Fungus Gnats And Spinosad

  • Thread starter Savage Henry
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Dabbling in Oil
I got quite a few pics of one of the little buggers
20160904 190928
20160904 190933

I think this one may be different, it came from a different room...
20160904 190445

Are these root aphids @gravekat303 @Seamaiden ?


Dabbling in Oil
Mine look like they have a merged thorax and abdomen...
I might cry:crying2:
20160904 190913

My question is, if they are root aphids why are they coming out of my drain in a rarely used bathroom. Omw to bleach the drain now...
Hopefully the scanmask combo pack will take them and their friends out
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Savage Henry

Savage Henry

My question is, if they are root aphids why are they coming out of my drain in a rarely used bathroom. Omw to bleach the drain now...

Sounds like fungus gnats. They'll feed on ANY decaying organic matter. From what I understand Root aphids have more of selective diet. @We Solidarity did a shitload of research on RAs, check out his identification thread in the infirmary, his pics of the Flyers don't look like the ones you posted.


@DrMcSkunkins DO you have little mini maggot worms or little red beetle crawlers in the soil?


Dabbling in Oil
@DrMcSkunkins DO you have little mini maggot worms or little red beetle crawlers in the soil?
Not sure, I had a spider mite outbreak in the veg room 2 feet away from the flower room and I have been trying to keep things quarantined until I get things cleaned with vinegar and peroxide(walls etc), then I will get the girls out and inspect them further.

The FGs are breeding in the drain holes and I put two inches of perlite at the bottom of my pots and I am growing in coco. I also put about two inches of perlite on top of my coco and they crawl up and down through it, I think I may have said this b4, like a ball pit at chuck e cheese.

They do the same with any top dressing. The one without the top dressing, just coco perlite mix, no FGs swarm out when it is moved. Thats why people think they are root aphids.


Living dead girl
Im pretty sure I have RA and some type of mutant poison resistant fungus gnats, I also have spider mites and either thrips or earwigs are munching the edges of leaves...
I am just going to buy this and add them all, will the spinosad and neem already in my soil kill nematodes?
I've been on the horn with the gals down at Arbico and they have *never* steered me wrong. It looks like it could be the ticket for you here.


Living dead girl
Mine look like they have a merged thorax and abdomen...
I might cry:crying2:
View attachment 631425
My question is, if they are root aphids why are they coming out of my drain in a rarely used bathroom. Omw to bleach the drain now...
Hopefully the scanmask combo pack will take them and their friends out
Oh... crap. Well the good thing here is that a lot of people have had experience with them and can help advise you. If you can, catch the ones coming out of the drains, I have a feeling those are an actual Sciarid fly, not an aphid. I see no reason why the two couldn't or wouldn't coexist, either.

I really hope those nematodes work!


Dabbling in Oil
Some of the ones on my sticky traps look different, monsters in size comparison and the wings look longer.
20160905 140836
20160905 140812
20160905 140938

Are the bigger ones just well fed gnats or are those root aphids?


Dabbling in Oil
Upon my experimentation withtop dressing I have decided that gnat gnix sucks and perlite falls in at a close second for top dressings. They both hold moisture and allow the gnats to crawl down into it to the moisture and they love it.
I have a few without top dressing and they are way less infested than the ones with top dressings.
From now on I think I will top dress with sand, they can't crawl through it and the top dries out fast.


Dabbling in Oil
Oh... crap. Well the good thing here is that a lot of people have had experience with them and can help advise you. If you can, catch the ones coming out of the drains, I have a feeling those are an actual Sciarid fly, not an aphid. I see no reason why the two couldn't or wouldn't coexist, either.

I really hope those nematodes work!
I agree, the pics of a sciarid fly look exactly like the ones I have cought and smacked. I thought they might be aphids because they were black. Thank you, hopefully two of the triple nematode pack will get them.

If you look at the pics on google the sciarid fly has much longer legs than regular fungus gnats and the same for the ones on my traps.


cinamin dude pour a shit load after each watering on top of soil no need to worry about adults there on the end of there life cycle or diy sulfer burner


Living dead girl
Been there, done that, doesn't work, especially once you start watering the plants. Not sure what the S will do here, either. I know it's entirely ineffective against spider mites and other bugs unless it's actively burning/vaporizing.

I REALLY wanted the cinnamon to work, too. Smells like Christmas!

@DrMcSkunkins I'm on a Tablet right now and can't quite see the difference in sizes between those, but the way I tell the difference between is that the RAs are *very* black, and their wings are different. I can't see the tail pipes or the aphids on the roots themselves (that's the real tell, unpot one of your girls and examine those roots, if you see aphids, that's it right there. If you see FG larvae, then that's it right there) so I have to go by the wings.


Dabbling in Oil
I used part of the two nemattack nematodes today, there were a few fliers as always when I opened the door. I took about half of what was in both packages and dissolved it into water and added nutes. When I PHed it the ph was between 3 and 4 so I adjusted it and watered as normal. Hopefully the nutes, ph up, and various pesticides I tried before won't kill the nematodes.


RAs that I've seen are definitely not reddish, they are BLACK. How do their wings lay on their back? When I hear reddish small fly, I think fruit fly. Of course, growing up during the whole Mediterranean fruit fly thing put them in my eyes. Let me go do a quick search on the wings of FGs vs RAs. They look awfully similar but their life cycles are very different.

OK, I think I got the wing thing switched, it looks like the FG wings come together like praying hands, the RA wings lie flat.

But again, reddish suggests another Sciarid fly, not any kind of aphid with a flyer cycle.

if you have a sick plant, fungus gnats can spread it to all your healthy neighboring plant friends. They can also vector several different fungal root rots, including ones called Fusarium and Pythium, and even foliage pathogens like Botrytis. And as if that’s not bad enough, fungus gnat larvae make breakfast, lunch and dinner out of your plant roots.

progressive option clones HAVE fungus gnats and botrytis.

soil drench is a must... sticky traps are so-so..


Thats just BTI mosquito dunks, no?
Yes mosquito dunks is the way to go. Crumble a dunk and mix it into your medium.3 to 4 weeks
later no more gnats. It's that simple and if you use it at the beginning no fungus gnat problem period.
One dunk can supply enough to do many potted plants.


Yes mosquito dunks is the way to go. Crumble a dunk and mix it into your medium.3 to 4 weeks
later no more gnats. It's that simple and if you use it at the beginning no fungus gnat problem period.
One dunk can supply enough to do many potted plants.
I believe ALL store bought EWCs have gnat larvae.
I have used Mosquitos Dunks (2% BTi) and found them to be a waste of money. I prefer to use MicroBelift which uses (8%BTi) but if you can afford it, gnatrol (20%+) is the way to go IMO. The 2" layer of DE is key though.


Dabbling in Oil
Unless you have some type of bti resistant super gnats that drink bti for breakfast like I had, then its nematodes or nothing.
I believe ALL store bought EWCs have gnat larvae.
I have used Mosquitos Dunks (2% BTi) and found them to be a waste of money. I prefer to use MicroBelift which uses (8%BTi) but if you can afford it, gnatrol (20%+) is the way to go IMO. The 2" layer of DE is key though.
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