Can I use a 5 x 5 tent as my lung room for a 2 x 4 tent?



Hi Growers,

I'm looking for your opinion on using a 5 x 5 tent as a lung room for my 2 x 4 tent. The 5 x 5 tent is taller than the 2 x 4 tent and it will provide 6 inches of clearance on the sides and nearly 3 feet in front of the 2 x 4 tent for equipment like an air conditioner and a dehumidifier. The air conditioner will be able to vent its hot air outside the lung tent.

Another option is to build an enclosed area for the lung room, but a 5 x 5 tent costs around $200, and I doubt I can build something much cheaper. What do you think?

Thanks for your input,


did an internship one summer in Delaware, learned to appreciate Blue Crabs! Damn fine eating.

Yes sir, that will work. Little inside of big, good idea actually. After your first couple of grows you can pull the little tent out and make it your veg and flower in the 5x5. Lot's of options but it's a good start



I'm trying to think of what could go wrong and haven't thought of anything. Just a few thoughts...

Would you have environment controllers for both tents? I've been thinking of adding one for my lung room. A CO2 monitor for the lung room might be interesting. I have one in my lung room. Right now, the plants are near the end of their dark cycle and the CO2 level is 593 ppm. It has been higher. It increases during the dark period.


I'm trying to think of what could go wrong and haven't thought of anything. Just a few thoughts...

Would you have environment controllers for both tents? I've been thinking of adding one for my lung room. A CO2 monitor for the lung room might be interesting. I have one in my lung room. Right now, the plants are near the end of their dark cycle and the CO2 level is 593 ppm. It has been higher. It increases during the dark period.
I wasn't thinking about using a controller on the lung tent. Instead, I would use a controller in the 2 x 2 tent and have it control the air conditioner, dehumidifier and heater on/off in the lung tent. I am primarily wanting to use the 2 x 2 inside the 5 x 5 for drying at 60/60. I am going to use a 4 x 4 for growing. I see Ac Infinity has a new temp control device. I might look into that for growing and maybe for drying also. I haven't looked at the price yet, but I'll bet it won't be cheap.



As long as you're still cycling fresh air into the lung tent and exhausting outside of it, I don't see why it wouldn't work.

A tent inside of a tent may raise temps a bit but as long as you can fit a portable a/c inside of the lung tent, you should be fine.


As long as you're still cycling fresh air into the lung tent and exhausting outside of it, I don't see why it wouldn't work.

A tent inside of a tent may raise temps a bit but as long as you can fit a portable a/c inside of the lung tent, you should be fine.
I plan to exhaust the air from the 2 x 4 with a hose that goes through the 5 x 5 and exits into the room the 5 x 5 tent is sitting in. I also plan to exhaust the air conditioner hot air out a window. I might have to play with the air flow into the tents and the filter settings after seeing how the air conditioner plays into the balance. Worst case scenario is that I have one more tent. Thanks


did an internship one summer in Delaware, learned to appreciate Blue Crabs! Damn fine eating.

Yes sir, that will work. Little inside of big, good idea actually. After your first couple of grows you can pull the little tent out and make it your veg and flower in the 5x5. Lot's of options but it's a good start

Plus one on Blue Crabs! I usually catch a bushel on Saturday morning and have a crab feast on Saturday night. I do that all summer!
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