First time growing could use (lots of) advice

  • Thread starter Jedsdead
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They look like great, healthy plants! Mine aren’t so full looking but I’m a couple of weeks behind you I think.
My pots were too small to begin with, put them in 8ltr pots from seed and didn’t want to transplant them then. Considering that I haven’t fed mine in the flowering stage I think they’re doing alright. I’ve been watering them and did a nettle tea compost once last week that I knicked from my partners plant feed shelf. Supplies were low so I’ll have to sort my own from now on 😅
In all fairness, without hardly touching them, they’re looking good to me. pictures attached…if you’ve any recommendations..
I’d tidy up all those yellow leaves for sure but you definitely needed bigger pots. I definitely could have filled mine up a good bit more with compost too I was surprised how vigorously they grew (again impressive seeds) and I’m not convinced about having to start autos in the pot they finish in cos I didn’t and they are great. I’d definitely feed them well in these final stages but aren’t they just lovely, well done I bet you can’t wait for next year.
Would you consider breaking some more this year??


Yeah, I’ve got some bloom feed on the way. I’m impressed with the growth despite the small pots…I thought they were huge when I was dropping a tiny seed into them at first. I didn’t want to go buying loads of new things when this was my first time and I’ve got loads of stuff around the garden already…zero waste and all that.
Yeah I’m dying for next year already, I think I’ll hold off breaking anymore this year - after the solstice I’d be worried of the lower light at the end of cycle, though it’s tempting. Are you tempted?
I’m not set up for indoor growing but might look into it for the winter months when things are quieter.


I’m more curious than tempted I don’t think autos would be affected by the solstice, just a theory but I it’s been bred out of them, I may be very wrong.
I think if I grow any next year I’ll wait till May before breaking for better warmth and again I can’t stress enough the difference a light made and would encourage you to get one ready.
But all and all I’m delighted so far.
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