Aquaman gets dirty

  • Thread starter Aqua Man
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Oh man I had a good laugh... Gives new meaning to a little frost on the roof.

Yeah I'm really pumped for coco.
tell you one thing,dont think your just gonna use some head and shoulders to get that shit off the dome either,damn scrub brush be making this damn bald head tough as leather,who hell needs hair no way,i havent paid for a hair cut in 30 years hahah,i dont know if it is some thing difrent ive done with the coco this time or the nutrients i used,but it gonna take forever for these damn buds to cure with all that white shit all over um hahah.
crazy shit ,i started out using humbolt secret a& b with golden tree,so like i say i use ec numbers,well my tap is hard as hell,so after a month of fighting stabilization ,i figured out that the stuff is excellant for soil and claim it ideal for coco too,but when i mix it up ,i get perfect 6.5 ph and ec for soil,not so for coco,so broke out the glasses and white lab coat got after it.
man this cheap ass morbloom 0-10-10 by alaska was dropping my ph down to 3.5 ,im like what the shit,
so started using just the morbloom and fish emulsion for nitrogen,freak of nature frost on these bitchs,damn bottle at home depot 7 bucks,started adding it to ph down my hard water at 7.2 down to 6.0,by the time i got to 6 or 6.1 ,my ppm was right at were i wanted it at 900,so this been a cheap ass grow with more frost from the depot hahahah,vegged with humbolt ,flower with alaska morbloom,come to find out they even have a morveg ,hahahah
Aqua Man

Aqua Man

tell you one thing,dont think your just gonna use some head and shoulders to get that shit off the dome either,damn scrub brush be making this damn bald head tough as leather,who hell needs hair no way,i havent paid for a hair cut in 30 years hahah,i dont know if it is some thing difrent ive done with the coco this time or the nutrients i used,but it gonna take forever for these damn buds to cure with all that white shit all over um hahah.
crazy shit ,i started out using humbolt secret a& b with golden tree,so like i say i use ec numbers,well my tap is hard as hell,so after a month of fighting stabilization ,i figured out that the stuff is excellant for soil and claim it ideal for coco too,but when i mix it up ,i get perfect 6.5 ph and ec for soil,not so for coco,so broke out the glasses and white lab coat got after it.
man this cheap ass morbloom 0-10-10 by alaska was dropping my ph down to 3.5 ,im like what the shit,
so started using just the morbloom and fish emulsion for nitrogen,freak of nature frost on these bitchs,damn bottle at home depot 7 bucks,started adding it to ph down my hard water at 7.2 down to 6.0,by the time i got to 6 or 6.1 ,my ppm was right at were i wanted it at 900,so this been a cheap ass grow with more frost from the depot hahahah,vegged with humbolt ,flower with alaska morbloom,come to find out they even have a morveg ,hahahah
Proving there are many ways to skin a cat brother 👍👍👍


Oh man I had a good laugh... Gives new meaning to a little frost on the roof.

Yeah I'm really pumped for coco.

Don't give up on soil yet , I grew hydro since some time in the 90's and I'd put my hydro growing up against anyone's no question, got bored with it went to coco had fun with that nothing wrong with it, just a little different growing style , then went to sunshine, after my first grow or 2 I thought I either need to figure this out or go back to hydro, I just had to adjust how I see things, with hydro , I mean I had my system down pat , but waited for something to show if it did before I adjusted anything, I was always reactive to something, with soil I just became pro active and pay attention to the 9 elements of growing , just keep those in check and watch my plants, it really didn't take long to figure out how to feed them and at what rate, and how to push them. Now i mix my own nutes so I had to adjust them a bit from hydro, but I very rarely have any kind of nute issue. what I can say is with hydro is every plant i grew had to be tied up and supported to hold the weight, it wasn't that way with soil at the start, but it is now I can pack as much weight on without question. every plant needs to be tied all the same, I may not be as quick but its also not like it really far off either, and I think I have a better product then both hydro or coco, but that just personal preference, however I will say some of my buddies still doing hydro are starting to say the same . All I'm saying is don't give up on it to quick.
Aqua Man

