If on the west side, you can be a block away and never see a single seed on an outdoor plant. Every time you grow seeds from an outdoor plant, even if you intentionally pollenated it yourself where i lived in KC, you always ran the risk of getting ditch weed genetics, it happened to me 3 notable times out there lol. When home medical growing licenses went out in KC, that first fall, my outdoor plants got seeded all to hell by people who didnt know what they were doing in my neighborhood. The following fall, they knew what they were doing lmfao, back to the odd hemp bean and any branches i bagged being seeded.. (it surprised me to find out, but most people try growing cannabis before they ever do any research into the plant beyond it getting them high lmao)

One male plat can pollenate 3000 sq miles entirely dependent on atmospheric conditions and wind track.

(im not disagreeing with anything btw, im just stoned rambling is all)
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What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
@PlumberSoCal2 (lol my quoting isnt working rn)

Lmao, man, pollen can be a funky thing.

In KC, you can plant 100 feet due west of a male plant, and MAYBE get a seed or two in your female. But if you plant 2 miles due east, youll get several seeds lol.

In KC You can plant near NO males, and youll still have a seed or two here and there from the wild ditch weed 8 miles away down near the train depot lol. Assuming you are on the east side of it. If on the west side, you can be a block away and never see a single seed on an outdoor plant. Every time you grow seeds from an outdoor plant, even if you intentionally pollenated it yourself where i lived in KC. When home medical growing licenses went out in KC, that first fall, my outdoor plants got seeded all to hell by people who didnt know what they were doing in my neighborhood. The following fall, they knew what they were doing lmfao. (it surprised me to find out, but most people try growing cannabis before they ever do any research into the plant beyond it getting them high lmao)

One male plat can pollenate 3000 sq miles entirely dependent on atmospheric conditions and wind track.

(im not disagreeing with anything btw, im just stoned rambling is all)
Confounded 😠


@PlumberSoCal2 (lol my quoting isnt working rn)

Lmao, man, pollen can be a funky thing.

In KC, you can plant 100 feet due west of a male plant, and MAYBE get a seed or two in your female. But if you plant 2 miles due east, youll get several seeds lol.

In KC You can plant near NO males, and youll still have a seed or two here and there from the wild ditch weed 8 miles away down near the train depot lol. Assuming you are on the east side of it. If on the west side, you can be a block away and never see a single seed on an outdoor plant. Every time you grow seeds from an outdoor plant, even if you intentionally pollenated it yourself where i lived in KC, you always ran the risk of getting ditch weed genetics, it happened to me 3 notable times out there lol. When home medical growing licenses went out in KC, that first fall, my outdoor plants got seeded all to hell by people who didnt know what they were doing in my neighborhood. The following fall, they knew what they were doing lmfao. (it surprised me to find out, but most people try growing cannabis before they ever do any research into the plant beyond it getting them high lmao)

One male plat can pollenate 3000 sq miles entirely dependent on atmospheric conditions and wind track.

(im not disagreeing with anything btw, im just stoned rambling is all)
All in theory and NOT in practice. I've been hearing it for years and yet here we are.


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
All in theory and NOT in practice. I've been hearing it for years and yet here we are.
My indoor ass is kicking it with a lining brush, and crazy careful local pollenation (usually) one tip of the brush head at a time.

I usually break wind westward personally.


All in theory and NOT in practice. I've been hearing it for years and yet here we are.
been hearing what for years?

3000 sq miles is only like 30x25 miles or something like that fwiw.

I bred outside in KC several times. Its how this current generation of peaceblaster happened. Can confim plants dont need to be close together. They can be almost a mile apart. There were several unintentional crosses when that one got made lol. Literally every plant on my property.

If you live in a windy place, can confirm from personal experience pollen can, and will, make it miles in a low humidty atmosphere lol. Pretty much any wind driven pollen can. Universities in California have sampled viable pollen out of the air from wind driven species of plants only found in southeast asia lol.

If you grow cannabis outside on the eastern side of kansas city, your outdoor plants will have seeds. Period. They just will, and its the ditch hemp down by the drain depot doing it lmao.

It has also been confirmed cannabis pollen doesnt stay nearly as viable in atmosphere for nearly as long near the oceans and coastlines too though, for a variety of reasons, one being the same reason cars age more poorly near the coastlines. Ive never grown near a coast line, and pollen can be a very b*tch lol. Especially when unexpected hermie pollen is coming from one of your neighbors that grows inside without a hepa filter 25 foot from your fenced in back yard full of plants. Been there stopped that careless, disrespectful crap too lol.

