Besides Genetics, what are some tips for frostier and denser Nugs?

  • Thread starter Frosty.McDanknugs
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Hi all!

1. Been told lowering humidity as low as I can final 10 days really helps the plant protect itself by creating additional resin? Is this true or false?

2. Also been told lowering temps as low as i can during dark hours last two weeks creates more density. Is this true or false?

3. Is there anything other than genetics that I can do to create even more density and insane frostiness?

I grow in soil and use Nectar For the God's nutes. A calcium based line. LED lights. RH usually around 45% but can go lower. Tems usually around 78 lights on and 69 lights off. PH of feed is 6.6.

Any secrets/tips for more frost and density? THANKS!


Hi all!

1. Been told lowering humidity as low as I can final 10 days really helps the plant protect itself by creating additional resin? Is this true or false?

2. Also been told lowering temps as low as i can during dark hours last two weeks creates more density. Is this true or false?

3. Is there anything other than genetics that I can do to create even more density and insane frostiness?

I grow in soil and use Nectar For the God's nutes. A calcium based line. LED lights. RH usually around 45% but can go lower. Tems usually around 78 lights on and 69 lights off. PH of feed is 6.6.

Any secrets/tips for more frost and density? THANKS!
i can't say on 1 or 3 but where i am at the night time temps are chilly. from what i'm seeing in my stuff i have to wonder if the low temps aren't detering my plants from producing more density, i see little additional bulking at this point. i've starting to raise the temp during dark cycle to see if there is any difference.


Hi all!

1. Been told lowering humidity as low as I can final 10 days really helps the plant protect itself by creating additional resin? Is this true or false?

2. Also been told lowering temps as low as i can during dark hours last two weeks creates more density. Is this true or false?

3. Is there anything other than genetics that I can do to create even more density and insane frostiness?

I grow in soil and use Nectar For the God's nutes. A calcium based line. LED lights. RH usually around 45% but can go lower. Tems usually around 78 lights on and 69 lights off. PH of feed is 6.6.

Any secrets/tips for more frost and density? THANKS!
i also use nectar, in addition i use this last 3 weeks or so of flower
honestly i dont mess with my humidity much or try to lower temps, it really is genetics. Look for anything with Oreoz in the mix, if you want tons of frost.
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Hi all!

1. Been told lowering humidity as low as I can final 10 days really helps the plant protect itself by creating additional resin? Is this true or false?

2. Also been told lowering temps as low as i can during dark hours last two weeks creates more density. Is this true or false?

3. Is there anything other than genetics that I can do to create even more density and insane frostiness?

I grow in soil and use Nectar For the God's nutes. A calcium based line. LED lights. RH usually around 45% but can go lower. Tems usually around 78 lights on and 69 lights off. PH of feed is 6.6.

Any secrets/tips for more frost and density? THANKS!
Imho resin content is a lot more important then frost and not always related 1:1. I've had crazy frosty flowers that were kinda dry and kiefy. And ive had just as many flowers lackluster in the frost coverage, but still had plenty of nice lung filly resin with a good face slap.

cooler temps = denser flowers and more color. Not always, but often.

In my experience most essential oil (resin) producing plants that like to grow at elevation, such as lavender, cannabis, and some others, can increase their resin production under elevated UV exposure. Some people i know out west grow at elevation for the cooler temps and more resinous buds naturally. Doesn't quite work this well with cannabis, but with some lavender plants you can damn near double their essential oil extract yield by exposing the plants to a bit of UV for a while before harvesting material for extraction.

Not sure about the humidity thing. Personally i often cut all circulation fans last week of flower and crank up my exhaust. Seems like i get terpier flowers with less air constantly moving around the plants. thats a thing that definitely works with some plants. Often my humidity will actually sit a little higher during.

I had a glue dream cookies eucalyptus pheno that would smell twice as strong twice as fast in the dry/cure process if i let the plant wilt real bad before i cut her, then waited till she was dry to trim the branches. She's the only plant ive ever done that with though.

Some people intentionally stress plants in early flower to increase resin production, personally i dont, but some swear by it.

Quality genetics is always the best starting point though.


To add to the cold temps thing.

Cold temps can interfere with a plants ability to process phosphorous efficiently.

Can lead to some mild phosphorous deficiency symptoms, especially outside. And this along side excessive sugar can actually do some really cool things late flower. Cold temps can also increase the amount of a sugars a plant tries to produce naturally as a defense mechanism against the cold itself, and this is why many plants change colors that arent yellow in fall. From deciduous trees to cannabis. Excessive sugar production and an interruption in processing phosphorous.

