Basement lab

  • Thread starter Greenjourneyman
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Veg tent is vegging. Did some minor defoliation tonight. And will really need to get in there to transplant a bunch of those.

Pro tip: avoid root bind

Will tackle the bloom tent in the morning. They’re on the 4am to 4pm bloom cycle.
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It’s been a minute since a post.
But these ladies are fried. Too much phosphorus and potassium. I was far too heavy handed with the happy frog this time around. I’ll be cutting this weekend most likely.
Some really pretty colors out of them though.
Keep growing.

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It’s been a few weeks. And I’ve had some serious changes in the tents.
Bloom plants got chopped, not sure how much total weight they are still drying but I estimate in the 6-8 oz range, keep me going another few months for sure.

So veg tent has had a major overhaul. My t5 fluorescence panel shit the bed, which really really bummed me out, I’ve been using it for a few years with really really good results. When I went into the local horticulture shop, only to find out t5s are going the dinosaurs and the future is led only. So I sunk 250 into the phantom 1x2 panel in the last picture. This one goes to 11.
Also the plants in there were looking very very sad for a bit they’ve all come back really really nicely.
Keep calm and grow on homies.
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Happy Friday growers,
Ladies are developing nicely in the veg tent. They have really recovered from the switch in lights. Had some yellowing and general malaise when the new LED went in, but have become lush and green again. I took a fe wide shots as I am always surprised at how dense the foliage can get. It’s shaded and dark new the lower strata branches.
All of these will be going outside for my summer grow, just chasing the weather. Generally i wait till after June 1st, but it’s been a really warm spring, maybe outside sooner. I’m two thirds through the yearly cycle.
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Also I was finally able to replace my shity home made tent. And it was really good I did, all the I wood under the Mylar was full of black mold and nastiness. But I was able to buy this nice little tent from a friend. These little plants are going to be my summer experiment. They are feminized seeds and I want to hit one with the silver cordial and do a little cross breeding action. Not that iM running low on seeds, but it’s always good to expand the Rolodex with new stock.
Grow on homies

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I didn’t like how leggy those got when in the veg tent with my other giant plants. Did a quick transplant this morning into little bigger pots. The Jack Herrera is the runt of the plants for sure.
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Also I was noticing some unhappy tops in the veg tent. Thinking it’s light stress, so I turned down the new cultivar light to 55%. And I have to say the plants are responding, noticed a lot more condensation to wipe off tent walls this morning, they are transpiring more again. Damn this is really a diesel light, straight cooking plants if my not careful. Wonder if it can power my bloom situation in the 4x4?
grow on people!

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I took a little time today and moved the plants all around. Two chambers vegging now, just too many plants for the little 2x4 tent.
Second picture are the outdoor summer stock. They are going to be good sized by June 1st when the go in the ground. Then they’ll get huge in the radiance of the sun.
Holding some plants for a friend in the 2x4, and the beginnings of a breeding experiment, but I will post more on that when it really gets started. Just waiting for the super cropped plant to finish. Close to harvest, just waiting for some trichombes to darken a little.
Be well and keep growing.
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King of the inconstant posting around here.
But some serious changes since last I threw up the pictures. We have moved the summer production growing stock outside, pictures in the next post. So indoors we only have a few things cooking. First off a male Mazar working on that breeding project, operation self sufficient for seeds. They way the seed banks are asking 8-10 bucks per is out of control, I can do my own breeding. Not sure what I’ll cross it with but stashing and collecting the pollen for now.

PRO TIP: alway keep seeds and pollen in freezer, extend their viability.

Also have a few clones and a blue Dream and black Domina in the 2x4 tent too. Really interested in breeding those to produce black dream or blue Domina. But fem seeds, so I will have to spray the silver cordial. I tried on the Mazar, but it was a male anyway so a waste of the silver.
The clones over on the right of the ten are banging San Fernando kush and golden nugget plants.
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Half the outside stock ended up in my backyard and the other half in over at a friends house. I am going to have to get in there an do a little trimming for yield and air flow. Been having the afternoon showers here and am starting to be concerned for the mold issues. I fought hard against it in my tents and I really don’t want it to strike years past I have planted t straight into the ground, but had rodent issues chewing on the stems, this year I went with the buckets to reduce that risk.
Be well and keep growing

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Looks amazing, loving the outdoor stuff.

Good luck with the cloning. Black dream or Blue Domina sound fantastic. One day I'd love to try my hand at that business but think I have much to learn before I get there.
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