Federal Decriminalization

  • Thread starter Bean_Boy
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With the hemp grow I could have a AG inspection anytime, they just show up at the door when they want. Take samples and test.
They catch my marijuana grow call there buddies at the OLCC cops show up at my door fucking turn into a cluster fuck.
I keep it to cover my ass and try to stay in compliance with my plant count.

i totally understand and respect what you do. You have this shit figured out bro! I wish i was younger and healthier. I would be doing a lot more.
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All the hoops we / you have to jump through for this plant is ridicules and each one there's a cost plus tax. How did we ( the people ) allow these guys / Fucks to have so much power over our personal lives? Lawyers......Blame the fking lawyers....lol.....they sold us out.
it sure as hel wasn't the plumbers,carpenters,electricians, Barbers,fishermen ect. Lawyers...should be followed with spit. oops med time.

when we succeeded from england all the lawyers were supposed to be drowned.


There are sure a lot of ways for them to fine us now but of course i appreciate not fearing jail anymore.

But i still let my med card lapse and dont have to pay them to grow my 12 plants anymore with rec.

But honestly if it wasnt for my promise to mrs mmg to stay in plant count i would still do whatever i wanted.

at least we dont have to shoot our way out of trouble over a plant like the old days.

i feel bad for the poor police that tried to bust some of the growers i knew. Bad career decision.

Im a gun guy, i have several and used to have a massive collection. But i have to say im happy that our culture in Canada doesnt see them used very often. Even when we were growing in massive buildings with sometimes up to a hundred pounds in the back of the van, Nobody ever once carried a gun. You put a gun into the mix and it changes the dynamic of the situation.
Id personally rather go to jail or have my shit ripped off than kill someone or be killed over a plant.


Takes time brother, you’ll get where you want to be:)
And thank you, your to kind🤪

my health issues are progressive. I will slowly become more disabled. Mrs. Mmg is getting her cosmetology teaching degree to get a nice state job at the carreer tech center to carry us to our golden years. I am going to be merely supplemental for income i think.


Im a gun guy, i have several and used to have a massive collection. But i have to say im happy that our culture in Canada doesnt see them used very often. Even when we were growing in massive buildings with sometimes up to a hundred pounds in the back of the van, Nobody ever once carried a gun. You put a gun into the mix and it changes the dynamic of the situation.
Id personally rather go to jail or have my shit ripped off than kill someone or be killed over a plant.

yeah guns and getting high do not belong together. I have seen and been through a lot.

However guns to stay out of prison for 30 years for an unjust law...


didnt realize you arent in a rec state. Give it time. There is federal money to be made. They will test this out a few more years with the states and then go federal with it for the big money. Imo.
Yeah... that's just where I think it's worth looking into the periphery.
I know you progressive states have your complaints and I fully understand it. But you have fellow countrymen stuck in the dark ages.

There are states that are much worse than mine.

Thanks to the Amish suppliers drawing all the attention of law enforcement, I don't think anyone's really at high risk for small personal headstash things.
I've known people throughout most of my life that grow a few plants out in their backyard as long as you OK it with your neighbors.
But.. that doesn't mean they can't and won't make an example of people from time to time.
And if you're minority? Fucking forget about it.


Yeah... that's just where I think it's worth looking into the periphery.
I know you progressive states have your complaints and I fully understand it. But you have fellow countrymen stuck in the dark ages.

There are states that are much worse than mine.

Thanks to the Amish suppliers drawing all the attention of law enforcement, I don't think anyone's really at high risk for small personal headstash things.
I've known people throughout most of my life that grow a few plants out in their backyard as long as you OK it with your neighbors.
But.. that doesn't mean they can't and won't make an example of people from time to time.
And if you're minority? Fucking forget about it.

The reality of going to jail for a victimless crime trumps any other complaint. I have already paid my dues. Rule #1 tell no one. Its a hard rule.


The reality of going to jail for a victimless crime trumps any other complaint. I have already paid my dues. Rule #1 tell no one. Its a hard rule.
It really is. Luckily I've only had rippers.