This is also why there arent very pretty tree leaf changes in fall when its been too warm too late in the season, leaves just turn yellow, brown, die and fall.

There are many, many strains, that express completely differently whenb exposed to cold weather in late flower. Beautiful colors, unique terpine profiles you cant get any other way. Some plants dont do much with cold, but many of them do. And with a lot of them it can be kinda crazy what some cold nights through late flower can do.

It's the difference between a beautiful auburn red colored maple tree in fall, that'll tap a particularly delicious syrup that year, or one that just yellowed off and went brown, and is a maple that will produce sub par syrup that season.

Personally i pray for some nice chilly nights through late flower, especially for outdoor plants. Idc if my yield takes a slight hit, my flower is likely going to be a little more colorful and unique for it. Often denser and stinkier too, yes. But it's also not an issue if i dont get it, ill have fatter greener buds come harvest.

Just about any plant will smell stronger with cooler average temps too. More of the volatile terps hang around for longer. Even your dill and basil will smell stronger with chilly nights and harvested right before daybreak.
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Imho resin content is a lot more important then frost and not always related 1:1. I've had crazy frosty flowers that were kinda dry and kiefy. And ive had just as many flowers lackluster in the frost coverage, but still had plenty of nice lung filly resin with a good face slap.

cooler temps = denser flowers and more color. Not always, but often.

In my experience most essential oil (resin) producing plants that like to grow at elevation, such as lavender, cannabis, and some others, can increase their resin production under elevated UV exposure. Some people i know out west grow at elevation for the cooler temps and more resinous buds naturally. Doesn't quite work this well with cannabis, but with some lavender plants you can damn near double their essential oil extract yield by exposing the plants to a bit of UV for a while before harvesting material for extraction.

Not sure about the humidity thing. Personally i often cut all circulation fans last week of flower and crank up my exhaust. Seems like i get terpier flowers with less air constantly moving around the plants. thats a thing that definitely works with some plants. Often my humidity will actually sit a little higher during.

I had a glue dream cookies eucalyptus pheno that would smell twice as strong twice as fast in the dry/cure process if i let the plant wilt real bad before i cut her, then waited till she was dry to trim the branches. She's the only plant ive ever done that with though.

Some people intentionally stress plants in early flower to increase resin production, personally i dont, but some swear by it.

Quality genetics is always the best starting point though.

The blueberry F5’s i did last year had minimal frost but lathered up my hand like bacon grease during trim. Have no idea what the thc content is but gets me blasted with zero anxiety. One of the most top shelf body highs I’ve experienced



The blueberry F5’s i did last year had minimal frost but lathered up my hand like bacon grease during trim. Have no idea what the thc content is but gets me blasted with zero anxiety. One of the most top shelf body highs I’ve experienced
The best flowers ive ever grown in my life, considering the high and how much i enjoyed smoking the flower over a long period, have not been the most photogenic, or the frostiest of plants. What they did well though, was resin content, and getting you blasted without anxiety and without getting tired of smoking it 💚

Tbh, i grew for about 10 years thinking that that chinese eyed, smiley giggly high i used to get was a tolerance related thing. It's not, it's a genetics related thing for sure.
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Imho resin content is a lot more important then frost and not always related 1:1. I've had crazy frosty flowers that were kinda dry and kiefy. And ive had just as many flowers lackluster in the frost coverage, but still had plenty of nice lung filly resin with a good face slap.

cooler temps = denser flowers and more color. Not always, but often.

In my experience most essential oil (resin) producing plants that like to grow at elevation, such as lavender, cannabis, and some others, can increase their resin production under elevated UV exposure. Some people i know out west grow at elevation for the cooler temps and more resinous buds naturally. Doesn't quite work this well with cannabis, but with some lavender plants you can damn near double their essential oil extract yield by exposing the plants to a bit of UV for a while before harvesting material for extraction.

Not sure about the humidity thing. Personally i often cut all circulation fans last week of flower and crank up my exhaust. Seems like i get terpier flowers with less air constantly moving around the plants. thats a thing that definitely works with some plants. Often my humidity will actually sit a little higher during.

I had a glue dream cookies eucalyptus pheno that would smell twice as strong twice as fast in the dry/cure process if i let the plant wilt real bad before i cut her, then waited till she was dry to trim the branches. She's the only plant ive ever done that with though.

Some people intentionally stress plants in early flower to increase resin production, personally i dont, but some swear by it.