Here though, not nearly as worried, it stays humid, and the air doesnt constantly move like in the midwest. I prob wouldnt expect pollen to go more then a few hundred feet tops unless it was abnormally windy. Abnormally windy here, is calm skies in KC. The reason i take the pollen thing so damn seriously is because ive personally suffered the consequences of people being careless with it lol. Anyone can do whatever they want with whatever plants they want. Somethings i just consider a little unwise or disrespectful. One or the other. And in some places, what may be unwise or disrespectful, may not be somewhere else because it simply does not matter lol.
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What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
been hearing what for years?

3000 sq miles is only like 30x25 miles or something like that fwiw.

I bred outside in KC several times. Its how this current generation of peaceblaster happened. Can confim plants dont need to be close together. They can be almost a mile apart. There were several unintentional crosses when that one got made lol. Literally every plant on my property.
If you live in a windy place, can confirm from personal experience pollen can, and will, make it miles in a low humidty atmosphere lol. Pretty much any wind driven pollen can. Universities in California have sampled viable pollen out of the air from wind driven species of plants only found in southeast asia lol.

If you grow cannabis outside on the eastern side of kansas city, your outdoor plants will have seeds. Period. They just will, and its the ditch hemp down by the drain depot doing it lmao.

It has also been confirmed cannabis pollen doesnt stay nearly as viable in atmosphere for nearly as long near the oceans and coastlines too though, for a variety of reasons. Ive never grown near a coast line, and pollen can be a very b*tch lol. Especially when unexpected hermie pollen is coming from one of your neighbors that grows inside without a hepa filter 25 foot from your fenced in back yard full of plants. Been there stopped that careless, disrespectful crap too lol.

Here though, not nearly as worried, it stays humid, and the air doesnt constantly move like in the midwest. I prob wouldnt expect pollen to go more then a few hundred feet tops unless it was abnormally windy. Abnormally windy here, is calm skies in KC.
Pollen outdo here turns into a plasma immediately. 🤣


Pollen outdo here turns into a plasma immediately. 🤣
Hahahahaha 🤣 good example, in some places, pollen isnt immediately killed by a boiling nuclear plasma furnace. In some places, it is 🤣

KC tended to have low humidity falls with cool nights broken by the odd "total hell breaking loose" thunderstorm that only lasts half an hour. And the wind starts blowing to the east in september, and doesnt stop til april.

Thats the conditions 2/3 of the interior volume of the country are. If you live in an area like that, be careful with your pollen lmao. Seriously. It can be a major dick to other people. Idk about here, or SoCal or texas. But in most the country i consider you a dick if you let the pollen chuck. Especially autoflower or hemp strain pollen lol.

Im sorry lmao, im just stoned rambling genuinely not trying to point a finger, or say anyone is doing anything wrong. Unless you live in the midwest and let pollen fly unchecked, then your an asshole. But so am i so...
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been hearing what for years?

3000 sq miles is only like 30x25 miles or something like that fwiw.

I bred outside in KC several times. Its how this current generation of peaceblaster happened. Can confim plants dont need to be close together. They can be almost a mile apart. There were several unintentional crosses when that one got made lol. Literally every plant on my property.

If you live in a windy place, can confirm from personal experience pollen can, and will, make it miles in a low humidty atmosphere lol. Pretty much any wind driven pollen can. Universities in California have sampled viable pollen out of the air from wind driven species of plants only found in southeast asia lol.

If you grow cannabis outside on the eastern side of kansas city, your outdoor plants will have seeds. Period. They just will, and its the ditch hemp down by the drain depot doing it lmao.

It has also been confirmed cannabis pollen doesnt stay nearly as viable in atmosphere for nearly as long near the oceans and coastlines too though, for a variety of reasons. Ive never grown near a coast line, and pollen can be a very b*tch lol. Especially when unexpected hermie pollen is coming from one of your neighbors that grows inside without a hepa filter 25 foot from your fenced in back yard full of plants. Been there stopped that careless, disrespectful crap too lol.

Here though, not nearly as worried, it stays humid, and the air doesnt constantly move like in the midwest. I prob wouldnt expect pollen to go more then a few hundred feet tops unless it was abnormally windy. Abnormally windy here, is calm skies in KC.
I've been hearing for years the same crap, I can't be pollinating on my property and elsewhere on said property have any unseeded plants yet every year that I grow and produce seeds away from my garden and greenhouses I have never once had seeds on any female not in a breeding group. Not once and those who think they know how pollen will react have been wrong so far, every single one. I couldn't care less what others think, especially those that haven't done it themselves, know what I mean?

I have pollinated once in my large greenhouse, never in the smaller one, I believe 2020, maybe 2019 but it all was pretty much GDP and I moved the rest of the girls to the pool area and under our youngests old room, 2 of 3 breeding sites I use and not one had seeds. Neither greenhouse is sealed in any way. If what you say and I guess believe is true this could not have happened and yet continues to happen year after year, could it?

