Can anyone decipher this water analysis for me?

  • Thread starter Sweetsage
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Hi! I’m kind of new to this and need some help if there’s anyone who is willing. I have a smallish operation and have been bringing in water but it’s so expensive and am looking to figure out how to reduce costs. There is a well on the property, but was told we couldn’t use the water because it was bad. I ran an analysis on it and just got the results back but I have answers on both sides of the fence and was hoping someone might be able to read it for me and help me figure out how to proceed since I have no idea what I’m looking at. If this isn’t the place to post/ask let me know where I can get some help please 🙏🏼☺️
Can anyone decipher this water analysis for me


You might send your test results to someone like Bryant Mason ( who can interpret and make recommendations for a reasonable fee. Just eyeballing it, I see high pH, high alkalinity (resistance to pH change), and very high sodium. My guess is you'll want to filter/treat.


🐼 🚀 living soil
Hi! I’m kind of new to this and need some help if there’s anyone who is willing. I have a smallish operation and have been bringing in water but it’s so expensive and am looking to figure out how to reduce costs. There is a well on the property, but was told we couldn’t use the water because it was bad. I ran an analysis on it and just got the results back but I have answers on both sides of the fence and was hoping someone might be able to read it for me and help me figure out how to proceed since I have no idea what I’m looking at. If this isn’t the place to post/ask let me know where I can get some help please 🙏🏼☺️ View attachment 2203951
I would filter it in a brita type filter 1 or 2 passes and you will be fine. It's similar to my water


Ideally you want a 4:1 cal/mag ration and your test shows you have 2:1. Watch adding anything with magnesium. If it gets too high like, 1:>1, it may lock out the calcium. I learned this by experience.


Thank you all for your help. I’m just trying to see if there’s a way I can avoid having to put in a really expensive filtration/ro system.
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