Quality genetics is always the best starting point though.
did having the glue dream cookies wilt before harvest decrease the length of drying time the buds needed?


did having the glue dream cookies wilt before harvest decrease the length of drying time the buds needed?
yea maybe by a day or two. But honestly in this equation, dry time starts when the plant looses turgidity, even if its still alive in the pot imho. So really, no its doesnt, but yea, it does lmao.

if you actually do a side by side cotrol (non speculative) with same clones, all silica does is make stems stronger, and even then only if using distilled or RO water. Compared with municipal tap i had acess to in KC, MI, and back here in TM, there is no difference at all when using silica (this applies to call mag in most, but not all cases as well) It most definitely does not increase trichome and resin production. Not in my experience. And after spending years playing with and without it, ive settled on the conclusion that silica is only even ecessary if using distilled or RO water (some municipalties water doesnt have calcium or magnesium that plays with plants well, but thats the minority tbh).

If using tap water there is genuinely no difference whatsoever, at all, between a clone grown with additional silica additives, and one not. Not im my experience over several municipal water supplies anyway.

There are educated people out there, that believe ground rhino horn (powdered keratin) is a more effective afrodesiac then viagra. And if it works for them, i guess, cool, whatever. Although you'd have better luck and spend less money if yuo just chew on your own fingernails instead of crushing and snorting rhino horn.

Anthropology courses do this thing where they show you how quickly and absurdely rumor, conjecture and heresay can spread.
You can convince just about any consumer, of just about anything if you come across as credible and the scientific method is not fully understood. All you need is a single other claim backing yours up, and 99% of people will run with it as law. You make up a conspiracy, and you spread it with a single person confirming your claims. Small groups of people can easily manipulate very large groups of people through marketing, and conjecture alone. The only reason silica is the new hot dog is because people have started to realize that the cal-mag is actually whats giving their flowering plants nutrient burn and N toxicity so frequently in flower and the market has begun to move away from it.

Although ill just say thats my own *opinion* to avoid getting into any debates, because its my day off and i really dont want to lmao.

The simple truth us, with 90% of USA municipal water supplies, you can take *most* plants to a full, satisfying, weighty, and high quality harvest in just about any soiless and hydro method with nothing but tap water, flora micro, and flora bloom. Literally nothing else. I spent nearly a decade doing it lol, tested lots of additives on clones but always came back to very simple regiments. The more i simplified my nutrient solution/feeding regiment, the better results i achieved, pretty much across the board. Good ole KISS.

P.S. these statements dont totally apply to the organic regiment grower ime. And if you are having great results using silica in synthetic regiments, there's no reason to make yourself stop either lmao. Most of those big-multi-bottle lineups will deliver you problems if you arent using everything in the lineup, and the regiment is intentionally engineered that way. The market has figured out there is huge profit margin benefits to splitting up nutrient lineups into several bottles, and really it has nothing to do with plant benefits tbh, more to do with profit margins and maintaining economic growth as a business.
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if you actually do a side by side cotrol (non speculative) with same clones, all silica does is make stems stronger, and even then only if using distilled or RO water. Compared with municipal tap i had acess to in KC, MI, and back here in TM, there is no difference at all when using silica (this applies to call mag in most, but not all cases as well) It most definitely does not increase trichome and resin production. Not in my experience. And after spending years playing with and without it, ive settled on the conclusion that silica is only even ecessary if using distilled or RO water (some municipalties water doesnt have calcium or magnesium that plays with plants well, but thats the minority tbh).

If using tap water there is genuinely no difference whatsoever, at all, between a clone grown with additional silica additives, and one not. Not im my experience over several municipal water supplies anyway.
Trichomes are mostly made of silicon and thus that element is essential. Dr. Bruce Bugbee discusses the value of silicon in some of his videos and specifically mentions silicon and trichomes. There are also plenty of articles about the various benefits of silicon or silica amendments. (Silicon is the element name. Silica is a compound derived from silicon.)

Tap water varies. If the source is river water, there typically are few dissolved minerals in the water. Well water usually has more dissolved minerals due to its contact with underground minerals.



Trichomes are mostly made of silicon and thus that element is essential. Dr. Bruce Bugbee discusses the value of silicon in some of his videos and specifically mentions silicon and trichomes. There are also plenty of articles about the various benefits of silicon or silica amendments. (Silicon is the element name. Silica is a compound derived from silicon.)

Tap water varies. If the source is river water, there typically are few dissolved minerals in the water. Well water usually has more dissolved minerals due to its contact with underground minerals.

the point im making is not that silicon isnt essential, im totally aware it absolute is. My point is that when you have water with more plant usable silica then the plant really needs already in it, or are using nutrients with more then the plant would use already in it, adding more doesnt = benefits usually. Water that doesnt have such silica presence, this would not apply to.

examples of water with more then enough silica for most cannabis plants ime = The majority of municipal water supplies

Examples of water that usually doesnt ime = RO, distilled, most well water ive used, and municipal water supplies in super low-income areas. Tbh the latter should be run through RO before amending for use on any plants intended to be consumed at all lol.