I live in reality😘


I've been hearing for years the same crap, I can't be pollinating on my property and elsewhere on said property have any unseeded plants yet every year that I grow and produce seeds away from my garden and greenhouses I have never once had seeds on any female not in a breeding group. Not once and those who think they know how pollen will react have been wrong so far, every single one. I couldn't care less what others think, especially those that haven't done it themselves, know what I mean?

I have pollinated once in my large greenhouse, never in the smaller one, I believe 2020, maybe 2019 but it all was pretty much GDP and I moved the rest of the girls to the pool area and under our youngests old room, 2 of 3 breeding sites I use and not one had seeds. Neither greenhouse is sealed in any way. If what you say and I guess believe is true this could not have happened and yet continues to happen year after year, could it?

I live in reality😘
See im speaking from years of personal experiece, that also happened to be part of reality. Being logical, and intentionally not trying to point you out in particular, im just over here stoned, like to ramble, and you put my mind on pollen, and you should probably finish reading the messages you quote lol.

Theres no reason to be a sarcastic prick lmao.

I was calling the guy pumping hermie pollen out his drier duct vent into my back yard full of plants careless and disrespectful, not you. Why jump to guns and start being a disrespectful shit head now?

Buddy, im speaking from experience across multiple regions and years of time in this country. Take the belligerence elsewhere.

Not the backyard ive grown in with sea air and UV damaged pollen for the last 10 years.

How about you disagree respectfully, huh?


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
Haymeadow purp
Nice pheno.
Smells just like tastes.
IMG 5963
IMG 5961
IMG 5957
IMG 5958


See im speaking from years of personal experiece, that also happened to be part of reality. Being logical, and intentionally not trying to point you out in particular, im just over here stoned, like to ramble, and you put my mind on pollen, and you should probably finish reading the messages you quote lol.

Theres no reason to be a sarcastic prick lmao.

I was calling the guy pumping hermie pollen out his drier duct vent into my back yard full of plants careless and disrespectful, not you. Why jump to guns and start being a disrespectful shit head now?

Buddy, im speaking from experience across multiple regions and years of time in this country. Take the belligerence elsewhere.

Not the backyard ive grown in with sea air and UV damaged pollen for the last 10 years.

How about you disagree respectfully, huh?
It gets old. Year after year I'm doing this and documenting it and there's always someone telling me I can't do this in a snide way. It gets old.


It gets old. Year after year I'm doing this and documenting it and there's always someone telling me I can't do this in a snide way. It gets old.
im not telling you that you cant do anything whatever way that you want. I might have opinions on it or something. But if you have good results doing that, and no neighbors bothered by all means carry on. I may be an opinionated internet asshole, but i am absolutely one of those, i will defend your right to say and do what you want to the death whether i agree or not types, just dont be a disrespectful asshole to me or someone else for no reason.

I was stoned ranting about how annoying that shit was in kansas city. Its not even a concern really where im at now though. Im gonna breed outside. Its so damn humid most of the fall here the shit prob wont even survive 5 minutes airborne.

There are places where careless hemp growers have moved in and ruined entire commercial outdoor crops. It has happened, 100%. a few times. Doesnt mean it will there. Happened in kansas city to a friend/aquintance. Shes where my seeds called tammy (lol) came from

Im a spastic autistic weirdo man, and i ramble, a lot... i mean you nor anyone else any direct offense, and the worst ima ever do is call you a dick or an asshole. I am passionate about the sharing of useful information, and not much else but music and cannabis these days.
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It gets old. Year after year I'm doing this and documenting it and there's always someone telling me I can't do this in a snide way. It gets old.
you're also one of my internet buddies at this point, far as i care. this is really stupid lmao. ima roll a doobie and go sit with my plants before it gets dark lol.

all the love and respect cliche's and stuff to you my brotha. 💚


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
i was beginning to think i was somehow the first to pop one lmao. just threw a second in to pop.
I have 16 of them. 4 met the trash can. Two I have set aside for pollen with cones of shame.
The rest are fems. I crossed 8 plants with mowie. Mowie purps. Also have a blue dream x blue mammoth that I crossed too.

And quit being contrary guys, y’all are both cool af.

I like breaking the rules in growing. I’ve had a ton Of folks tell me shit was gonna blow up I. My face. Meh, just continue being rad gentlemen and fuck what ya heard. 👊🏻🤡


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
The way the cali blues got laid out this run, it’s def interesting, they are definitely plumping tough now.
End game they will have a nice haul on em….
Def a different approach this time In plantcraft than usual,
IMG 5971
IMG 5972
IMG 5974
IMG 5973

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