aircube. Blue Dream, Cream and cheese



approaching harvest with 2 blue dream and 2 cream and cheese. they are in 3 gallon fabric pots and were handwatered for most of the grow. they were only put into the aircube about 2 weeks ago.

I'm running 2 x 300w spiderfarmer bar style lights, also 60 w of supplemental uv lights.

a 4" and 6"carbon filters blow into the tent giving the 4x4 more space and also avoiding hair and dust from getting on the buds. ducting also travels from my 4x4 to a 3x3 veg/auto tent. I also have a co2 bag from last grow that is still keeping my whole lung room over 1000ppm.

already chopped half of one of the c&c. it was ready at day 50 post flip. also took 1/4 of the white widow auto in the 3x3. it's actually 2 wwa one just matured alot faster than the other.

I run a dehumidifier and ac as well as a bar style uv light for sterilizing the air

nutes are gh flora series, silica, diamond nectar, recharge.

first grow started about 18 months ago(after a 14 year hiatus from cannabis) in happyfrog soil. had a significant nat problem and switched to coco for my second grow. this will be my 4th harvest
Aircube blue dream cream and cheese
Aircube blue dream cream and cheese 2
Aircube blue dream cream and cheese 3
Aircube blue dream cream and cheese 4
Aircube blue dream cream and cheese 5
Aircube blue dream cream and cheese 6


I don't know shit about these new techie grow equiptment. But whatever it's doing your grow looks fantastic. 👍
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