Also don't drink even a drop and drive. Blew a .083 one time and that escalated into a whole lot of my life missing. And money that I didn't have.
One drop

One drop

Bush Doctor
Congrats you lucky lucky bastards ....... Just think of us convicts out here , stupid government here cutting off there own nose to spite our faces . OD .


I'm just a bit pissed because of who the gov allowed to grow, distribute and profit off pot. Ex cops , polititions & friends. Even while it was still illegal and they were building their stores to sell pot, internal advertising of the product saying Mellow, Relax, Enhance they where arresting and charging people for having possession of illegal substance because they had not yet dotted all their I's & crossed their T's on something that should never been illegal in the first place. These government Fks want control over every part of our lives and if someone figured out how to get high off Oak leaves the gov would ban or try to eradicate them from OUR countries. oops time for my meds...serenity now serenity now.
Before it was legal the former chief of police was in the process of getting his License to produce and distribute. I am sure his paperwork was rushed thru with no questions asked, but my papers have taken 3 months so far and no end in sight.
The government just wants to make money from pot instead of spending millions each year trying to stop people from having it. it is a big cash cow for them now and it's no different then alcohol in their eyes, and it's always been that way. Canada only made it illegal because the US government pushed us into it. then it became taboo and the average person felt it was a dangerous substance so the sheep followed what they were told to do. Finally it been opened up for the public. its still got issues but I can sit on my front porch and fire up and relax do different then smoking a cigarette.


Indoor strains were created because of the war on weed. Without government interference, weed is worth very little. If it ever starts getting legaly imported from all over the world, indoor growing would just be an expensive hobby.
I worked on a building that grows weed, solely for the purpose of being shipped to Germany. 5 tons at a time.


"Not only should you take the deal, you should be thanking me for offering it."

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Sacred Tree Organic Farms
The MORE act will never pass the senate because the corporations want cannabis as a schedule 2, not removed entirely.

As a schedule 2 drug it would be regulated by the FDA like other pharmaceuticals and completely out of reach of the small mom and pop growers or anyone without a boat load of cash.
Big agree. I think is what’s going to happen.


Sacred Tree Organic Farms
I’m on both sides. It’s weird. Being in the cannabis industry of CO the last 2 years (manager of a retail/now a commercial grower) I’ve seen many sides of atleast this states ins and outs.
The black market-now gray market is still booming. The tax money advocated for schools,road work, etc. isn’t being done. There’s many things going on that is better in the hands of people like us. REAL CANNABIS ENTHUSIASTS.
Letting corporate companies or people like jungle boys ruin our industry and flood it with bullshit genetics, false info, and monopoly is exactly what federal legalization will allow.

HOWEVER- this would also give the opportunity to growers that really want to make a difference. Me and my team set to dominate the Eastern United States with legalization progressing. Why? To help patients like ourselves be able to sustain life and have access to safe/effective organic cannabis products. We strive to keep the progression of cannabis and its wide usage continuously moving forward. Vs corporates who want to make quick money.

It is entirely going to be up to the citizens of the U.S. to advocate for the right things. Why would we want to smoke cheap weed? There’s no fun, enjoyment, or safety in it.
Keep real farmers in business and FUCK BIG PHARMA/CORPORATES.


I tend to look at it like craft beer. As long as there is a good choice available to the consumer I can vote with my wallet. You can drink Budweiser and Coors Light or you can drink some crazy backwoods farm brew thing you have to go fill up jugs yourself if you want... that's the beauty of capitalism..... sometimes.

But sometimes a lot of other factors like economics come into play.

It's great if you want to live an all organic vegan lifestyle and shop at Whole Foods and smoke the dankest living soil flower, but I hope you can afford it too ...because at least here in the US, its not a level playing field.


There are dozens of legal pot clinics all around my town and I rarely ever go into them. Once a year I will buy something. Im 100% home grown backyard boogie baby! Fuck big pharma and screw the Sacramento goon squad trying to get their filthy ass hands on the tax money. 🖕
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