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  • Users: SAMCRO
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    VEG Room Build for 40K Watt Show

    No it will not. A 5 ton with 60,000 BTU wouldn't do it. 60,000 with CO2 and cooling 2 other rooms for veg and drying barely gets the job done with 10 HPS lights. I wouldn't risk it. Meaning I wouldnt go through the trouble of installing it only to find out 6 months from now and you increase...

    Hey guys been away from the scene a while this the new overgrow or better?

    Welcome back to the game. The water is warm. Too bad you dont have the strain's down so you know what you got in the end. I wish you and your grow the best.

    drying room

    Depends on where you live and your conditions. I would not have a humidifier in my drying and curing room. I use drying racks and I keep the air at on at 68 to 70 degrees and I cruz at about 50% humidity. I run fan in the room to circulate the room's air and a air scrubber as well. They sit...

    New Ez Clone Models

    got it. cool thanks for the update on this new ez cloner.

    New Ez Clone Models

    so is the newer version better? Work better or more effecient?

    New Ez Clone Models

    Photos of this machine or does it look the same as the old machine?

    Woot!!! Here we go again!!! Supreme CRT ruling

    Perfectly Stated. Couldn't have said it better.

    Woot!!! Here we go again!!! Supreme CRT ruling

    this deal has really turned into a real nightmare and a complete mess. were just getting into it and im sick of it.

    Blackberry Kush 7,000 Watt HPS

    Your Pups are cute as can be. Puppies, by the beach.....= Home run with the ladies. :)
  10. SAMCRO

    NEW EZ-Clone Model Coming out!!!

    Wow 5 cuttings per plug? Amazing. Glad your getting good results with doing it that way. I wouldn't have thought of doing that. Good idea. I just figured to buy the biggest machine and space out the strains and cuttings and put a cycle timer on it. Add fluid with some of CAPS beneficials...
  11. SAMCRO

    Water - keep it simple people

    ahhh the warm ocean weather by Equator. Your not fortunate your a lucky bastard. :)
  12. SAMCRO

    Water - keep it simple people

    Yeah I'm on a Hydro-logic Evolution of 1000 GPD program with a High Capacity pre-filter with Earth Friendly Catalytic carbon and sediment filters. Works great. Gets the water down to 10 to 12 ppms when working with fresh filters. I usually let run until 50 PPM to 70 PPMs then change them out...
  13. SAMCRO

    Water - keep it simple people

    I hear ya. Current water is 340 PPM and 6.8 to 7.2 in pH. Smells to holy hell of chlorine. Plus I go through 600 to 900 gallons per week depending on week and cycle. Collecting that kind of water in SO-CAL where 12 to 18 inches a year is normal isn't really ideal. Maybe in NORCAL or Oregon...
  14. SAMCRO

    Water - keep it simple people

    Plants that you want to eat or smoke utilizing toxins, poison, polution etc from Cars, Trucks, Air Planes, Trains etc in a high density areas? I see trees growing everywhere that are living on this kind activity but I wouldnt want to smoke or use them in my baked goods. I hear what your saying...
  15. SAMCRO

    Water - keep it simple people

    Yeah Id like to see the PH and PPMs of rain water with smog infested cities like Los Angeles. I don't even feed my dog city water.
  16. SAMCRO

    Watch out for this guy!

    They seem to to their jobs when its time to bust MMJ growing operations. These guys get turned loose and they jail people for growing a plant. Nice. Yeah the justice system works great.
  17. SAMCRO

    NEW EZ-Clone Model Coming out!!!

    Yeah it sure is an old post. Figured there would be something new about this machine after 2 years now. I had my Hydro dealer email the EZ Clone people but in typical fashion nobody wrote back yet.
  18. SAMCRO

    NEW EZ-Clone Model Coming out!!!

    Yeah I saw the timer deal was the ticket as well. Jackmayoffer was the one I saw who suggested it. Perhaps somebody else might have mentioned it before Jack. Not sure but here is where I was educated about it...
  19. SAMCRO

    NEW EZ-Clone Model Coming out!!!

    They look Bitchin'. But when if ever? Any clues, ideas, rumors, scandals, theories?
  20. SAMCRO

    NEW EZ-Clone Model Coming out!!!

    Anybody here associated with EZ Clone or have information on this machine. I saw this ad for this machine for a DEC 2010 launch or 2011 launch and then it faded away after the trade show. Would like to buy this machine and give it a shot. Kind of been holding off on buying a regular black one...
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