Flushing using ph water + calmag



He's referring to the old school hippy test to see if you fed enough magnesium to the plant. Product with not enough magnesium in it tends to not stay lit for long. White ash is a sign that enough mag is present in the flower.

OP.......please don't buy into the "flush" broscience. Taper your feed solutions down until you get to the last couple weeks then feed them a VERY weak solution. Like 250 - 300 ppm solution or even as little as 150 ppm.


He's referring to the old school hippy test to see if you fed enough magnesium to the plant. Product with not enough magnesium in it tends to not stay lit for long. White ash is a sign that enough mag is present in the flower.

OP.......please don't buy into the "flush" broscience. Taper your feed solutions down until you get to the last couple weeks then feed them a VERY weak solution. Like 250 - 300 ppm solution or even as little as 150 ppm.
I won’t flush but can I feed ph water + calmag as they fade?


Why use both calmag and Epsom salt?
It seems to help me avoid deficiencies in Mg & Ca, and the sulfur MAY support terpene development. That’s what I’m told, anyway. In every gallon of water or feed mix, I add 3/4 tsp of Epsom salt + 2.5 ml of CaMg. These plants appear to be pretty happy, with 4 wks to go.
IMG 5721
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