Dealing with smell in late flower



Howdy all

I know there are a ton of threads on this topic but none that are specific to my questions/concerns...

I'm rounding out week 7 of flower and the ladies have really started to stink the last several days and I suspect it will only get worse between now and the end of drying.

I have an exhaust fan hooked up to a carbon filter as well as an additional fan and carbon filter in the middle of my lung room...all that, after 2 carbon filters, and it still smells. I've noticed that some days it's worse than other days...why? The smell is about 95% contained to the basement although I wish it was 100% contained within the tent. Of the remaining 5%, I would say that 4% is leaking throughout my house and 1% is getting to the'll get an occasional whiff of it before it disappears. I have a portable AC unit hooked up and when that thing cranks on, the outside smells pretty bad if you are in front of the AC vent. Does anyone have a hack around this so the AC won't allow the smell to leave the house?

Is it safe to assume that with good, stinky bud, starting around week 7 things really start to stink and it only gets worse before it gets bagged? Or will the stank lower at some point between now and then? Is it more common for the ladies to smell with lights on or off, or does it not matter? I ask this because I might have my lights turn on at a different time to help combat this. Other than a carbon filter in lung room and one hooked to the exhaust fan in the tent, I also have baking soda on plates throughout the lung room. Does anyone have any other hacks they can share?

I'm thinking in the next run I'll hook up an exhaust fan to my lung room (pushing air outside) and connect that to a carbon filter. I figured if the already filtered air is being expelled constantly, and through a carbon filter, then I should take care of the smell, right? While also dealing with most of my humidity issues...?


I had the same problem with my portable ac, it was venting the smell outside BAD. I ended up running the ac exhaust into a barrel I cut a hole in the side of to pipe the ac exhaust into, then I cut a hole the lid the size of my carbon filter flange and ran screws thru the lid into the filter. I them mounted another in line fan to the filter and vent hose to outside. That fixed my issues as the ac was where my smell came from. The other filter in the grow room was being bypassed by the ac. I’ll try to post a pic in a few minutes.


I had the same problem with my portable ac, it was venting the smell outside BAD. I ended up running the ac exhaust into a barrel I cut a hole in the side of to pipe the ac exhaust into, then I cut a hole the lid the size of my carbon filter flange and ran screws thru the lid into the filter. I them mounted another in line fan to the filter and vent hose to outside. That fixed my issues as the ac was where my smell came from. The other filter in the grow room was being bypassed by the ac. I’ll try to post a pic in a few minutes.
“BAD” indeed. I suspect the smell mixed with the hot air just amplifies the stank


🐼 🚀 living soil
Howdy all

I know there are a ton of threads on this topic but none that are specific to my questions/concerns...

I'm rounding out week 7 of flower and the ladies have really started to stink the last several days and I suspect it will only get worse between now and the end of drying.

I have an exhaust fan hooked up to a carbon filter as well as an additional fan and carbon filter in the middle of my lung room...all that, after 2 carbon filters, and it still smells. I've noticed that some days it's worse than other days...why? The smell is about 95% contained to the basement although I wish it was 100% contained within the tent. Of the remaining 5%, I would say that 4% is leaking throughout my house and 1% is getting to the'll get an occasional whiff of it before it disappears. I have a portable AC unit hooked up and when that thing cranks on, the outside smells pretty bad if you are in front of the AC vent. Does anyone have a hack around this so the AC won't allow the smell to leave the house?

Is it safe to assume that with good, stinky bud, starting around week 7 things really start to stink and it only gets worse before it gets bagged? Or will the stank lower at some point between now and then? Is it more common for the ladies to smell with lights on or off, or does it not matter? I ask this because I might have my lights turn on at a different time to help combat this. Other than a carbon filter in lung room and one hooked to the exhaust fan in the tent, I also have baking soda on plates throughout the lung room. Does anyone have any other hacks they can share?

I'm thinking in the next run I'll hook up an exhaust fan to my lung room (pushing air outside) and connect that to a carbon filter. I figured if the already filtered air is being expelled constantly, and through a carbon filter, then I should take care of the smell, right? While also dealing with most of my humidity issues...?
Keep your extractor fan on high 24/7 if you want to limit smell. Once it slows down the smell leaks out more


Good call! I just now remembered that I lowered the speed recently so that's probably part of the problem. I'll test it out at 65% to 75% and see what happens. I'm trying to avoid running at 100% to help lower the elec bill but also because the aero fans are so god damn loud - I do not recommend, nor do I recommend Tent X to anyone.


You can also put a deodorizer in there , one called Damprid has replaceable wafers that do a decent job of absorbing odors. Strains like Northern Lights and White Widow have less smell than others.


Agree with other strains for sure, grew white widow last time and it hardly gives off any odor. I’ve used dryer sheets stuffed in the vent and that worked. Brings me back to smoking in my parents house where you’d stuff them in a paper towel tube and blow the smoke out so you didn’t get caught!😂
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