2024 Outdoor/Sexing. Is it too soon?

  • Thread starter Organic13
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Nice work! How do you manage pests?
this is basically the ipm. It really makes a huge difference


15 out of the 18 are up. Some look better than others. Hate when their lil seed hats get stuck. I don't try to remove them anymore. Regardless of what I'm growing, when I assist, I usually hurt the lil one. Survival of the fittest, I reckon.

Also, I looked up cal mag. There are a few different brands and they have different % of nutrients. I checked here first, but I don't see any info on which is the best or which should be avoided. If someone could let me know which is best or any that are a definite no, I'd appreciate it. I'd like to order it today. Thank you.
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At what point should I be concerned about having a male around? Do I have awhile to go? I don't want to be a bugaboo or worrying for no reason.
I'm in northern Virginia a few hundred miles south of you. My photo period fems outside start showing pistils in late July and really get going mid-August. Male parts might appear a little earlier so I'd be out there with an inquisitive nature mid-July looking for rowdy fellas to accost and wrap in garbage bag sized condoms, if I weren't sure of their pronouns beforehand. So I'm thinking you want to be sure who's who my August 1st, and everything should be apparent by then.


Thank you for the information.

I have an uncle that has a farm outside of Suffolk. Was just there last fall. Beautiful state. Beautiful drive too.

I will need to look more into what to do if I do suspect a male. Other than separating, I really don't know what to do. Wouldn't they get really hot wrapped up or do you mean if they are being culled?

Again, thank you for the heads up on a timeline. Gives me a time frame. How old are your plants when they go out? I was fairly late starting these. They sprouted on 5/1. They are 2 months now.


I will need to look more into what to do if I do suspect a male. Other than separating, I really don't know what to do. Wouldn't they get really hot wrapped up or do you mean if they are being culled?
Sorry, my bad. There is an assumption that the male plants will need to be disposed of, which is what I was referring to. Cutting them down and stuffing them into plastic garbage bags so no pollen leaks out. Pollen, if available nearby would fertilize the female flowers and end the possibility of producing sinsemilla. My first grow I sowed 4 bag seeds. 8-1/2 weeks later I found out that 3 of them were male and so I destroyed those 3 and harvested seedless flowers from the one female plant. It was pretty good smoke but I was hoping for more when I started. You get what you get when you plant unknowns. That's why feminized seeds are so popular. Male plants have no THC and are fairly useless unless you want to pollinate females.
Again, thank you for the heads up on a timeline. Gives me a time frame. How old are your plants when they go out? I was fairly late starting these. They sprouted on 5/1. They are 2 months now.
I started mine, seeds in the ground 5-5. They should be ready for harvest say late September to mid-October depending on how they do and the weather. It doesn't matter too much when you start them outside. I mean if you start them earlier there is the potential for them to grow bigger of course, but the timing of the shorting day will dictate when they flower and mature. On August 1st the daylight in our latitude will reduce below 14 hours which will signal photo period cannabis plants to get busy and start to produce flowers and the best harvest time will depend on the strain and the conditions.


Lmao. Sorry to take the advice so literally. 😂 Was wondering how tf I was wrapping up plants in plastic and keeping them alive in the heat and humidity.

Thank you. That was very informative. Much appreciated.

Batch #2 update:
14 out of 18 are standing at attention. 1 looks unsure it wants to live. 1 died. The 2 X pots (seed was cracked but no tail) still haven't popped through the surface. CalMag and fabric bags have been ordered. Guess I need to change my name. 🙃
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