Darkness at beginning of Roots.

  • Thread starter Sponty
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Good afternoon/morning.

I've had some plants going for a little bit now, during this time they annoyingly caught Pythium. I managed to sort this out a little bit using H202.

They've grown new roots which is a good thing but the top part of the roots are still a mucusy brown. I'm just wondering what the best way to get it off from the top of the roots. So far I've been adding H202 at a rate of around 6-7ml/10L.

Darkness at beginning of roots


-Use hydrogen peroxide diluted with Ph balanced water and GENTLY spray the roots.

-clean and sanitize everything. Airstones and Air hoses leading to them. Wipe and sanitize the walls of your container, do not forget the underbelly of the lid!

-fresh nutrient swap. With hydroguard. Do Not mix with hydrogen peroxide and add every day. Go overpay for it at the store right now or overnight delivery option. Do Not use hydroguard before 24 hours after hydrogen peroxide has been introduced in any amount to the system. So wait to add hydroguard to the fresh reservoir swap 24 hours later, after cleaning.

-swap your reservoir water every 3-4 days. After initial cleaning and first use of hydrogen peroxide Do Not use it again. Every single time you mix, make sure hydroguard is in your lineup.

(This is about controlling it and allowing the rot to become more readily available ALL nutrients from the beneficial bacteria eating at the rotting organic matter).

Make cleaning and sanitizing every swap a routine until it is handled. It will stop if you do this. If you wish to keep her.

That is root rot. Your pebbles are too wet. Lower water level AND reduce air IF splash is too high. Root rot is non reversible and only controllable if you plan to keep her. A beneficial bacteria like Hydroguard is your only option. Only very little splash should reach the pebbles. It is all about a Humidity zone of 100% RH from water to hydro lid that keeps that part of the plant moist and not wet.

The only goal in hydro is to prevent over watering from seed to end. Keep the water level 3-4” from the bottom of the net cup and make sure your air stone/pump is not blasting bubbles. Splashing your medium/pebbles too high and therefore making your taproot too wet all the time. She strangled with too much moisture and not enough oxygen that her immune system lowered and she has gotten sick at the roots.
Nano stones work better as they do not create Big bubbles. Big bubbles splash hard and accumulate smaller ones before they pop and make it violent, so if you have a stone that makes big bubbles, turn that S*** down. Problem is you need more oxygen to the roots to stave off the rot and infections. Lower water temps below 70 make a tremendous difference. You may Prune leafs and in necessary side shoots to promote healthy root recovery.


If you incorporate a Silica(Silicon in liquid form) it adds to her ability to fend off infection. It does more. It is available in soil, naturally. It is not present in hydro, water. So therefore it must be added. Expensive, yes, but it will give her some abilities.

-increased cell wall production and strength-
.Increasing stem strength without LST
.Increase drought resistance (nutrients adhere to the silica/silicon and allow holding nutrients for later use after availability is gone or less, sticks to the roots)
.Increase resistance to diseases and infection
.Increased trichome size and count (trichomes use silicon as it is their main driver of size and trichomes do more than get you high, they can help defend against pests and all sorts of things on the exterior defense)
.Increased pest infestation resistance (difficult for pests to penetrate tight cell wall production)


-Use hydrogen peroxide diluted with Ph balanced water and GENTLY spray the roots.

-clean and sanitize everything. Airstones and Air hoses leading to them. Wipe and sanitize the walls of your container, do not forget the underbelly of the lid!

-fresh nutrient swap. With hydroguard. Do Not mix with hydrogen peroxide and add every day. Go overpay for it at the store right now or overnight delivery option. Do Not use hydroguard before 24 hours after hydrogen peroxide has been introduced in any amount to the system. So wait to add hydroguard to the fresh reservoir swap 24 hours later, after cleaning.

-swap your reservoir water every 3-4 days. After initial cleaning and first use of hydrogen peroxide Do Not use it again. Every single time you mix, make sure hydroguard is in your lineup.

(This is about controlling it and allowing the rot to become more readily available ALL nutrients from the beneficial bacteria eating at the rotting organic matter).

Make cleaning and sanitizing every swap a routine until it is handled. It will stop if you do this. If you wish to keep her.

That is root rot. Your pebbles are too wet. Lower water level AND reduce air IF splash is too high. Root rot is non reversible and only controllable if you plan to keep her. A beneficial bacteria like Hydroguard is your only option. Only very little splash should reach the pebbles. It is all about a Humidity zone of 100% RH from water to hydro lid that keeps that part of the plant moist and not wet.

