Auto flower for a beginner

  • Thread starter MaryJayne_3
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I am new to growing. About to start my first plant in about a week or 2. Im starting off with autoflower and was wondering how to go about the soil. Can anyone recommend what soil to use and what nutrients to put in the soil and how much to mix in before planting the seed? TIA


If I started over I wouldn't use soil. Start straight into general hydro nutrients trio and get some bagged prebuffered coco. Get an ec pen and follow coco4cannabis feed schedule. Get some cal mag and use low ec h2o i.e. distilled , good tap water if available or reverse osmosis . Simple /cheap works great.


An organic grow with a living soil would make it so you just need to water your plant. No nutes


True true and most amended soils like Happy frog have enough nutrition for around 30 days then u add nutes but I kept over watering😞 coco 4 me is less stress yet more work cause u water with ferts daily or more.


Promix worm casting peralite and a soil craftblend let it cook the 2 weeks and you have a decent living soil you can add all sorts of suff as you desire


So are you planning on growing indoors? Do you have a tent or a light setup in a small space?
Outdoors? In the ground or a big pot?

2 great places to spend a little time researching is.

Grow weed easy
Coco for cannabis

Myself I am not a believer in 2 or 3 part fertilizer mixes or pre loaded soils.
I use a mix of 50% Vermiculite and 50% Peat Moss
with 40 grams of Dolomite lime per gallon of mix.
and 10 grams of Gypsum pellets per gallon of mix.

This is a type of hydroponic grow in media. A lot like growing in Coco
without some of the issues. And it's a great way to go as you can use any liquid fertilizer you can buy
I use Schultz Orchid Fertilizer 15-5-5.
10 drops per litre of water.
You will need a P.H pen so you can PH your fertilizer solution 6.5
My water runs around 8 and it takes about 13 drops of ph down pr litre to acquire a 6.5 plus or minus a point.

I grow both outdoors and indoors.
My latest indoor project although it's a photo not an auto you should get an Idea about my grow space.
This plant is in a 6" nursery pot and is about 24" across.

You could grow an auto in a small space like this with a 300 w light quite affordably.
With the fertilizer 15-5-5
Early flower Schultz 10 -15 -10
Late Flower Schultz 10 - 15 - 10
and 1/4 gram of Grotek Monster Bloom 0 - 50 - 30 it's about $20 on Amazon for 130g

The 3 big things when growing autos are
1) They are hungry so start feeding as soon as the seedling comes threw the ground.
2) They are easy to over water. You must water enough to keep them but not over do it and stunt the plant.
3) Proper light placement. Don't over do it with a powerful light and stress or burn the plant.
This should give you a little something to think about.
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For a beginner I’d recommend either Ocean Forest or Happy frog, the Ocean Forest should carry you through the first month, then I’d use dry amendments for flowering. Autos can be a bit finicky when young, start them in seedling starter in a solo cup ( with drain holes) or nursery seeding cup. Don’t overwater!!!!


So are you planning on growing indoors? Do you have a tent or a light setup in a small space?
Outdoors? In the ground or a big pot?

2 great places to spend a little time researching is.

Grow weed easy
Coco for cannabis

Myself I am not a believer in 2 or 3 part fertilizer mixes or pre loaded soils.
I use a mix of 50% Vermiculite and 50% Peat Moss
with 40 grams of Dolomite lime per gallon of mix.
and 10 grams of Gypsum pellets per gallon of mix.

This is a type of hydroponic grow in media. A lot like growing in Coco
without some of the issues. And it's a great way to go as you can use any liquid fertilizer you can buy
I use Schultz Orchid Fertilizer 15-5-5.
10 drops per litre of water.
You will need a P.H pen so you can PH your fertilizer solution 6.5
My water runs around 8 and it takes about 13 drops of ph down pr litre to acquire a 6.5 plus or minus a point.

I grow both outdoors and indoors.
My latest indoor project although it's a photo not an auto you should get an Idea about my grow space.
This plant is in a 6" nursery pot and is about 24" across.

You could grow an auto in a small space like this with a 300 w light quite affordably.
With the fertilizer 15-5-5
Early flower Schultz 10 -15 -10
Late Flower Schultz 10 - 15 - 10
and 1/4 gram of Grotek Monster Bloom 0 - 50 - 30 it's about $20 on Amazon for 130g
View attachment 2204886

The 3 big things when growing autos are
1) They are hungry so start feeding as soon as the seedling comes threw the ground.
2) They are easy to over water. You must water enough to keep them but not over do it and stunt the plant.
3) Proper light placement. Don't over do it with a powerful light and stress or burn the plant.
This should give you a little something to think about.
I will be growing in a grow tent indoors. And yeah this helps a lot. Thank you man. I appreciate you taking the time to explain all of that!


If I started over I wouldn't use soil. Start straight into general hydro nutrients trio and get some bagged prebuffered coco. Get an ec pen and follow coco4cannabis feed schedule. Get some cal mag and use low ec h2o i.e. distilled , good tap water if available or reverse osmosis . Simple /cheap works great.
Thinking of using this. What nutrient trio would you get? Then just mix it in accordingly and let sit for 2 weeks?
IMG 1069


I have a grow going in amended coco if you want to take the guess work out of it. My seedlings did well and they are looking great atm! I used foxfarms cocoloco. Its coco based potting mix. I shouldnt need to feed for another few weeks. All you would need is cocoloco and perilite. I didnt add anything except some living soil under my coco. Once feeding begins im using roots organic terp tea. For flower ill switch to bloom. Other than that all i should have to do is water.

If you do go with a coco base then pay close attention to the watwring. Less is more and repeat more often than soil.

Whichever way you do go this crowd is helpful!

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