First time grower looking to identify gender

  • Thread starter PiecEMakeR
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Hi THC Lovers, I am a complete noobie but I've been trying to get into growing for many years and finally decided I'll try to grow outdoors first and see what happens.

I told myself if these plants are successful, I'll get deeper into growing better strains and have more fun. Keep in mind, being from South Africa, growing mediums and specialized equipment are hard to come by. Which is why I chose outdoor growing to start with.

Since this is my first time, I went with easily obtainable local seeds and threw some in a pot and let nature run its course.

First time grower looking to identify gender

One of my first mistakes (I suppose) is having them all in one pot, as now I'm trying to identify which ones are male/female/herm and want better control over them. I also don't even know the pros and cons of having different genders except that female plants are more THC potent.

I'd really appreciate it if any of you could help me identify the genders and maybe give me an idea on what I should do. I also made the mistake of not writing down the date which these were planted but they're still young. Maybe 4-6weeks. The next few shots are closeups of some of these.

First time grower looking to identify gender 2

Is this one a herm? I see Calyx and Pistils but I also see pollen sacs?
First time grower looking to identify gender 3
This one looks female but there is a big sac also?
First time grower looking to identify gender 4
This one looks a lot like the first one, but with more sacs. Male?

My goal with growing these is to turn them into edibles, maybe cookies or whatever would work quicker. I used to smoke but have since stopped for personal reasons but my love for cannabis has never wavered. Being high helps my intention tremors immensely and makes me feel good. Any insight would be appreciated, thanks for going on this journey with me!



The Hermy pollinated the female, and I think the bottom picture is all male or hermy. Unfortunately you're not going to have a good harvest this time but next time invest in some quality seeds and you'll have a better outcome, best wishes.

Edit: or they could all be Hermes / male, I'm not sure about the middle pic but it's not good.


Burn them all nothing but pollen plants get some better seeds


Thank you for the replies, I'll trash em and start over properly. 1 seed per pot.

The season is changing rn and winter is looming, is it possible to grow outdoors in the winter? Thinking of maybe bringing the pot indoors with indirect sunlight. I don't currently have access to grow lights or a grow tent and as I explained, I'd like to have one successful harvest before going deeper into things


Only two that was left of the initial "trash" batch, thought I'd give them a go anyway. Pictures are of the bigger one. Not really sure which stage these are in now and what genders they are but they don't seem to have balls.
20240626 120011
20240626 120218


Only two that was left of the initial "trash" batch, thought I'd give them a go anyway. Pictures are of the bigger one. Not really sure which stage these are in now and what genders they are but they don't seem to have balls.
Looks like a flowering female to me 🤔


That's what I like to hear 😎

Anyone know more or less how far along these are? How many weeks before harvest? I don't mind waiting. 😂
Hard to say, from what I can tell I would guess its Like 1-2 weeks into the flowering period. Don't quote me tho. Without knowing the specific strain it's hard to Tell when harvest will be around but it highly depends on your location. Flowering Starts when the days get shorter and the light-spectrum becomes more Red. I suggest you ready the harvesting guide from RoyalQueenSeeds e.g. They have a detailed description in how to find the right time for harvest


Hard to say, from what I can tell I would guess its Like 1-2 weeks into the flowering period. Don't quote me tho. Without knowing the specific strain it's hard to Tell when harvest will be around but it highly depends on your location. Flowering Starts when the days get shorter and the light-spectrum becomes more Red. I suggest you ready the harvesting guide from RoyalQueenSeeds e.g. They have a detailed description in how to find the right time for harvest
Flowering could take 6-13 weeks depending ob your strain. You'll have to Check it every once in a while and Look at the Terpenes, 90% Brown Terpenes are a good indicator that you are getting Close to harvest. Definetley Invest in a pocket microscope though, it's worth it. Also keep it as far away from any herm/Male as possible or it'll get pollinated and stop producing THC to make seeds


Flowering could take 6-13 weeks depending ob your strain. You'll have to Check it every once in a while and Look at the Terpenes, 90% Brown Terpenes are a good indicator that you are getting Close to harvest. Definetley Invest in a pocket microscope though, it's worth it. Also keep it as far away from any herm/Male as possible or it'll get pollinated and stop producing THC to make seeds

Thank you, you've led me down an interesting read. It's amazing to see how deep science has gotten.
The name eludes me, but there was a documentary a few years ago detailing every aspect of cannabis. I'd love to find it again.

As for which strain, I imagine it being a type of skunk. Pungent and super sticky. Love it. 😆

I'll try the terpene charts and report back.
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