The only goal in hydro is to prevent over watering from seed to end. Keep the water level 3-4” from the bottom of the net cup and make sure your air stone/pump is not blasting bubbles. Splashing your medium/pebbles too high and therefore making your taproot too wet all the time. She strangled with too much moisture and not enough oxygen that her immune system lowered and she has gotten sick at the roots.
Nano stones work better as they do not create Big bubbles. Big bubbles splash hard and accumulate smaller ones before they pop and make it violent, so if you have a stone that makes big bubbles, turn that S*** down. Problem is you need more oxygen to the roots to stave off the rot and infections. Lower water temps below 70 make a tremendous difference. You may Prune leafs and in necessary side shoots to promote healthy root recovery.
Wow okay, this sounds like a lot to do tomorrow! We don't have Hydroguard where I'm from so I'll have to find an alternative.

I get confused, I speak to the person in our local hydro shop and he tells me that all I need to do is add H202 in every tank mix but then I get told not to add it to the tank and to add things like Hydroguard.

I'll re-check my measurements in the reservoir tomorrow, perhaps I do have too much liquid in there and I can see it splashing up.


If you incorporate a Silica(Silicon in liquid form) it adds to her ability to fend off infection. It does more. It is available in soil, naturally. It is not present in hydro, water. So therefore it must be added. Expensive, yes, but it will give her some abilities.

-increased cell wall production and strength-
.Increasing stem strength without LST
.Increase drought resistance (nutrients adhere to the silica/silicon and allow holding nutrients for later use after availability is gone or less, sticks to the roots)
.Increase resistance to diseases and infection
.Increased trichome size and count (trichomes use silicon as it is their main driver of size and trichomes do more than get you high, they can help defend against pests and all sorts of things on the exterior defense)
.Increased pest infestation resistance (difficult for pests to penetrate tight cell wall production)
I do add a silicone based product too. I'm using the Shogun range of nutrients. Perhaps I should boost the amount she needs.


Hydrogen peroxide kills both good and bad bacteria. It’s a nono. Beneficial bacteria’s is all the good that eats the bad. The biproduct is ALL nutrients become more available for the plant. Hydroguard has no benefits and is detrimental long term use.


Minimal silica. I only and always only use 1ml per 4 gallons.


But it depends on what you use. I have highly concentrated acid based silica. So I need less.


Hydrogen peroxide kills both good and bad bacteria. It’s a nono. Beneficial bacteria’s is all the good that eats the bad. The biproduct is ALL nutrients become more available for the plant. Hydroguard has no benefits and is detrimental long term use.
Would you know any product that is similar to Hydroguard? I asked the person in the shop last time and was told we not longer stock it.


Yes most any beneficial bacteria product that breaks down rotting or any organic matter.

I will warn you. That once you start using hydroguard, any abundance of nutrients gathers as gypsum, brown flakes like old fish food. That is why I mentioned to swap often as you will suck and clean a lot of that out every time until you’ve smashed it, you’ll see less and less of it on your equipment and in the water swapped out. Because it makes it so available, some are immobile and mostly calcium and sulfur is created. Creating gypsum. An overabundance of them in a collected form.


If you have light getting into the reservoir. Seal it up. All the way. Tape folded and stuck on as a lip. Do everything you can. Even the clear air hoses emit light as it travels down the tube and glowing in your bucket! Black air hoses are sexy.
IMG 9061


Less air bubbles promotes root growth, bigger and more of them. But you can’t be too low or you risk infection from lack of oxygen and most of those pathogens and bacteria’s steal oxygen. Thats why increasing oxygen helps the plant fight back. But if you’re splashing the pebbles because you Need the air high. Drop that water level to 6” away.


Pruning promotes root growth and putting attention to the roots. Therefore when doing all this, a light prune of a few lower leafs can help assist recovery of her root stress/rot! 🤙


If you LST, get them a little snugger the day after your stress recovery for an elongated recovery. At the cost of upward and top growth.


Wow okay that's a lot of things I need to be doing but if it needs doing then I better get cracking! I'll give them a mist tonight and see what I can get from my local shop that's not H202. I'll have to convince the person in the shop that the H202 method just isn't working as well as an organic approach would.

I'm fairly new to this. I've only done one plant before and I didn't get much at all from it as the same thing happened but last time it was solved fairly easily.

I'm going to look into LST tonight and see when I can get it to begin as I think the plants are still a little young.

Hopefully I can get this sorted as the plants are still looking healthy above ground so to speak. I have the 4 in the one tub at the moment until they're big enough to put into my 4 pot RDWC system I built which will be this weekend hopefully!
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