If you are using RO water, and a large multi part nutrient formula like most nutrient manufacturers would strongly recommend you do, then yea, you're going to need additional silica supplements most likely. There's probably one conveniently and specifically formulated for the very nutrient lineup being used in whatever context lol. Capitalism babay! 🚬

I also have my water state tested semi frequently everywhere ive lived too. Most state authorities will do it free upon request. You can also do it yourself as well. Generally both are done before i decide how im going to use water for consumption plants of really any kind. You can also veruify your own results using state testing, or by calling your utility provider.

Aside from just outside Flint MI where i was brn and have family that grows, from knoxville, TN, to nashville, to memphis, to kansas city and st louis. Redding california, and even run down west sacramento. Theres plenty of silica, calcium, and magnesium in plant usable forms in your municipal water, almost garanteed.

With silica specifically there is usually more then necessary. And it is put there intentionally at the water treatment plants as well, feel free to call yours and ask questions, they will transfer you to someone who can answer them if during business hours. And will even refer you to the proper state testing agencies in your area if you want confirmation or have concerns your water is being contaminated along the distribution network

If you are using a lineup like that old base 3 part gh flora lineup and decent tap water, you definitely dont need cal-mag or silica supplements, if you think you do try better genetics tbh. If you are using flora nova series, and RO water though, id probably recommend em. Just as an example. And Gh got your back on that additional supplement! trust me on that lol.

Hell if GH stopped making the old flora 3 part, 75% of their lifelong consumers (most of which arent social media/forum crawlers) would migrate who knows where overnight. It would probably ruin their company entirely lmao.
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Trichomes are mostly made of silicon and thus that element is essential. Dr. Bruce Bugbee discusses the value of silicon in some of his videos and specifically mentions silicon and trichomes. There are also plenty of articles about the various benefits of silicon or silica amendments. (Silicon is the element name. Silica is a compound derived from silicon.)

Tap water varies. If the source is river water, there typically are few dissolved minerals in the water. Well water usually has more dissolved minerals due to its contact with underground minerals.

Depends on where the (river) water comes from.


Running with or without additional silica supplements never once had an effect on my plants trichome or resin production. The only meaningful effect i could ever quantify using additional silica supplements beyond whats necessary for a plant, was stiffer stems, i think anyway, hard to quantify that one even with a control, and if it had an effect on trichome production it was within the realms of statistical insignificance.

But i also tend to use nutrient packages that arent intentionally designed with holes in them requiring you to purchase and carefully mix/monitor a dozen bottles as well. And the quantifiable differences, almost guaranteed, come with nutrient lineups engineered to use additional silica supplements, and that recommend use with distilled or RO water.

I suppose it could be a coincidence that silica became the new rage as soon as 90% of the new lineups on the market started being engineered to need it in an additionally purchased bottle without telling the consumer, and recommending RO water use. But it's very very unlikely. That's more within the realm of standard business practice then coincidence.

Comparing a silica starved plant to one that isnt, yea, youll see a HUGE difference in trich production. But that should be common sense lol. Ive grown, harvested, and had tested cannabis above 30% thc, with total resin content nearing and on a couple occasions exceeding 40%, using absolutely nothing but tap water, flora micro, and flora bloom lmao. i only ever had a couple plants that needed a tiny taste of cal-mag every once in a while the entire time i was growing in KC. But tbf KC (Grandview) had the best tap water ive ever grown with.

I went into silica being told by hydro store owners i WILL see more trichome production in flower with it. When i didnt they tried to move me to flora nova and he tried to blame the base flora series for my plants thriving just fine without silica... Ive had similar encounters where people tried to move me to different nutrient lineups so i would more clearly see the benefits of silica.... lol.

I do apologize though, im not trying to be an asshat or be argumentative i promise lol. It's just very much worth understanding that more silica = more trichomes, only if your plant's needs are not already being fully met enough to thrive. And even if it did, silica absolutely does not = more resin, which is the important part of flower quality, ime, too much silica can actually encourage the opposite to be true and you can end up with harder stiffer trichomes that hold less resin and break away and kief off the flower more easily, much like N toxicity, just without the extra planty taste and longer flower time N tox gives a flower. Which i suppose could def make a flower seem frostier for sure, even though really it just has thicker, stiffer, harder, more easily kiefed trichomes that reflect more light.

My frostiest flowers are rarely if ever my dankest. Theyre almost never my strongest, or my tastiest, or the best high. And that is what it is lol. They are very nice to look at though.
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