Aqua Man

Don't give up on soil yet , I grew hydro since some time in the 90's and I'd put my hydro growing up against anyone's no question, got bored with it went to coco had fun with that nothing wrong with it, just a little different growing style , then went to sunshine, after my first grow or 2 I thought I either need to figure this out or go back to hydro, I just had to adjust how I see things, with hydro , I mean I had my system down pat , but waited for something to show if it did before I adjusted anything, I was always reactive to something, with soil I just became pro active and pay attention to the 9 elements of growing , just keep those in check and watch my plants, it really didn't take long to figure out how to feed them and at what rate, and how to push them. Now i mix my own nutes so I had to adjust them a bit from hydro, but I very rarely have any kind of nute issue. what I can say is with hydro is every plant i grew had to be tied up and supported to hold the weight, it wasn't that way with soil at the start, but it is now I can pack as much weight on without question. every plant needs to be tied all the same, I may not be as quick but its also not like it really far off either, and I think I have a better product then both hydro or coco, but that just personal preference, however I will say some of my buddies still doing hydro are starting to say the same . All I'm saying is don't give up on it to quick.
Yeah I'm a bit like a fish outa water here... Literally lol


Yeah I'm a bit like a fish outa water here... Literally lol

Yeah I remember that feeling lol , one thing I changed from hydro to soil was the way I feed, In hydro they pretty much got fed everything at once , base nutes, additives etc, with 150g rez or better it was just to much water to break everything up, but in soil I do, and it makes a big difference I think at least for me, they get base nutes and fulvic thats it, so my ppm is based of just that, for the plants in your pic at that size i'd be at least 600ppm by now. if I'm going to feed them anything else they get it separately, silica by itself, Calmag if needed by itself, kelp , microbes, enzymes etc. I find I can get much better uptake this way, without throwing everything at it , at once
Aqua Man

Aqua Man

Yeah I remember that feeling lol , one thing I changed from hydro to soil was the way I feed, In hydro they pretty much got fed everything at once , base nutes, additives etc, with 150g rez or better it was just to much water to break everything up, but in soil I do, and it makes a big difference I think at least for me, they get base nutes and fulvic thats it, so my ppm is based of just that, for the plants in your pic at that size i'd be at least 600ppm by now. if I'm going to feed them anything else they get it separately, silica by itself, Calmag if needed by itself, kelp , microbes, enzymes etc. I find I can get much better uptake this way, without throwing everything at it , at once
Appreciate the tips. I was thinking 600ppm but i really appreciate the confirmation. I have the added silica through the vermiculite, cal mag im holding off as im using tap, enzymes im feeding separate and the microbes i dusted the top after trying to dissolve it feels better.


Appreciate the tips. I was thinking 600ppm but i really appreciate the confirmation. I have the added silica through the vermiculite, cal mag im holding off as im using tap, enzymes im feeding separate and the microbes i dusted the top after trying to dissolve it feels better.

Yeah and it was suggested to me years ago to run a little vermiculite but I never did, I always just gave them a little silica, but after seeing you add some it got me thinking about it again, So I added some this time curious to see how it works out, but one of the smartest people in the business runs 50% peat to 50% vermiculite he does it for a reason.


Appreciate the tips. I was thinking 600ppm but i really appreciate the confirmation. I have the added silica through the vermiculite, cal mag im holding off as im using tap, enzymes im feeding separate and the microbes i dusted the top after trying to dissolve it feels better.

My new foliage pro/ protect mix is 1.1ec including my .3ec tap water at your present stage. I would be 1.2 with the pure blend pro i was using. So also agree.
Aqua Man

Aqua Man

Correction a single 315 CMH will do a 3x3
Yeah and it was suggested to me years ago to run a little vermiculite but I never did, I always just gave them a little silica, but after seeing you add some it got me thinking about it again, So I added some this time curious to see how it works out, but one of the smartest people in the business runs 50% peat to 50% vermiculite he does it for a reason.
bruce bugbee :)
Aqua Man

Aqua Man

I forget what he said exactly in his video (i will have to re watch) the 50% vermiculite is for silica but the water holding property is good for the schools climate in utah. He mentions that other mixes may work better depending on environment.
yeah i run a hot room my media temps are close to 80F so i can definitely see where mid 60's maybe even low 70's may not be so beneficial
Aqua Man

Aqua Man

@Dr.Green55 @MIMedGrower @oldskol4evr off the top of my head I may have missed someone.

Thank you for the advice and confirmation on feed. Especially @Dr.Green55 who pointed it out.

650ppm and I can see the difference in 2 days in terms of growth. Lighting is back up and we are moving along again.

Still think soil hates me but here we are.

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Naw you doing good dude. I would have killed the plants by now. I prob would have watered them 31x already lol.


@Dr.Green55 @MIMedGrower @oldskol4evr off the top of my head I may have missed someone.

Thank you for the advice and confirmation on feed. Especially @Dr.Green55 who pointed it out.

650ppm and I can see the difference in 2 days in terms of growth. Lighting is back up and we are moving along again.

Still think soil hates me but here we are.

View attachment 984458
Dude, it's soil. Give it time. Killing it, really.
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